Starting a Library Friends Group February 29, 2012 Need Some Friends? Starting a Library Friends Group February 29, 2012
Of course you do . . . A library Friends group consists of motivated people in a community who understand the value and benefits of the library. They volunteers their time, services, and support to enhance library programs.
Purpose of Friends What do Friends do? Working in concert with the library director and Library Board, Friends groups raise money to purchase books, equipment, and other needs for the library
Purpose continued Friends plan and carry out special events volunteer at the library provide labor for projects advocate for the library organize book clubs lend expertise
How Do Friends Get Started? New building or addition Space needs identified New director Budget crisis Cuts in materials Cuts in service
Why Friends Groups begin Gap in service No automation No programs for certain groups Population areas not served Target groups underserved Increased demand Need more stuff New formats Service crisis – flood, fire
Starting a Library Friends Group First steps Developing a mission statement Establishing communication and structure
Starting continued Recruiting members Achieving nonprofit status Fundraising Advocacy
First Steps Identifying key members of your community Organizational meeting Talking about library needs Listening
Developing a Mission Statement Stealing/cribbing/borrowing is perfectly fine Example: Here is the mission statement of the Friends of Dubuque County Library: The Friends of Dubuque County Library are book lovers, information seekers, readers, listeners, music and movie buffs. We are both young and old, with varying interests and backgrounds. We all treasure ideas and value the Dubuque County Library. We believe that the Dubuque County Library is an excellent library, ready to serve the whole community. The Friends support library programs, raise money for special purposes, volunteer to do projects, promote community awareness of libraries, and support the library through advocacy in the community.
Mission Statement Elements: Who are you? What does the group do? How do they do it?
Establishing Communication and Structure Core group and officers Contact Lists Email account Meetings Liaisons Relationship to Library Board By-Laws Dues Bank account
Recruiting Members Friends bring friends Flyers at library Church bulletins School newsletters Time and Talent Sheets Following is the DCL Time and Talent Sheet:
Friends of Dubuque County Library Recruiting Members Friends of Dubuque County Library Time and Talent Sheet (I Want to Help) We are re-vitalizing the Friends group and an organization is only as productive as its members. Please complete the following if you would like to strengthen our group and support the libraries of Dubuque County. I can best help the Friends by: Serving on the Friends Board: ______ Serving on a Board committee: membership, fundraising, publicity, other ________________________________________________________________ Volunteering for library programs: ___ Children’s ___ Teen ___ Adult (book discussions, speakers, etc.) ___ Family (movie nights, story times) ___ Community Events (parades, fairs, etc.) ___ Other I am willing to volunteer at: (Check all that apply.) ___ Asbury ___ Epworth ___ Peosta ___ Farley ___ Holy Cross I am not able to contribute my time but I would like to make a donation: __$_________________ Name: Email: Phone: Address: Please return to: Friends of Dubuque County Library, Mary Pfeiler, 23343 Flannagan Rd., Holy Cross, Iowa 52053 or your nearest library branch.
Achieving Nonprofit Status Federal EIN Employer Identification Number Needed for other applications State nonprofit status Registering with the Iowa Secretary of State’s office
501c3 Status Ducks in a row – you need lots in place to begin this process Friends board members who are lawyers come in handy Local lawyer may do pro-bono work for you
Fundraising Fundraising can be fun Why fundraise? Promotes sense of community/common purpose Makes everyone feel like can contribute Fun activities Why fundraise? There must be a purpose. Where is the money going to be used? Separate, established bank account
Fundraising Options Lots of options Book sales Bake sales Mystery parties Galas Authors Craft sales Garage sales
Outreach Send out notes of meetings Ask for ideas Newsletters – paper and online Space on library website Keep members informed of volunteer opportunities Membership drives
Activities Keep Friends energized Keep presenting projects Keep listening Keep asking for funds Sample Friends request template:
Friends Request Template To: Friends of the Dubuque County Library From: Dawn Hayslett, Director of the Dubuque County Library Date: Request For: _________ Funding _______ Volunteers Description: Total Request: Approved: ________ Tabled: __________ Denied: __________ Date: ____________
Creating a Shared Vision Communication is essential – everyone must know what everyone is doing; Director, Friends Board, Library Board Plan for the future – energize the present
Vision continued Keep Friends energized Friends education – think of them when you are considering workshops, conferences, seminars, etc. Learning about libraries is always a good idea Bring in new ideas Create enthusiasm Establish a network for sharing/expertise
National Resource ALTAFF (Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations) is part of American Library Association They offer: Fact sheets Books Conferences Workshops Grants and awards Advocacy information
Local Resources Other Friends groups Great source for ideas Proven successes Your Local Service Area They have experience with Friends groups
Local Resources Dawn Hayslett Dubuque County Library I love talking about Friends, here’s my contact information: Dawn Hayslett Dubuque County Library 5900 Saratoga Plaza Suite 5 Asbury, IA 52002 563-582-0008 –
Remember . . . “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” --C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) Author of The Lion Witch, and the Wardrobe Find those souls in your community and you will have Friends