Les Mathématiques: un enjeu pour le futur Marc Rosso Université Paris Diderot Fédération de Recherche de Mathématiques de Paris centre Rencontres ESRI, Séoul, 17.10.2016
Mathematics in France Universities, Grandes Ecoles (ENS, Ecole Polytechnique, …), IHES, Collège de France,… CNRS: Joint Research Units (UMR), with universities (sometimes several) and grandes écoles INRIA: projects/team Foundations: FSMP, FMJH (each involves several institutions, and has programs with benefits for all partners) ANR, Labex, Idex
French mathematical school From fundamental mathematics to applied mathematics, with more and more interactions with others sciences: physics, computer science, biology, medicine,… and industry. Many Fields medalists, from all domains Special care to growing young talents
Networks and mobility Mathematicians from different institutions collaborate closely, usually in thematic networks (GDR) involving teams from different places: joint research conferences, summer schools,… Mobility is required: no local hiring when you get your first academic position (never in the lab where you got your PhD), or when you want to be promoted (Maître de Conférences to Professeur: you have to move to another university) This helps strongly the renewal of ideas, research directions,…
Collaboration France-South Korea Many individual connections, on a wide range of domains: Algebraic geometry Dynamical systems Partial differential equations Representation theory
International conferences 1st Korean-French conference in maths August 24-28, 2015, at IBS center for geometry and physics Speakers from many different institutions (KAIST, SNU, IBS center, Postech, KIAS, Inha, Chung-Ang- Paris, Lyon, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Avignon) - Wide range of topics: PDE’s, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, …
International Conferences II 2nd French-Korean conference in maths, Bordeaux, July 4-12, 2016 - summer school: 4 courses Research talks; two main directions: -- Algebraic geometry and number theory -- Partial differential equations and applications
Future This is now time to structure the relations, and give some ressources to work together. Create an « International Associated Laboratory » (L.I.A) a “laboratory without walls”, which involves several research teams or laboratories (some in France and some in Korea). (This is a CNRS structure). The relationship between the two partners is formalized through a contract signed by the heads of each organization. Teams or laboratories associated through an LIA retain their separate autonomy, status, Director and location. The LIA activities are coordinated by two co-principal investigators and by a scientific steering committee.