Working Group Report 2016 Quality Measurement of Agricultural Products (QMAP) Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), AIST.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Group Report 2016 Quality Measurement of Agricultural Products (QMAP) Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), AIST at 23rd APLMF WG Meetings and Forum Meeting 23-25 November, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan

SECTION 1 – Annual Report of 2016 1. 1 SECTION 1 – Annual Report of 2016 1.1. Training courses on grain / rice moisture measurement This WG has conducted a total of 11 training courses and workshops since 2001. In the recent 4 years, training courses on traceability in rice moisture measurement have been conducted 3 times in Indonesia (May, 2012), Thailand (Nov. 2013) and Cambodia (Nov. 2015) with great support by the host economies. This training program has been also with MEDEA (Metrology: Enabling Developing Economies within Asia) project since 2015.

APLMF Training Courses / Workshops on Rice Moisture Measurement and Quality of Agricultural Products Course Title Date (d/m/y) Place (Host) Trainers / Speakers Trainees Study tour for rice moisture measurement 30/9-5/10/2001 Several places in Japan (NMIJ) I. Akamatsu (NMIJ) and others (JP) 9 from 7 econ. Training courses on traceability of rice moisture meters (partly supported by APEC) 19-30/8/2002 Khon Kaen, Thailand (CBWM) Akamatsu, H. Tanaka (NMIJ), T. Watanabe & N.Yoshida (Kett Elec.Lab.) 23 from 7 econ. 30/8-10/9/2004 Bien-hoa, Vietnam (STAMEQ) Akamatsu (NMIJ), Watanabe, Yoshida & T. Suzuki (Kett Co.) About 20 11-29/11/2004 Chiang Mai, Thailand (CBWM) Akamatsu, Tanaka (NMIJ), Watanabe, Yoshida & M.Yabe (Kett) About 23 from ASEAN 15-26/8/2005 Manila, Philippines (ITDI) Akamatsu, Tanaka (NMIJ), Watanabe & Yoshida (Kett) From ASEAN Workshops on metrology of agricultural products and food safety (supported by APEC) 7-9/2/2007 24 from 11 econ. including JP About 80 incl. speakers 4-6/6/2008 Hangzhou, PR China (AQSIQ) 24 from 14 econ. including JP About 70 including speakers 23-25/9/2009 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (STAMEQ) 18 from 10 econ. including JP 20 from 11 economies Training courses on traceability in rice moisture measurement (supported by MEDEA for 2015->) 28/5-1/6/2012 Bandung, Indonesia (DoM) T. Matsumoto (NMIJ), Yoshida & Yabe (Kett) 36 from 3 economies 25-29/11/2013 Matsumoto, Yoshida, Yabe, K. Emori & H. Noji (Kett). 33 from 8 economies 16-20/11/2015 Phnom Penh, Cambodia (NMC) Matsumoto, Yoshida, Yabe, Emori & R. Talahashi (Kett). 20 (+10 obs.) from 8 economies 2017? Calling for a host economy. Matsumoto, Kett Elec. Lab. and ? From APLMF/APMP

MEDEA Training Course on Traceability in Rice Moisture Measurement in Nov. 2015 Conducted at a hotel and the institute in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 16-20 November, 2015 hosted by NMC (National Metrology Center). 20 trainees + 10 observers attended from 8 economies; Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. Five trainers served for the course: Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto (NMIJ), Mr. Norihiro Yoshida, Ms. Mihoko Yabe, Mr. Kenji Emori, Mr. Rikiya Takahashi (Kett Electric Laboratory) One-day lecture and 4-days practical activities in 2 groups. Equipment including ovens, precise balances and electrical/capacitance moisture meters were provided by NMC and Kett Elec. Lab. Reference samples of rice were provided locally by NMC. A technical tour was provided on the final day.

Training course on rice moisture in Cambodia in 2015

MEDEA Training Course on Traceability in Rice Moisture Measurement OUTCOMES & SUMMARY A strong need for continuing training in grain (rice) moisture measurement. A need for a method to prevent a fraud by cheating the moisture meters. A lecture and practice to adjust moisture meters was also requested. A need for a lecture to evaluate measurement uncertainty for rice moisture meters including a worksheet for calculation. More practical lecture to adjust moisture content of grain samples. Cover a wider range of products including wheat, corn, soybean, coffee etc. The WG requested trainees to be trainers in each economy and lead a regional training program. The WG welcomes additional trainers or speakers for a training course in the future.

