Essay Planning LO: How do I plan a successful comparative essay? What does a good essay look like?
AOs for dystopian comparison
3 comparison paragraphs Conclusion ‘Dystopian fiction often paints a frightening picture of the future.’ By comparing at least two texts prescribed for this topic, explore how far you agree with this view. How will I plan my essay? Introduction 3 comparison paragraphs Conclusion Pupils use the debate to write a post-it note summary of how they would respond to this question. LO: To evaluate the presentation of “the future” in dystopian novels To compare how 1984 and AHT present the future 3
PCQA: Using this structure will help you to meet this criteria. Dystopian fiction often paints a frightening picture of the future.’ By comparing at least two texts prescribed for this topic, explore how far you agree with this view. PCQA: Using this structure will help you to meet this criteria. Both texts present disturbing ideas about loss of individual control and freedom…as a feature central to their vision of the future. Orwell shows how Winston… Atwood’s Offred also … For Orwell the experience of fighting in the Spanish Civil War… According to __________ criticism/critic, it can be argued that 1984 is… Atwood too was concerned about individual freedom and in particular, the impact of religious extremism on women. Her experience of… A feminist critical view would suggest… In 1984 this sense of loss of freedom is particularly explored when…quotes In A Handmaid’s Tale, the episode when …illustrates… quotes One could argue that Orwell’s picture of the future is here more… However, from the perspective of…. Select two strong students to perform the role play to the class. LO: To understand and explore how to write effective comparative paragraphs 4
Look at this paragraph. Can you highlight where each AO is addressed? Write down: One thing you think is awesome about this answer. One think you think you could do better. Be prepared to feedback these ideas.
Signpost sentences What is the job of a signpost sentence? How many do you need? Signpost sentence tells us what you’ll be discussing in your comparison paragraph. It should relate to and build on your line of argument.
Where is the signpost sentence?
Statements for essays ‘Dystopian fiction projects our darkest fears of the present day into an imagined but very near future.’ ‘Writers of dystopian fiction explore the dire consequences of societies collective failure to challenge false authority.’ ‘Dystopian fiction is always a mirror to society – it shows us who we really are.’ ‘Much dystopian fiction serves to warn us about the corruption in our social and political institutions – but we never learn and we never listen.’
Print on A5 – use as a resource to annotate and explore in discussions – pupils should use a whole double page spread in their books. 9
Atwood’s ending is better than Orwell’s. The End of 1984: ‘He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving beast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.’ The End of The Handmaid’s Tale: ‘The Commander puts his hand to his head. What have I been saying, comma, to whom, and which one of his enemies has found out? Possibly he will be a security risk, now. I am above him, looking down; he is shrinking. There have already been purges among them, there will be more. Serena Joy goes white. “Bitch”, she says, “After all he did for you”. Cora and Rita press through from the kitchen. Cora has begun to cry. I was her hope, I failed her. Now she will always be childless. The van waits in the driveway, its double doors stand open. The two of them, one on either side now, take me by the elbows to help me in. Whether this is my end or new beginning I have no way of knowing: I have given myself over into the hands of strangers, because it cant be helped. And so I step up, into the darkness within; or else the light.‘ Discuss initial ideas in pairs first. Give each pair either similarities or differences. Speed date for feedback with different people on differences and similarities – 5 mins LO: To explore a range of comparisons between Orwell and Atwood’s endings To evaluate how far each author’s ending is ‘effective’ 10