Announcements/Debrief Work zone norms Guest: Richard Snyder, President NCCE, TL Kirkland MS Check-In Questions: How confident are you today in describing the functions of a dynamic and effective LIT program? How confident are you in describing program inputs?
Discuss: The Library Environment Review the ALA documents on intellectual freedom. Do they apply to school library environments? What are the typical First Amendment issues that arise in school libraries (as cited in the Anderson article)? What are your thoughts on adapting a policy on intellectual freedom for your LIT program? How does social network technology fit into this picture?
Challenge #9: Managing Book Challenges Review the ALA statements on the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read, and the Role of the School Library Program, and consider your own philosophy regarding the intellectual freedom of students in a school library. Then, review the example reconsideration policies and the following situations… Working in a group of 2-3, take turns assuming the role of irate parent/teacher-librarian (15 minutes). Share your wows/wonders with the class (15 minutes).
Challenge #9: Managing Book Challenges Book/Elementary School: And Tango Makes Three, Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell. Reasons: Anti-family, homosexuality, political viewpoint, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group. Additional reasons: “promotes the homosexual agenda.” Book/Elementary School: The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. Reasons: Religious viewpoint, violence, unsuited to age group. Book/Middle School: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon Reasons: Offensive language, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“profanity and atheism”). Book/Middle School: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie Reasons: anti-family, cultural insensitivity, drugs/alcohol/smoking, gambling, offensive language, sex education, sexually explicit, unsuited for age group, violence. Additional reasons: “depictions of bullying.” Book/High School: Thirteen Reasons Why, by Jay Asher. Reasons: Drugs/alcohol/smoking, sexually explicit, suicide, unsuited for age group. Book/High School: The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to Growing Marijuana for Recreational and Medical Use, by Greg Green. Reasons: drugs, “promotes drug use.” Website/High School: “The Holocaust was a Hoax!” by Reasons: inaccurate, promotes hate speech.
Module 3 Key Questions Can the 9 OSPI Endorsement Competencies for Library Media be grouped according the 3 functions described in Module 2? How? What is a fair and accurate system for evaluating teacher-librarian performance? How can the LIT framework be useful in this process? What are strategies for coordinating the efforts of public and school LIT programs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital resources (ebooks, databases, cloud tools, etc.)? Does the reference section still have a place in the school library? Why or why not? How does the concept of intellectual freedom promoted in public libraries adapt to school settings? What intellectual freedom issues arise in digital environments? What are strategies for using IT resources to make the LIT program more effective?
Module 4: Processes John Marino Summer 2016
Occupy Module 4! Courtesy The Whistling Monkey/Flikr Creative Commons You are fed up with having to listen to your instructor all week, and are convinced that you could do a far better job of teaching this course… Students unite in revolt! You will be taking over the instruction of Module 4! Review your team’s Module 4 topic and key questions. Address the key questions using suggested resources, resources found on your own, and knowledge drawn from your own experiences. Create a list of strategies!!! Present your strategies to the class in any way you choose. Post your strategies to the discussion board.
Remember… LIT Program Mission “To ensure that students are effective users and producers of ideas and information.” Adapted from Information Power, AASL/AECT 1998
Topic A1: Planning Program Goals What are some strategies and resources for determining and developing program goals? How can LIT program goals be aligned with building goals? What should the focus be for long-term program plans (5 years)? What should the focus be for short-term program plans (1 year)? Why are both types essential to an effective LIT program? How can pie-chart planning be used to determine LIT program priorities? How can the needs of the learning community be determined?
Topic A2: Planning Program Instruction What are some strategies and resources for planning learning activities to meet standards in the LIT program? How will curriculum, instruction, and assessment of student learning be planned? Given standards documents and identified building needs, create a general scope and sequence for instruction in the LIT program; consider information & technology literacy.
Topic B: Budgeting How can appropriate levels of funding for school libraries be determined? How do these formulas change by level (elementary, middle, secondary)? What are some strategies for establishing and maintaining LIT program budgets? What are expected sources of funding for the LIT program? Where might new sources of funding be found? What are the best practices in tracking and managing LIT program budgets?
Topic C: Developing Collections (Print/Digital) What are the stages of collection development? What resources can be used to assist the processes at each level? What are the best practices in collection development? What are strategies for locating/developing policies? How will decisions about digital vs. print collections be determined? How can digital books be managed effectively? How can alternative location schemes like genre shelving improve effectiveness in reading advocacy and research skills? What makes an effective public library partnership?
Topic D: Managing Time/Scheduling and Collaboration What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible vs. fixed schedules? When are each of these models the most effective: collaboration, coordination, cooperation, and consumption? What are some strategies for increasing access to the library and library materials? What are some strategies for managing professional development in ICT literacy? What are strategies for managing IT through the library (netbooks, ereaders, 3D printers, etc.)? What are some strategies for integrating tech into learning activities?
Topic E: Evaluating Program + TL Effectiveness How to evaluate the effectiveness of the overall LIT program (formative/summative)? What data could be collected: Info & Tech Literacy Instruction? Reading Advocacy? Info Management & Services? Who will you report it to, and in what form? How often should you report it? What are some strategies for accurate teacher-librarian evaluation during the PGE process? How can student performance data be used as evidence of LIT program effectiveness?
Take a break! Book Domino Chain @ SPL
Module 4 Discussion What are some strategies and resources for determining and developing program goals, and planning learning activities? What should the focus be for long-term program plans (5 years)? What should the focus be for short-term program plans (1 year)? Why are both types essential to an effective LIT program? How can appropriate levels of funding for school libraries be determined? How do these formulas change by level (elementary, middle, secondary)? What are some strategies for establishing and maintaining LIT program budgets? What are the components of collection development? What resources can be used to assist the processes at each level? What are strategies for involving the public library in school library collection development? What is the continuum for collaboration? How can this approach be effective in the LIT program? What are the components of an effective evaluation of the LIT program? Which are formative? Which are summative?
TL Jeopardy! Source: Bing Images/”Jeopardy”
Case Analyses Review both cases Select one to problem-solve Discuss case questions Share out with the class A summary of the case Group responses to case questions