Howard XC 2015
Coaches Girls – Coach Stump ( Boys - Coach Dickerson ( Assistant – Coach Gertzen (
Coaching Philosophy We want to encourage athletes to have a healthy lifestyle. We want to push kids to test their physical limits and experience individual and team success.
Attendance policy Attendance everyday is mandatory. We understand things come up (Student gets sick, family emergency, required band concert, etc.) but these should be the exception, not the norm. MissedpPractices must be excused and athletes must inform coaches prior to missing practice. Unexcused practices will result in not being able to compete in meets and possible dismissal from the team.
MPSSAA RULE “Students who elect to participate on an outside team and do not participate and practice with the school team throughout the sports season are ineligible to represent the school in all contests that determine a county, regional, or State championship through that sport season.”
Typical day Practice will begin at 2:45 with a 10min warm-up followed by 10 minutes of stretching / drills. Depending on the type of run we are doing practice will end between 4:45-5:00. We will practice on Saturday mornings (if we don’t already have a meet). Some Saturday practices may be held off campus.
Practice Expectations Athletes can expect to run approximately 4-7+ miles a day at practice. (This includes a warm up and cool down) Running routes are the same for all levels of runners/intensity and practice format may change. Remind kids to bring water bottles, watches, and dress appropriately for practice.
How Varsity Is Chosen Generally, top 7 times are considered Varsity for the next meet Exceptions may apply under extenuating circumstances Teams will remain the same for Counties, Regionals, and States Everyone will run at every meet except regionals and states which are Varsity only.
What to expect at meets Large crowds Athletes need to be focused and ready to run an hour prior to their race. Athletes should get spikes. Athletes must have a note in order to leave a meet with a parent, however we encourage everyone to ride the bus home. After the race athletes are expected to cool down.
Schedule Tri-meets (3 of them) Boys Varsity 4:00 All Girls 4:30 Boys JV 5:15 Invitationals (15-35 schools) are on Saturdays Championship meets at the end of the season -Bus times will be distributed about 1 week prior to the meet Athletes should bring multiple pairs of socks, healthy snacks, money for concessions/shirts, weather appropriate attire, trash bags
Home Meet Oct 19 We will need about 10 parent volunteers to help out with this meet. Please email us if you can help / sign up on sign-up genius. Duties Include: Keeping the finish line clear / handing out index cards as the runners finish Helping hand out water to the finishers Course marshals (Directing runners in the right direction. )
After the race Athletes will be cooling down shortly after their race ends (10-20mins) followed by a brief coaches meeting. If you are taking your child home from the meet, we ask that you allow time for them to cool down with the team and attend the meeting.
Transportation Athletes are expected to ride the bus to and from meets with the team. If a circumstance arises in which you need to take your child home from a meet we ask that a note be sent in to the front office at least 24 hours prior to the meet. You can only take your child home. A coach must see you before you take your child home.
Uniforms We are asking that you buy the shorts $20 (45 retail price) Advantages: -Athletes get to keep them. -Athletes will not have to worry about someone else wearing them or having to wear someone else's in the future. -If there are financial concerns, please email us and we will figure it out. If they got shorts last year and want to keep them they don’t have to order another pair, but they are welcome to if they want.
Uniform Rules Uniform Rule: Under armour worn under the jersey or shorts must be the same color as teammates. Team Rule: If you want to wear clothing under the uniform, purchase black so everyone matches.
Injuries If an athlete feels they are injured they should let a coach know immediately. Most running injuries are minor and only require a few days off or light running to heal More serious or prolonged injuries will be directed to see our athletic trainer, Gina Palermo.
Injuries Continued Please let us know BEFORE you decide to take your child to a doctor. We would prefer our athletic trainer examine the injury prior to a doctor’s visit. Doctor’s orders are final and cannot be overridden by a coach or AT.
Locker Rooms Boys need to buy a combination lock Girls will be given lockers If any athlete leaves personal items out in the open they WILL get stolen.
Text Alerts Text @HowardXC to 443-955-5113 Used for important team messages and alerts. (EX: If we cancel practice due to weather, we will send out a text)
Parent Involvement Join Lion’s Pride Parent Liaisons for Lion’s Pride (1 for the boys’ team and 1 for the girls’ team) Organize and plan team baskets for the Bull Roast Sign-up Monkey for Meets and Banquet - Organize snack lists for meets - Organize and help with our end of season banquet (November 17th) Come to meets!
Spirit Wear Order forms will be distributed this week. Buy as much or as little as you like. We get a % back to the program
Team Night Monday Aug 22 6-8pm Discounts on all running gear Free pizza and drinks We get money for the program based on the number of people who show up You do not have to stay the full 2 hours. 20-30min is fine!
Team Website Other good websites - -