Pronounciation or Pronunciation ???
Presented by: Colin Young Teaching English Pronunciation …to Spanish Speakers Presented by: Colin Young
Teaching English Pronunciation What’s the Plan 5 Wh- Qs Sounds Words Sentences Application
Answering the 5 Wh Questions
Listening (Receptive) Speaking (Productive) English Sounds 44 We have ______ sounds in the English language? 24 We have ______ sounds in the Spanish language? How to Improve? 1. Awareness 2. Practice Listening (Receptive) Speaking (Productive)
English Sounds Activity 1: Sound Up B vs V Activity 2: Right Teacher, Wrong Teacher Will a mispronounced sound affect the overall communication process? My father will dribe me to football practice. Let’s Learn Korean
English Sounds What problems do eSpanish eSpeakers have? Write as many common pronunciation mistakes as you can in 20 seconds. Compare with the person next to you. Why can’t many Spanish speakers swear in English? She’s a real beach. I don’t believe this sheet. He is sweet ass. (English/Australian expression ‘sweet as’)
English Words Word Level What do we need to consider? What causes difficulties in understanding ESL learners at the word level? Word stress and intonation! Eg - I object to what you said. Eg - The carpet is dirty!
English Words Activity 1: Spell and Stress Photograph Photographer Photographic Pho Produce duce to Pro gra Activity 2: Stress Bubbles
There is an even interval between the stressed words in a sentence. English Rhythm English is a ‘stress-timed’ language. Meaning… There is an even interval between the stressed words in a sentence. What are the stressed words in the following sentence? Let’s clap every time we say a stressed word…is there rhythm? This is the first time I’ve ever eaten a chocolate caterpillar.
English Rhythm Let’s Practice The English language is not always a logical language. La Paz is a beautiful yet busy capital city. To be or not to be, that is the question.
That person has loads of money. Connected Speech That person has loads of money. They are happy. Assimilation Linking Elision Modify my neighbours that person becomes thap person Insert a sound for ease they are becomes they yare Disappearing Sounds loads of money becomes loads o money
Connected Speech Let’s Practice /hæv/ (have) → /hæf tu/ (have to) /ju:zd/ (used) → /ju:st tu/ (used to) that boy → /ðap bɔɪ/ that girl → /ðak gɜːl/ /t/ + /j/ → What you want /d/ + /j/ →Would you? /s/ + /j/ →In case you need it /z/ + /j/ →Has your letter come?
Connected Speech Let’s Practice The good news is that I got a raise. What do you want for Christmas? To be or not to be, that is the question. You like it, don’t you? I can’t go. I don’t care what others may say. There are ten girls in our class. Beg your pardon. Shut your eyes. Open the window. I should have thought so. Please shut the gate
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