Week Nine: Organizations, Socialization and Motivation PIA 2020 Week Nine: Organizations, Socialization and Motivation
Organizational Culture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FRVvjGL2C0 A Public Inquiry: Yes Minister
Can Bureaucracy be Reformed? Question of the Week Public Organizations Can Bureaucracy be Reformed?
Overview A Cultural Approach Political Culture Organizational Culture Values and Motivation Socialization
I. The Cultural Approach An Ideal?
Thesis Political, Administrative Culture and Socialization have a major impact on organizational behavior. Question to Return to: Can we Reform or Reinvent Government given Premises about Organizations and Socialization. (Osborne and Gabler)
The Multi- Cultural Issue: Two Assumptions 1. Many cultures: regional, administrative, ethnic, professional, etc. including hierarchy of values 2. These are effected by historical origin, race, gender, education, region, etc.
Austro-Hungarian Empire: What is the Culture Today?
Europe 2006 to 2014? Crisis: Does Europe deal with it differently?
The Key Three dimensions of Culture
Three components of Culture a. Information and Measurable Understanding b. Beliefs and Values c. Emotions
The Cognitive Dimension- What people know. a. The set of historical and cultural information to which any native of the society is automatically tuned in b. All societies have their peculiarities which are part of their political culture
Empirical Information acquired by means of observation or experimentation
The Evaluative Dimension- Not the is but the what ought to be a. Normative- What is good and bad b. U.S.- Military service good, welfare cheaters bad
a. Symbolism and myth, anthems and flags The Emotive Dimension- The emotional attachment that people have to their political system a. Symbolism and myth, anthems and flags b. Provides the strength of values c. Nationalism- “My country right or wrong”
Components of Culture
II. Political Culture
The Concept of Political Culture a. People are tied to a unique web of historical experiences b. Assumption: From the general culture one can extract out the salient aspects of that culture that relate to political behavior and organizational and administrative traditions
Swedish Political Culture
What does this represent?
The Way Things Are Learned May be cognitive, evaluative or emotional Vague Patriotic image- eg. U.S. paternal- President as "super-friend" and father image (shattered by Watergate and post-Watergate- See Bob Woodward’s Books About Bush (and Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin) Societal and community definitions Personal identification with government
Values and Learning SNL “Bob Woodward and Watergate: Arrested for Treason?” (Fake)
THESIS Political Culture can predict political behavior Culture limits the action of citizens and administrators, channels demands and excludes certain possible policy options Changing the Organizational Culture Reforms the Organization
China Image: Does Political Culture Make a Difference?
Emperor and Empress of India: Why are British Colonies Different?
Pakistan: Muslim League Leaders – Issue of Secularism?
Danish Peasant Culture: The Happy Scandinavians?
Copenhagen, Denmark and the “Happy Danes”
Satire and Culture The Tina Fey Sketch Is it a Positive for Society? Satire vs. Reality Is it a Positive for Society?
Ten Minute Break
II. Organizational Culture as a Sub-Political Culture?
Organizational Culture: The Ideal Type
Danish Political Culture: Re. Housing Organizational Sub-Cultures Groups 1, 2 and 4 constitute the traditional political culture, also found in the labour movement, Groups 3 and 6 constitute a user-oriented political culture based on functional participation in single issues; whereas group 7 contains the very active political elite.
Organizations and Administrative Culture: Overview Socialization and Bureaucratic Behavior The Concept of political and Administrative Culture A mixture of elite and mass culture
The Concept Continued Organizational Culture is a sub-set of broader cultural assumptions In looking for evidence of a political or an administrative culture we are looking for a set of representative values for the people of that society
IV. Values and Motivation Money (Theory X) vs. Human Relations (Theory Y)
Motivation and Organizations 1. Theory X vs. Theory Y= Theory Z (Douglas McGregor) 2. Maslov’s Hierarchy: Basic needs, social needs and ego needs 3. Application of Theories of Motivation outside the U.S. Case Study (China, Korea, South Africa and Brazil) 4. The Special problem of Fragile and Collapsed states. 5. The Importance of a Motivation Theory in a Country Such as Guinea Conakry
The Hierarchy of Needs Redux
The Impact of Organizations
V. Socialization
Socialization 1. Process by which political attitudes are formed and maintained 2. Acquisition of values, beliefs, and knowledge about the political system on both the individual and community level 3. Cultural transmission across generations- the introduction of new generations to the beliefs and values of the old
Socialization: Impact on Values and Culture
Levels of Socialization a. Primary- Most important: occurs within the family b. Secondary- Everything else before adulthood, school, peers, national and regional- it is here that cultural engineering occurs c. Tertiary- Professional and Organizational- Begins with University. Issue how specialization of bureaucratic elites is related to socialization and education
Philippine Military Academy cadets-- good examples of the workings of cultural transmission
Socialization- Continued Can be a conscious or an unconscious effort- as to how attitudes towards policy are formed Issue of Cultural Engineering- Ideological and explicit Revolutionary & Developmental Societies- Ideological and explicit
Cultural Engineering?
Socialization- Continued U.S. and Western Europe- mostly indirect (Instrumental and implicit) Often hidden within a pragmatic, fairly loose value system
Cliff Joseph, 1968 (Note Blindfolds)
The Crux of the Issue Socialization: Mass vs. elite (vs. Organizational) socialization
Socialization and Public Service John Armstrong- The European Administrative Elite European culture is caste based Armstrong is a conservative Marxist
Europe and Class
Class and Governance Derk Jan Eppink:
Armstrong’s Thesis Asynchronous Comparison Status, Role Theory and Counter-Roles Socialization and the Diffusion of Development Doctrines The Prefect as Territorial Administrator and role in Praetorian Intervention
An Organizational Culture Guinea Conakry Guinea’s Prefect as a Rent-Seeking Predator
Return to the Question Can we Reform or Reinvent Government given Premises about Socialization and Organizational Development?