100% ELE STUDY PACK III Speaking Tasks
(Student B will start the conversation.) (Start the conversation.) STUDENT A (Student B will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Start the conversation.) TASK1 You are an old woman/man. While you are crossing the road, you fall to the ground in the street. A young woman/man comes and asks about the problem. Say the problem. S/he offers to call an ambulance. Accept the offer. Thank him/her. While you are walking in the street, you see that an old woman/man has fallen to the ground. You want to help him/her. Ask about the problem. Offer to call an ambulance. When your friend thanks to you, give a response to him/her.
(Student B will start the conversation.) (Start the conversation.) STUDENT A (Student B will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Start the conversation.) TASK2 You had a terrible weekend. You went to a concert with your sister, but it rained all night. You all got wet, and you became ill. Your friend asks about your weekend. Tell him/her that your weekend was terrible. Tell him/her what happened that day. You meet your friend and ask him/her about his/her weekend. Ask him/her how her/his weekend was. Ask him/her where s/he went. Ask him/her who s/he went with. Ask him/her what happened and why it was terrible.
(Student B will start the conversation.) (Start the conversation.) STUDENT A (Student B will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Start the conversation.) TASK3 You are a businessman/woman. You call Mr. Clark’s office, and want to talk to him about the coming meeting. Introduce yourself to the secretary. Ask for Mr. Clark. Leave a message for him to call you back. Give your number. Thank the secretary. You are a secretary at Mr. Clark’s office. Answer the phone. Say Mr. Clark isn’t in the office. Ask if you can take a message. Ask for A’s telephone number. Check for the number. End the phone call.
(Start the conversation.) (Student A will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation.) You need a job. Go to the Job Finder Company. An assistant will help you. Ask him/her questions using the cues below: Available jobs? Which industry and what kind of workplaces? Salaries, holidays, other conditions and perks? Necessary skills and dangerous tasks? You are an assistant at the Job Finder Company. A person needs a job. Answer his/her questions using the cues below: Cleaning staff, secretary, and office manager Sales and marketing, the food industry Depends on the job (Give examples.) Computer skills and foreign languages, no danger TASK4
(Start the conversation.) (Student A will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation.) TASK5 You are organising a surprise birthday party for your best friend, but there have been some changes in the plans. So, call the restaurant where you are going to have dinner, and change your reservation. From October 22nd to October 29th. From 8:00 to 6:00 p.m. From 10 people to 15 people. From steak (as the main course) to fish. You work for a restaurant, and some people have planned to come to the restaurant for a birthday party. One of them calls you to change the reservation. Make changes if possible. Date: OK. Time: 7:00 p.m.? (no available table at 6:00 p.m.) Number of people: OK Main Course: Not serving fish in this season. Chicken?
(Start the conversation.) (Student A will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation.) TASK6 You are an instructor at a university, and one of your students seems really stressed in the class. Talk to him/her after the class. Ask him/her about his/her problem. Give him/her some advice. Tell him/her to visit you some time later. You are a student at university. You are always stressed in the class because you are frightened to speak in front of others. Talk to your teacher about your problem. Tell him/her your problem. Tell him/her what you have done before to solve this problem Thank for the advice.
(Student B will start the conversation.) (Start the conversation.) STUDENT A (Student B will start the conversation.) STUDENT B (Start the conversation.) TASK7 You are a student, and you know a bit of German. You want to improve your language, so you have decided to go to a language course. Explain your situation. Ask him/her about his/her experiences (when he first started learning German) Tell how you study and ask if it is good to do so. Thank the secretary. You are a part-time secretary at a language course, and also a university student studying German. A student wants to improve his/her German. Greet the student and introduce yourself. Talk about your past experiences. Give some advice about studying methods. Finish the conversation.