Midcontinental Chapter of MLA Annual Business Meeting October 24, 2016 Des Moines IA
Agenda Call to Order Approval of 2015 Business Meeting Minutes Review Agenda and Call for New Business MCMLA Awards AHIP Awards – Gwen Wilson MCMLA Awards – Rebecca Carlson McCall Association Business Requiring Discussion or Action: Financial Report 2015-2016 – Jackie Hittner Bylaws – Brenda Pfannenstiel Motions 1 & 2 – Discussion & vote - Lisa Traditi Strategic Plan Dot Votes & Next Steps – Gwen Wilson, Strategic Planning Task Force Association Updates & Reports Endowment Fund report and drawing - Nancy Woelfl Review of MCMLA 2015-2016 – Lisa Traditi Research Awards – Melissa Rethlefsen New Member Bingo drawing – Holly Henderson Discussion of New Business Introduction of New Chapter Chair New Chapter Chair Presentation – Gwen Wilson Membership Drawings – Melissa DeSantis Invitation to 2017 MCMLA Annual Meeting – Kate Anderson & Rebecca Graves Adjournment – Gwen Wilson
MCMLA STARS Kate Anderson Jerry Carlson Tallie Casucci Melissa De Santis Kristen DeSanto Lynne M. Fox Rebecca S. Graves Claire Hamasu Mary Helms Jackie Hittner Holly Hubenschmidt Barb Jones Lenora Kinzie Erica Lake Rebecca McCall Betsy Mueth Brenda Pfannenstiel Darell Schmick Kristin M. Sen Jean Shipman Amanda Sprochi Lisa Traditi Nancy Woelfl
Honors & Awards Committee Bernice Hetzner Award Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship
Honors & Awards Committee Barbara McDowell Award Excellence in Hospital Librarianship
Honors & Awards Committee MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award
MCMLA Business Requiring Discussion or Action: Financial Report 2015-2016 – Jackie Hittner Bylaws – Brenda Pfannenstiel Motions 1 & 2 – Discussion & Vote - Lisa Traditi Strategic Plan Dot Votes & Next Steps – Gwen Wilson, Strategic Planning Task Force
Treasurer’s Report: Jackie Hittner Reminders: MCMLA budget runs on a calendar year MCMLA has an interest bearing checking account. The Chapter currently has no CDs.
Available Funds 2012-2015 (end of fiscal year) End of September 2016: Checking 66,138.24 PayPal 86.49 Total 66,224.73 End of September 2016:
Revenue Streams for Chapter Membership Dues Profit from Annual Meeting Interest on Checking Account
Dues Revenue 2012-2015 End of September 2016 Dues Paid 2600.00 PayPal Fees 55.59 Total 2544.41 End of September 2016
Annual Meeting Profit 2011-2015 2015 – Virtual 2014 – Denver 2013 - Salt Lake City 2012 - Kansas City 2011 - St. Louis
Chapter Revenues/Expenses 2012-2015
Chapter Revenues/Expenses September 30, 2016 Revenue Members' Dues 2,600.00 Interest 63.66 Total Revenue 2,663.66 Expenses Chapter Council Rep 407.12 Treasurer 1,072.59 MLA Credentialing Liaison 455.00 Webmaster 45.97 Honors and Awards 77.36 Membership 280.00 Endowment 6.99 2016 Annual Meeting 3,500.00 2017 Annual Meeting 2,000.00 Total Expenses 7,845.03 Profit (Loss) Total (5,181.37)
Completed Since June 2016 Created a google email address for the Treasurer Established a St. Louis PO Box Established online banking and bill pay for the Chapter Applied and received a credit card for the Chapter Transferred funds in PayPal to Chapter checking account Created page on Chapter website called Forms and Letterhead. Page contains: MCMLA stationery and posted on website MCMLA Travel Request Form Investment Authorization Form Resolved 4 members’ dues problems with the help of the webmistress Tracey and I established the 2017 dues renewal schedule – this schedule agrees with what is stated in the chapter bylaws (see below) Started work on membership dues renewal with the help of the webmistress Transferred seed money for the 2017 meeting
2017 Dues Renewal Schedule Nov 28, 2016 Deactivate the chapter membership renewal link so we can revise/update the membership form Dec 2016 Review form; add wording regarding Emeritus Membership Level Jan 1, 2017 Activate the chapter membership renewal link so members can pay 2017 dues Jan 2, 2017 Wild Apricot will email a reminder to members it is time to pay their 2017 dues; message will be sent to the listserv letting membership know the renewal reminder was sent earlier in the day Jan 16, 2017 Wild Apricot will email a reminder to members who have not paid their 2017 dues to pay their dues Feb 1, 2017 Wild Apricot will email a reminder to members who have not paid their 2017 dues that they have until Feb 14 to pay their dues. If payment is not received by Feb 15 then the member goes into lapsed status Feb 15, 2017 Members who have not paid their dues goes into lapsed status
