MY Access! ® Product Research base
MY Access ® vision Designed to enable teachers to use the methods and instruction that comprehensive research shows has the greatest positive impact on writing improvement.
Support and Manage Effective Writing Instructional Strategies Frequency— across the curriculum, revisions Focus/Target instruction- practice specific writing skills (genres, traits) Feedback- Timely,specific, MY Tutor, Teacher, self, peer Focused correction- based upon specific criteria (lowest/weakest traits) Scoring guides: define performance, clarity. Models- internalize what good writing looks like Inquiry/Process: goal setting, strategies, reflection Portfolios- ALL revisions and student writing archived for three consecutive years. English Language Learners- MY Editor Feedback in their native lanaguage(English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, British English, Simplified Chinese)
A writing environment which is: Stable on many platforms Scalable to millions of users User friendly 8 years of user feedback Research Base Marzano, Reeves, Graves,L. Calkins, J. Langer, Collins, Gere & Stevens,Hillock Multiple patents
Multiple Levels of Feedback Most Accurate and reliable Engine for scoring Scoring-Same engine used in GMAT, ACT, College Board SAT Prep, State assessments Process Based Feedback MY Tutor ® “coach” providing feedback throughout the writing process In-depth Includes Qualities of effective writing (traits/domains) Twice the coverage of any feedback for ESL writers Immediate Feedback occurs in avg. sub second response times.
Customizable Flexible Customizable scale (4, 6, trait or holistic, one or all traits/domains Approximator or Intellimetric My Editor feedback at three different learner levels Feedback in 6 different languages (EN, CH, JP, Fr, Gr, Sp) Immediate Feedback occurs in avg. sub second response times. Differentiated instruction Configurable options/tools at the assignment level Writer’s tools and resources Writing topics/prompts Traits-on/off MY Tutor (on/off)
MY Editor/Correct English Only proofing system designed for non-native speakers 70+ rules 5 editions (Asia-Chinese, Japanese, Europe, French, German and Spanish Each edition tuned to the specific needs of each language Equips users to quickly and efficiently correct their documents Easy to Use Many examples Customizable Modes, formality, Strict Most accurate grammar, mechanics and style proofing system available today. 60%
Scoring Accuracy Issue E-Rater IntelliMetric Structure v. Content Focuses on structure (grammar and mechanics) and not content; focuses on a limited set of approximately 5 structural variables. Captures the full range of structure and content; examines more than 500 features of text and provides a holistic score as well as scores within five major domains/traits. These traits include focus/meaning, idea/content development, language use, voice and style, organization, and grammar and mechanics. Detecting Non legitimate responses Can identify a limited set of non-legitimate responses; can not “catch” off topic essays; all content “looks alike” to e-rater. Detects the full range of non-legitimate responses including off topic/ inappropriate content. Consistency with theory and practice of writing Fails to recognize the importance of audience, purpose and occasion as identified by writing theory and best practices. Develops prompt-specific scoring models that reflect the unique audience, purpose and occasion Consistency with writing research Applying a limited set of five variables with the same weighting across all prompts is inconsistent with what we have learned from writing research. Multi-faceted models with numerous features of text that reflect the unique rubric are consistent with what we have learned from writing research. Capturing the complexity of Writing Overly simplistic linear model of writing that fails to capture the complexity of writing. Complex model of writing that captures the full breadth and dimensionality of writing with non-linear models.
IntelliMetric™ multiple judge approach Single Judge Single Judge Model IntelliMetric Multi-Judge Model Essay Response Essay Grade
iSEEK integration iSEEK targets and organizing educational resources.
On-demand Instructional Resources!
Community Integration
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