Accountability System Ratings Indicators HB2804 Domain 4
House Bill 2804 Facts During the 84th legislative session (2015) HB 2804 was passed. HB 2804: Modifies the accountability specifications Identifies criteria in 5 domains
House Bill 2804 Facts Accountability ratings specified in HB 2804 become effective in August 2018. New data will need to be collected in the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years to calculate Accountability ratings as prescribed by HB 2804.
House Bill 2804 Facts Data for the first, second, and third domains pertain to assessments. This data already exists or can be calculated from data that already exists, therefore no new information needs to be obtained.
E1574 – FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE New Element for 2016-2017 school year. Reported in Submission 1 and 3. Possible to be reported multiple years If a student receives this indicator in 7th grade, they will be reported with it for 8th grade as well.
E1574 – FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE Indicates whether a student in grades seven or eight has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, and a career that includes information regarding: the creation of a high school personal graduation plan under TEC28.02121, the distinguished level of achievement described by TEC28.025(b-15), each endorsement described by TEC28.025(c-1), college readiness standards, potential career choices and the education needed to enter those careers.
FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE – Validation Rules 7th and 8th grade students must be reported with the indicator.
E1589 – MILITARY-ENLISTMENT-INDICATOR-CODE New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Per TEC 39.053(c)(4)(a)(ix) – TEA is to collect the percentage of students who enlist in the armed forces of the United States (after graduation). The MILITARY-ENLISTMENT-INDICATOR-CODE is applicable to all graduates regardless of graduation plan.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1585 – BILINGUALISM-BILITERACY-PERFORMANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates whether a FHSP student graduate has earned a performance acknowledgement for outstanding performance in bilingualism or biliteracy. Code Table 211.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1584 – AP-IB PERFORMANCE-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates whether a FHSP student graduate has earned a performance acknowledgement for outstanding performance on a College Board AP test or IB examination. Code Table 211.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1586 – FIRST-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates the first nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license earned by a Foundation High School Program student graduate. Code Table C214.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1592– SECOND-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates the second nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license earned by a Foundation High School Program student graduate. (Not Mandatory) Code Table C214.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1593– THIRD-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates the third nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license earned by a Foundation High School Program student graduate. (Not Mandatory) Code Table C214.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1587 – COLLEGE-READINESS-ASSESSMENTS PERFORMANCE-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates whether a FHSP student graduate has earned a performance acknowledgement for outstanding performance on the PSAT, the ACT-Plan, the SAT, or the ACT. Code Table 211.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students E1588 – DUAL-CREDIT PERFORMANCE-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT New element for the 2017-2018 school year. Reported in Submission 1. Indicates whether a FHSP student graduate has earned a performance acknowledgement for outstanding performance in a dual credit course. Code Table 211.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students – code table 211 This table is used for all Performance Acknowledgements except the Industry Certifications (E1586, E1592, E1593).
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students – code table 214 This code table is used for the three industry certification elements (E1586 – FIRST-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE, E1592 – SECOND-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE, E1593 – THIRD-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE) The initial list of certifications was pulled from the Perkins Effectiveness Report. It was then vetted by the Commissioner of Education and open to public comment.
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students – code table 214
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students – code table 214
Performance Acknowledgements for FHSP Students – code table 214
Accountability Ratings How the 5 Domains contribute to the accountability ratings: Domains 1, 2, and 3 contribute a max of 55% of the score. Domain 4 contributes a max of 35% of the score. Domain 5 contributes a max of 10% of the score.