Motion—Bylaws Committee On behalf of the Bylaws Committee, I move that all proposed changes as described in the Summer MCMLA Express and indicated on the MCMLA Listserv (9-23-2016) be approved. Change Executive Secretary to Treasurer Add Annual Meeting Advisory Council to chapter committees. Clarify succession of elected officers Move duties of appointed officers from Bylaws to Policy & Procedure Manual.
Championing for Libraries: Motions 1 & 2 The proposed motion: Moved: To rescind Motion 1 of Championing for Librarians and to consider Motion 2 adapted and ongoing. Motion 1. MCMLA, within one year will begin work with state hospital accrediting Discussion Vote Motion 2. MCMLA will encourage and support publication by the membership in (non-library oriented) health professional publications, newsletters, journals, letters to the editor.
Strategic Plan – Priority setting
Strategic Plan – Priority setting
MCMLA Updates & Reports Endowment Fund report and drawing - Nancy Woelfl New Member Bingo drawing – Holly Henderson Research Awards – Melissa Rethlefsen Review of MCMLA 2015-2016 – Lisa Traditi
Ad Hoc Endowment Task Force MCMLA approves endowment 10-09-15 Investment advisors vetted; Lodestar & Chas. Schwab recommended (same as MLA) Calculated initial investment possible within overall MCMLA assets ($20,000 is possible) Reviewed 22-page Schwab customer agreement; will finalize in Des Moines Planned for a fun kick-off in Des Moines
Advocacy Brainstormed discussed partnering with the research section to encourage members to publish outside librarianship. ideas with health literacy and purchasing/supply management. 2015-16 chair is hoping to publish a brief article about advocacy in the newsletter
Archives 240 items have been added as of October 2016. A digital archive for MCMLA was established through the Health Sciences Library at the University of Colorado: https://dspace.library.colostate.edu/handle/10968/1217 240 items have been added as of October 2016. The Ad Hoc Archives Committee drafted a proposal to include policies for archiving material from virtual meetings.
Bylaws Committee Reviewed MLA Bylaws Changes Exhaustively reviewed MCMLA Bylaws and proposed changes to align with MCMLA structural changes, MLA changes, and to clarify succession of elected officers. Followed procedure to put MCMLA Bylaws changes before membership for vote.
Education Committee Presented an informative webinar: “Introduction to the Academy of Health Information Professionals”, March 2016 Presented well-received MLA highlights webinar, “MOSAIC Reflections”, June 2016 Published educational opportunities article in MCMLA Express, September 2016 Committee members include: Shawn Steidinger, Ben Harnke, Shelie Vacek, Maria Ford, Katie Dayani and Ben Bolin, and ex-officio members Rebecca Graves, Gwen Wilson and Christian Minter
Honors & Awards Committee Updated the Travel Scholarship applicant criteria to be more inclusive Revised the Lunch Award application timeline to coincide with MLA registration Selected Marilyn De Geus for the Chapter Council Roundtable Lunch Award Selected Susan Swogger for the Professional Travel Scholarship
Membership Committee MCMLA Poster Refresh Completed by MLA Voted on by Executive Committee Available electronically – has not been printed New Student Members Contacted library schools in the region via email and through social media Encouraged students to join MCMLA & attend Joint Meeting 3 new members since late August 2016 Mentor/Mentee Program Assessment 6 month assessment completed All 4 respondents would recommend program to a colleague New mentor/mentee pairs have been formed New Member Bingo Recognizing new members & chapter leadership at Joint Meeting MCMLA and Midwest chapters participating Exciting new way to recognize and socialize with new members
Nominating Committee Regular and Special Elections to fill leadership positions. Worked with Bylaws Committee to recommend changes in bylaws on filling vacant positions.
