ХІV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE «BLACK SEA GRAIN-2017» “Black Sea Grain: Wind of Change” Discussion Panel: « Upgrading logistics system as a factor of regional competitiveness » Ms. Sunchica Savovic Association Serbia Grains
Danube Pan-European Corridor VII
Total storage capacity on Danube/Serbia – 224.000 tons Danube ports in Serbia Total storage capacity on Danube/Serbia – 224.000 tons Port / Grain storage capacity Port / Grain storage capacity 1. Bogojevo 40.000 t 6. Beograd 40.000 t 2. Apatin direct manipulation 7. Pančevo 50.000 t 3. Bačka Palanka direct manipulation 8. Smederevo direct manipulation 4. Beočin 24.000 t 9. Prahovo 5.000 t 5. Novi Sad 65.000 t
SERBIAN EXPORT WHEAT QUALITY Parameter PROTEIN content 12,5 % 12 % 11,5 % FEED wheat TEST WEIGHT kg/h min 78 76 72 Hagberg falling no. sec 250 240 230 / Gluten % 25 24 23 Moisture content max 14 W min 180 150 Foreign matters 2 Bug damage 1 Association Serbia Grains
SERBIAN EXPORT YELLOW CORN QUALITY MOISTURE 14% max Pesticides, herbicides, toxins, heavy metals as per latest EU regulation Aflatoxin B1 : 10 ppb max DAMAGED KERNELS 5% MAX ( incl. 3% max heat damaged) BROKEN KERNELS 5% max FOREIGN MATTERS 2% max Acc. to the Law applicable from 2009 Serbia is exclusively producing NON-GMO grains/oilseeds
Corn suppliers to Egypt ( Jan-Feb 2017 ) acc. to the quantity ORIGIN JANUARY FEBRUARY TOTAL 1. UKRAINE 386,680 221,675 608,355 2. USA 58,857 30,798 89,673 3. BRAZIL 49,023 - 4. SERBIA 31,979 5. ROMANIA 25,257 6. BULGARIA 20,524 FAO trade sources in Egypt
Expected export from Serbia in marketing year 2016/17
Expected world WHEAT export and import in marketing year 2016/17 COUNTRY EXPORT mil. tons IMPORT Russia 28,5 Egypt 11,8 USA 27,9 Indonesia 9,0 EU- 28 25,5 Algeria 8,2 Australia 24,5 Brasil 6,7 Canada 21,0 EU 6,0 Ukraine 16,5 Japan 5,8 Argentina 8,9 Morocco 5,5 Kazakhstan 7,5 Mexico 4,6 Serbia 1,3 South Korea 4,5 in blue : countries that export from Black Sea region ( I column ) , and traditionally import from Black Sea region ( III column) data source : USDA and Association Serbia Grains
Expected world CORN export and import in marketing year 2016/17 COUNTRY EXPORT mil. tons IMPORT USA 56,5 Japan 15,0 Brasil 28,0 Mexico 13,8 Argentina 25,0 EU 13,1 Ukraine 18,7 South Korea 9,8 Russia 5,3 Egypt 9,0 Serbia 3,2 Iran 7,5 Paraguay 2,3 Colombia 4,8 2,0 Taiwan 4,6 in blue : countries that export from Black Sea region ( I column ) , and traditionally import from Black Sea region ( III column) data source : USDA and Association Serbia Grains
Main constraints for investment in Danube grain storage and logistics/export development in Serbia: Unclear relationship of ownership and ports management; Complicated procedures for obtaining permits for construction in ports; Port taxes and fees; Disorganized Danube waterway.
Reasons for investment in Serbia Danube grain storage and logistics development: Growth of export quantities from year to year. NON GMO grains and oilseeds wanted in the world. Need for construction of new grain terminals. Possibility of transport from the Black Sea to the North Sea due to Pan-European corridor VII .
Association Serbia Grains Thank you for yor attention! Association Serbia Grains www.zitasrbije.rs + 381 11 / 3220.241, 3220.243, 3227.845