Overview of Cereals Canada National Research Priority Setting Canadian National Millers Association Cam Dahl, President September 13 2016
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Broad Goals Establish strong goals for wheat research in terms of output and ultimately the value of wheat production Research goals focused on the needs of end users as well as the needs of Canadian farmers Build bridge between markets and research objectives
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Benefits Identifying gaps Bring together funding orgs as well as public and private research orgs across Canada Tool for organizations (e.g., AAFC, producer commissions, WGRF) setting internal goals Help inform development of the next FPT agreement on agricultural programming Avoid overlap; creating efficiencies Clarity for research community Better tools for producers Engagement and knowledge transfers
National Wheat Research Priority Setting 2014 White Paper on Research Innovation began a conversation on what is required in Canada to develop a world class science and innovation model Commissioned by Cereals Canada Written by Dr. Stephen Morgan Jones Cereals Canada moved process moved to the Grains Round Table White Paper presented to Crop Research Working Group and full Grains Round Table = adopted first 4 initiatives Workshop on priorites –morning laid out the landscape and then broad group gathering thoughts on what research areas will advance the industry April Grains Round Table called for the formation of this Task Group to continue the work
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Who is Involved? All Members of Cereals Canada opportunity for input Grains Round Table Crop Research Working Group Steering Committee CRWG Co-Chaired by Don Dewar and Cam Dahl Public, private and producer funders from all regions in Canada Public, private, and institutional researchers from across the country White Paper presented to Crop Research Working Group and full Grains Round Table = adopted first 4 initiatives Workshop on priorites –morning laid out the landscape and then broad group gathering thoughts on what research areas will advance the industry April Grains Round Table called for the formation of this Task Group to continue the work
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Workshop held in Saskatoon this last March Public, private and producer funders from all regions in Canada as well as Public, private, and institutional (e.g. Universities) researchers from across the country Task Force Meeting held in Winnipeg in June 35 members from across sectors to develop the strategic framework White Paper presented to Crop Research Working Group and full Grains Round Table = adopted first 4 initiatives Workshop on priorites –morning laid out the landscape and then broad group gathering thoughts on what research areas will advance the industry April Grains Round Table called for the formation of this Task Group to continue the work
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Key Areas of Focus Foundational / discovery Pathology / entomology Quality Food safety Agronomy Variety development Annual assessments will measure research done in each of these five areas against target goals
Discovery Foundational National Wheat Research Priority Setting Purpose Categories describe broad areas of research Quantifying the areas where focus is needed to achieve the goals Allows future sessions to determine if the project activities and funding in each area were sufficient to achieve the desired outcome Discovery Foundational Quality and Safety Agronomy Pathology Entomology Variety Development Propose notionally and measurably with group where will progress come from What are the categories that best map the wheat research landscape If change is agreed upon then will reexamine the old database Decision on how to normalize category dollars – for example Repeat question to funders (which categories will contribute to meeting our goals) based on new categories and more recent information GRT
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Need to map it out well but it needs to be able to link back to the goals. And funders need to know where they want to put their emphasis to reach the goals. To help give a sense of weighting.
High Level Measurable Targets INCREASE WHEAT YIELD POTENTIAL Decrease the yield gap 2. IMPROVE WHEAT YIELD RELIABILITY Protect yield from pests and diseases Improve crop adaptation ENHANCE CROPPING SYSTEM SUSTAINABILITY Improve nutrient use efficiency Agronomic fit of wheat in a crop rotation or system Increase profitability/net return per acre INTEGRATION KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER What Intendified 7 categories however, 2 are overarching CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN FOOD SAFETY Reduce impact of mycotoxins (e.g. fusarium) MAINTAIN QUALITY TO MEET CUSTOMERS’ NEEDS AND TO ENSURE ACCESS TO MARKETS Quality as ascribed to functionality of wheat in products
High Level Measurable Targets 1. Increase wheat yield potential Yield potential of varieties Goal: 1% in quality classes via genetic improvements and an additional 1% via agronomic improvements = 2%/year Double yield in other classes = 4%/year I won’t go into the details of every goal – But these are the highlights
High Level Measurable Targets 2. Improve wheat yield RELIABLITY Protect yield from pest and diseases Goal: Fewer years with losses due to pest damage -50% reduction in yield CV Reduced downgrading due to pest damage, trend downwards Stability changed to Reliability Didn’t set NOTES Group B- yield stability. Feel like protection from pests and diseases. In next 10 years …. What is a good measure for yield stability, including protection from pests and diseases? Answer= taking the lows out of the crop insurance. How to we minimize the low end relative to the five year average? How do we measure taking the wrecks out? Eg: in ten years the negative deviation from the average is cut in half? 25% reduction in yields below average. A reduction in the negative deviation by 25%. Parked- how to get language to express this. goals for Crop Adaptation? Parked Or, ratios of cov relative to other crops in the crop system. People like the term reliability instead of stability. And like the measure: 50% reduction on in the coefficient of variation. Can put in words to note that not targeting at removing the top end results.
High Level Measurable Targets 3. Enhance cropping system sustainability Improve nutrient use efficiency Goal: Decrease nutrient loss by 30% Agronomic fit of wheat in a crop rotation and system Increase ratio of wheat in crop rotations from today Some details couldn't be covered and were placed in a parking lot
High Level Measurable Targets 4. Continuous Improvement in Food Safety Goal: Downgrading due to mycotoxins reduced by 50% feel value in splitting food safety versus food quality; re: yield stability, need to consider grade protection to quantify some variability; need high yield and high quality otherwise is not worthwhile. Need a goal for OTA. Parking lot
High Level Measurable Targets 5. Maintain quality to meet customer’s needs and to ensure access to markets Goal: (track marketability over time) For each class of wheat other than CWAD, increased sales of the top two grades will be equivalent to the increase in annual yield, which is targeted at 2% increase for the classes with a higher quality / functionality sensitivity and 4% for other wheat classes For Canadian Western Amber Durum, increased sales of the top three grades will be equivalent to the increase in annual yield, which is targeted at 2% increase per year Grade Protection – reduce lower grades due to quality parameters by 50% over 5 year average
National Wheat Research Priority Setting Next Steps Period of review for stakeholders Review by Members of Cereals Canada Review by Members of Task Group Review by participants in Saskatoon Workshop Review by CRWG Incorporate comments from reviews into report to GRT Present to GRT with recommendations Publish strategy Review or continuous improvement Accountability - Did we hit the targets? Adjust Strategy - where it was not feasible Funding and priorities– where it was inadequate or misplaced Improve - Incorporate changes to the industry or research innovation to the plans
National Research Database Decision from April Grains Round Table Cereals Canada will develop a proposal for the further development and maintenance of the database. The goal is for a searchable database updated on an ongoing basis with information from public and producer funders, as well as from private funders if possible. Karen This slide will be amended to include anything new from the FlipChar
Role of a Database Value Structure Management and Maintenance Allows all funding agencies to compare activities Allows assessment to determine if industry fulfilling its strategic goals Communicate funded research activities with wide audiences including researchers, and other stakeholders Potential communication tool back to producers regarding research outcomes. Structure Uploadable, secure, report out features Key requirement is ease of use Management and Maintenance Will be managed and maintained by Cereals Canada
Phone: 204.942.2166 Email: info@CerealsCanada.ca