Publications Committee Continued publication of newsletter quarterly in 2015-2016, with issues in February, May, August, and November Recruited Erin Wimmer to write an occasional column on education and instruction Regular columns were submitted by Amanda Sprochi (MCMLA Congratulates) and the Chapter president, Lisa Traditi Past print issues of the Express with membership directories and bylaws in hard copy digitized and sent to the archives
Research Committee Members self-selected 7 papers and 8 posters for Research Award consideration Will award three Research Awards at the Joint Meeting: Best Paper, Best Poster, Viewer’s Choice Goal for upcoming year: partner with Advocacy Committee to develop training/resources
Web Editor/MCMLA-L Listserv Owner Listserv activities (Sept 2015 – Oct 2016): Worked with individual subscribers to address posts from “unrecognized” email addresses. Web Editor activities (Sept 2015 – Oct 2016): Monitored the MCMLA Twitter account during the Virtual Meeting; posted Virtual Meeting recordings & presentation files to the web site; drafted & sent thank you notes to participating vendors; provided attendance statistics to the planning committee. Generated reports as requested. Created and monitored Google forms for the Nominating (regular & special elections) and Honors & Awards (STARS; Chapter Awards; Travel Scholarship) committees. Updated the MCMLA-L-Admin listserv. Updated passwords for the Membership, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chairs “dummy accounts”. Finalized updates to settings in Wild Apricot for student memberships; contacted affected student members to inform them of the changes to their accounts. Met with the incoming Treasurer and the outgoing Executive Secretary to provide information and training on payments by check for MCMLA dues. Per instruction from the Executive Committee, adjusted access to the Policy and Procedure Manual (member-only access. Worked with the Treasurer to plan for changes to the annual renewal period; to be applied between November 2016 & January 2017). Continued to monitor & post content to our social media outlets, including: MCMLA Blog http://mcmla.org/connect Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/MidConMLA/ Google+ https://plus.google.com/112762806706197050187/posts LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=3069261 Twitter https://twitter.com/MidConMLA Submitted by Tracey Hughes, Web Editor & Listserv Owner, 10 October 2016
Immediate Past Chair Completed a revision of the Chapter’s Policy and Procedure Manual Submitted Chapter’s Mid-Winter Report to MLA Served on the Nominating Committee Served on the Bylaws Committee
MCMLA Virtual Meeting 2015 Attended by 170 people over 2 days 10 group registrations 47 CE certificates Profit: $4,139.88 Revenue: $10,625 Expenses: $6485.12 2016 Majors/MLA Chapter Project of the Year
2016 Joint Meeting Planning Committee Planned the 2016 Joint Meeting with Midwest Chapter. Success! You are at the Joint Meeting! Membership Drawings at the end of this meeting – make sure you stick around!!
Chapter Chair Report The horizon leans forward, Offering you space To place new steps of change… Maya Angelou “On the Pulse of the Morning” This is the photo from my presentation last year, along with the quote from Maya Angelou’s poem. I said that I believed MCMLA has the space to make change, if that is what we want. The question is, What is it that we want?