1.2. Support for other training courses MEDEA Training Course on Mass Standards in Aug-Sep. 2016 Conducted at a hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia on 30 August-1 September, 2016 hosted by Directorate of Metrology (DoM), Ministry of Trade. 21 trainees + 8 observers attended from 13 economies; Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. Five coordinators/trainers served for this course: Mr. Julian Crane (APLMF Secretariat in MBIE), Mr. Masaaki Ueki, Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Mr. Tsutomu Horikoshi and Mr. Nobuhiko Azami (NMIJ). 2.5 days lecture and a 0.5 day practical activities in 3 groups. Equipment including set weights and balances were provided by DoM and brought from Bandung.

Training course on mass standards in Indonesia in 2016 8

MEDEA Training Course on Mass Standards OUTCOMES & SUMMARY Mixed program of APLMF & APMP. Backgrounds of the participants were separated evenly to (1) scientific metrology (2) legal metrology & (3) both. Main topic was sub-multiple calibration method (used at the highest level of traceability). Some participants requested a globally-accepted calibration method (Not in present. The trainers encouraged to develop an own method). Legal metrology participants requested training on verification of NAWI and comparison of weights with the same value (used in middle / lower level). Method to evaluate uncertainty in the conventional mass of weights including its factors (density, temperature, humidity, pressure, magnetism…). Many participants admitted the importance of practical activity. There was a strong need for continuing training in mass standards. The APLMF Secretary provided brief summaries on economy reports and action plans.  Recommended WG chair realized a big diversity in concerns in APLMF & APMP.

1.3. APLMF Guide Document on Rice Moisture Measurement Second draft (2DR) has been proposed with minor revisions. It provides practical procedures for use and traceability which are not covered by OIML Rec. and used as a text book in training courses. Considering the fact that no comments have been submitted to the 1st draft (1DR) for one year, WG proposes this procedure. Seek comments from the member economies for three months, 2DR is considered to be approved if there are no comments requiring substantial amendments, and The official document would be uploaded on the APLMF website.

1.4. Contribution to OIML TC 17/SC 1 and TC 17/ SC 8 WG has been monitoring the activities of OIML TC 17/SC 1 (humidity) and TC 17/SC 8 (instruments for quality analysis of agricultural products). TC 17/SC 1 on R 59 Moisture Meters for Cereal Grains and Oilseeds (1984): A long discussion for revising the present version has been finished. FDR (Final Draft Rec.) of R 59 was approved at 51st CIML meeting in October, 2016. It will be published shortly. TC 17/SC 8 on Protein Measuring Instruments for Cereal Grains and Oilseeds (New): A long discussion to draft a new recommendation has been finished. FDR was approved at the 51st CIML meeting. It will be published too. The WG submitted many comments in these OIML projects for more than 10 years. Meeting in 2013

1.5. Cooperation with BIPM and APMP on moisture measurement WG has exchanged information on grain moisture measurement with the experts in scientific metrology including APMP (Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme). On 10 November, 2016, the chairperson provided an introduction on grain moisture measurement at the APEC Regional Workshop on Measurement and Standards for Grain Food Safety and Free Trade in Viet Nam which was held before the APMP meetings. Though the main topic was CRMs (certified reference materials), many participants had concerns on this topic on grain moisture. WG realized that grain moisture is one of the common topics for both scientific & legal metrology. The presentation slides are provided for this WG meeting.

SECTION 2 – 2017 Work Plan Plan the next training course on grain moisture measurement. WG calls for host economies in the future. Another policy is recruitment of competent trainees as the trainers. Considering the matured contents, it is encouraged to transfer training activities to a regional or national level, even partly. WG encourages trainees to participate in the next course as assistant trainers. Continue to seek comments on the Guide Document on Rice Moisture Measurement. The WG hopes the official version would be uploaded on the APLMF website for the benefit of the member economies. Contribute to OIML TC 17/SC 1 and TC 17/SC 8 even after the two new recommendations are published. The WG aims to contribute to harmonize between the activities of OIML and APLMF in agricultural measurements. Monitoring activities of BIPM and APMP on grain moisture measurement. They recognize the importance of grain moisture measurement as an important application of scientific metrology. Support MEDEA training courses as a CC (Coordination Committee) member.

Thank you for your kind attention! Tsuyoshi Matsumoto <>