AGENDA Call to Order Roll Call: Board of Directors Co-Presidents’ Address Election of Officers Financial Report Legislative Committee Report Membership Committee Report Adjourn
Roll Call Executive Committee: Directors: Heidi McCarthy, Co-President Margaret Schlegel, Co-President Michael Lucow, Co-Vice President Cynthia Johnson, Co-Vice President Kathleen Kieffer, Treasurer Selena Fischer, Co-Secretary Ora Perkins, Co-Secretary Karen Norlander, Counsel to NYCASE Jill Cheney-Bovee Lori DeCarlo Yvette Goorevitch Holly Manaseri Mary Pauly
Co-Presidents’ Address Legislative Advocacy Representation in key State stakeholder groups Continued relationship and partnership with CASE Professional Development - High quality speakers on key topics and issues Increases in registrations and membership More timely and frequent communication to membership Transition of Board of Directors membership Call for new Board of Directors membership that represents all areas of the State CASE Annual Report
New Business Election of Officers Current Officers; Dr. Heidi McCarthy Co-President Margaret Schlegel Co-President Cynthia Johnson Co-Vice President Michael Lucow Co-Vice President Dr. Selena Fischer Co-Secretary Ora Perkins Co-Secretary Kathleen Kieffer Treasurer
New Business Proposed slate of nominees Cindy Johnson Co-President Margaret Schlegel Co-President Selena Fischer Co-Vice President Michael Lucow Co-Vice President Jill Cheney-Bovee Co-Secretary Ora Perkins Co-Secretary Kathleen Kieffer Treasurer Additional nominations from the floor?
Financial Report Annual Business Meeting July 2017 (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017) **Balance in Checking Account as of 7/1/16= $16,181.51 **Balance in Checking Account as of 6/30/17= $18,162.22 REVENUE Conference 2016 Registration Fees $24,705.00 Conference 2016 Vendor Sponsors $2,400.00 CEC CASE Annual Membership Subsidy 2017 $730.00 Membership Fees (17-18 / 17-19) – one & two year plans $9,870.00 Conference 2017 Registration Fees $10,150.00 Conference 2017 Vendor Sponsors $16,504.00 Miscellaneous Conference 2016 Revenue $136.00 Miscellaneous 16-17 Revenue $1,010.00 TOTAL REVENUE $65,505.00
Financial Report Continued EXPENSES Executive Director Contract Salary $30,000.00 Board Expenses $3,673.05 Web Site / Web Management $2,721.42 Conference 2016 Expenses $28,594.24 Conference 2017 Expenses $3,055.58 Legal Expenses $310.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $68,354.29
Legislative Report Legislative / Regulatory and other Advocacy, 2016-17 school year update NYCASE has continued to advocate on several fronts. The attached legislative advocacy statement provides an updated status report regarding our efforts to, for example: expand opportunities for New York students with disabilities to obtain a high school diploma; increase flexibility in providing special education services; and consolidate the unwieldy special education teacher certification designations. Additionally, over the past year we have had productive introductory meetings with NYSED’s new Senior Deputy Commissioner and new Assistant Commissioner for Special Education. We have continued to support the work of the Coalition for Multiple Pathways to a Diploma, of which we are an active member, and we have successfully advocated for changes in the new Superintendent’s Determination process. We have submitted letters to members of both the House and the Senate advocating for greater funding for IDEA as well as preservation of Medicaid funding and School Supportive Health Services. That issue remains, with increasing stakes and urgency for students with disabilities and for school districts. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful in our efforts to block the appointment of the new U.S. Secretary of Education, but we must now attempt to turn back the voucher tide. There is a lot to do. So much that at times it’s hard to know where to focus our energies. We’d like to be proactive, but these days there seems to be something new to react to every week. Your ideas and help are both welcome and needed, now more than ever. Respectfully submitted, Michael Lucow, NYCASE Legislative co-chair
CEC/CASE 2017 Legislative Summit July 9- July 12. Washington D. C CEC/CASE 2017 Legislative Summit July 9- July 12. Washington D.C. * impact of Medicaid cuts on school districts * appropriation - advocacy for full funding of IDEA * public dollars for public schools - impact of vouchers and school privatization
Membership Committee Report NYCASE July 2017 Active Membership was 193 with 52 unified members NYCASE July 2016 Active Membership was 179 and with 52 unified members
Membership Benefits Professional Development Advocacy Affiliation with CEC and other organizations Professional Connections Access to Vendors You have People This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
How can you help NYCASE grow? Using your cell phone right now text or e-mail three colleagues letting them know how much you are enjoying the conference and urge them to join NYCASE On the membership document at your table write down the names and the district e-mail of colleagues that NYCASE will contact in the near future E-mail any NYCASE Board Member with ideas of how to increase membership When you return to your district follow-up with those colleagues that you contacted today
Professional Development We have already begun planning for 2018! Summer Institute 2018 Tentative dates : July 16-18th New Venue ~ City of Albany Conference in a brand new state of the art complex the Albany Capital Center Walkway connection to the beautiful Renaissance Hotel at the foot of the New York State Capital