Executive Summary The Annual Meeting Task Force proposed a schedule of annual meetings to include a virtual meeting every other year starting in 2018. MLA/Majors Chapter Project of the Year Award in recognition of the 2015 Virtual Chapter Meeting. The MCMLA Endowment Fund Task Force our new endowment is official MCMLA’s new five year strategic plan. Special Election Bylaws vote Executive Summary – The MCMLA Annual Meeting Task Force proposed a schedule of annual meetings to include a virtual meeting every other year starting in 2018. The 2016 annual meeting is a joint meeting with the other MCMLA - the Midwest Chapter of MLA October 22-24 in Des Moines IA. MCMLA was the proud recipient of the MLA/Majors Chapter Project of the Year Award in recognition of the 2015 Virtual Chapter Meeting. The MCMLA Endowment Fund Task Force created a strategy to start an endowment fund for the chapter. Final paperwork will be signed at the annual chapter meeting. The fund will be started with money from the chapter treasury and from fundraising results. The task force will continue to work on procedures for how the funds will be allocated. MCMLA is finalizing our five year strategic plan. We have conducted a Survey Monkey survey to gather priorities from chapter membership. The MCMLA Strategic Plan Task Force has a poster at the annual meeting and a concurrent online survey to allow members to vote on which categories should be our top priorities for the next year. The Task Force will present the results of the vote at the annual business meeting and via our email list. Executive Committee will work to achieve the top priorities in the coming year. Due to retirements, resignations, and moves out of the region, two of our elected positions and one appointed position were vacated. We held a special election to select a new immediate chair elect, an upcoming chair elect, and a recording secretary. We posted the job description for the appo inted position of executive secretary. All positions are now filled again. Because of the special election, we clarified what to do in these situations in our bylaws, which will be voted on during our annual meeting.
2015-16 Goals Create Strategic Goals for MCMLA - In process Key Strategies: Use Executive Committee (EC) to identify and set long term goals (2-5 years) Identify goals for this fiscal year- 2015-16 Share with membership via email list, website, newsletter Evaluate virtual meeting - Annual Meeting Task Force (continuation from 2014-15) Completed Create electronic survey, and Distribute electronic survey and evaluate results Recommend if and how to implement future virtual meetings. Advocacy - Not completed Work with newly combined/formed committee to identify strategic goal(s) Explore research ideas on advocacy with interested groups Optimize communications with members - Not completed Review MCMLA's communication methods and determine if an update is needed (newsletter, blog,website, email list)
Thank you! Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different… C.S. Lewis “Prince Caspian” Here’s the same view from the beginning, taken this fall. The organization achieved a lot this year. I learned so much. Thank you for the honor of leading the chapter this year. By the way, that’s a llama! That’s a llama!
Discussion of New Business
Introducing: Gwen Wilson 2016-17 MCMLA Chair
Thank you, Lisa!
Building on the Foundation
1. Finalize the MCMLA Strategic Plan Key Strategies: Based on the feedback from membership Work with the Strategic Plan Task Force to prioritize MCMLA’s Strategic Goals Share with membership via the email list, website, and newsletter
2. Establish Strategies to Achieve each Strategic Goal Key Strategies: Use Strategic Plan Task Force to develop strategies for each goal Create a specific timeline and ownership [standing committees] for all strategies Utilize the timeline to identify strategies for 2016-17
3. Review each MCMLA committee to help ease the transition from chair to chair Key Strategy: Work with the MCMLA Committee Chairs and Executive Committee to consider the creation of a Vice-Chair role within each committee
We Want You!!!! We have Committee Openings: Advocacy Committee Member Bylaws Committee Member Nominating Committee Member Research Committee Member (1 or 2) Annual Meeting Advisor Understudy Annual Meeting Advisory Council Gwen Wilson, MLS, AHIP gwen.wilson@washburn.edu 785-670-2609
Prizes! Drawings for MLA and MCMLA Memberships - Melissa DeSantis
Invitation to 2017 MCMLA Annual Meeting Kate Anderson & Rebecca Graves
Show Me… The 50th Annual MCMLA Meeting
Show Me…
Show Me…
Show Me…Mizzou
See you in 2017 in Columbia, Missouri! Adjournment See you in 2017 in Columbia, Missouri!