The 3R’s History: Developed by LC students, parents and staff over twenty years ago. Purpose: To create a successfully functioning and ongoing learning environment where all students succeed, feel valued, and welcomed. The 3R’s serve as the cornerstone of LC’s policy on Bullying and Harassment (must be reviewed yearly by WA law). All students should be familiar with the expectations outlined in the program.
Respect We at LC value, appreciate, and treat with dignity each individual. We show consideration for ourselves, others, our school, our community, and our world. This foundation of respect is maintained by the observance of the following rights and responsibilities by all members of our school community.
Respect How you treat others speaks to your character …not necessarily theirs. Respect others: race, gender, religion, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, and individual differences. “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities” (Stephen R. Covey) That does not mean you must respect everyone in the sense that you hold all people in high esteem or admire them. It means that we acknowledge and value people in the same way we want to be treated.
Rights I have a right to: participate in a quality educational environment. be respected by all students and staff at LC. have an environment in which my property & I are safe. hear and be heard. be free to express my feelings/opinions in a responsible, respectful manner without being interrupted or punished. learn in an environment free of profanity/vulgar behavior learn self-control in this school and that no one will stand silently by while I abuse my rights or those of others.
Responsibility “People tend to forget their duties but remember their rights” (Indira Gandhi) I have the responsibility to: Contribute to a quality learning environment. Attend all classes, be on time be, & be an active positive participant Exhibit respectful language and behaviors Respect others as individuals and make this school safe through positive conflict resolution. Respect school property and the property of others. maintain a calm, quiet school, and not disturb others.
Responsibility & Your School As a part of the community at Lewis and Clark High School every person has the responsibility to maintain the integrity of our campus. Remember you have the responsibility to report drug possession or use, weapons, or damage to property. Contact an adult at LC and inform them of drugs, weapons, or vandalism or call 354-safe.
Anonymity Every student who reports an incident will be protected. If you report drug use/possession, a weapon, or vandalism no one will know that you did so. Please call 354-SAFE to report drug/use, weapons, or vandalism.
Bullying & Harassment Harassment, intimidation, or bullying – is an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that: Physically harms a person or damages a person's property; or Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education; or Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying & Harassment Bullying & Harassment have a negative impact on the educational environment and students’ learning. Bullying & Harassment violates Washington State law, Spokane Public Schools policy and LC policy. Students who engage in bullying and harassment can face disciplinary action up to and including expulsion and/or arrest. Students need to know that if you engage with someone that is “bullying” you on facebook you will not be being bullied you will be, “fighting”
5 Types of Harassment Sexual Harassment: Sexual advancement, request for sexual favor, sexual comment, cartoon, innuendo conduct of a sexual nature which is unwelcomed Malicious Harassment: malicious and intentional conduct based on a person's perception of another's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability that threatens a person or group of persons and places the person(s) in reasonable fear of harm. Words alone do not constitute malicious harassment unless the context surrounding the words indicates that the words are a threat.
5 Types of Harassment Slurs, innuendos or jokes Other Harassment: for reason of race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, disability. Reprisal, Retaliation, or False Accusations: taking action against anyone reporting or thought to have reported discrimination or any form of harassment described above is prohibited and will be treated as a serious violation of policy, regardless of whether any discrimination or harassment is substantiated. False accusations are prohibited and will be treated as a serious violation of this policy.
Cyber Bullying and Sexting Cyber Bullying: Identified as electronic written harassment using any social networking website or texting using your cell phone. Harassment is defined as “a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which alarms, annoys, harasses, or is detrimental to such person.” Schools must address instances of cyber bullying occurring through use of the Internet system or use of personal digital devices, such as cell phones, digital cameras, personal computers. Sexting: Teen sexting is a felony in Washington State: Anyone who takes, sends, or possesses a photo depicting a nude or scantily clad minor can be charged with child pornography crime. Conviction brings with it a life sentence on the sex offender registry.
In Summary It is important to remember that the victim or target of bullying and harassment determines whether it has occurred not the person doing it. For example, you may tell an offensive sexual or racial joke and not mean or want to hurt any one’s feelings. However, the person hearing the joke determines if it is offensive to them, not you. **LC has a zero tolerance policy regarding Bullying & Harassment **Do not hesitate to talk to a staff member if you have concerns.