HOUSING AND HEALTHCARE IN VIRGINIA Housing Virginia’s Most Vulnerable 2016 Conference August 24, 2016
Why Focus on Healthcare? Housing is a Key Determinant of Health People experiencing Homelessness are at Greater Risk for Poor Health Health Issues are Likely to Increase as the Homeless Population Ages Homelessness is Correlated with High Healthcare Costs PSH Improves Health Outcomes & Reduces Costs
Virginia’s H² Initiative Virginia H2 Plan Objective: To improve client lives, health outcomes, and housing stability by transforming and integrating housing and healthcare delivery systems. Target Population: Low-income people who are: Chronically homeless; and/or Living with HIV/AIDS and related disabilities.
Virginia’s H² Goals Ensure that every person in the target population has access to housing and to the support services needed for ongoing residential stability Enhance access to health and behavioral health services needed to maximize health, manage ongoing conditions, and facilitate housing retention Improve coordination and collaboration between the housing and health care systems, at both the systems and service levels Use data to inform decision-making in order to enhance system efficiency and improve quality of care and outcomes Support H² with complementary efforts currently underway in Virginia
H2 Healthcare Workgroup Members from: DBHDS DMAS CSH VAHP VHA Develop recommendations to Solutions Committee regarding health care opportunities for Virginians who are homeless …without Medicaid expansion
Medicaid Eligibility Also GAP for SMI up to 80% FPL is $9,416
Medicaid Expansion 240,000 uninsured Virginians below 100% FPL would become eligible for coverage An additional 122,000 Virginians below 138% FPL would also become eligible coverage 100% FPL for one individual is $11,770; 138% is $16,242
Major Themes Align Medicaid funding with supportive services in Permanent Supportive Housing practice Initiatives to enroll those who are eligible but not covered under Medicaid Cannot create new eligibility group without an act of the General Assembly; Alignment: pilot option to explore supportive services model that packages housing supports SOAR – like presumptive eligibility; New Medicaid waiver Pilot supportive services model Value-adds through Medicaid MCOs in MLTSS; Single state application for SSI and Medicaid SOAR (SSI/DI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) capacity building among partners and/or hospitals
Opportunities for Intersection Edit to Medicaid online application (CommonHelp) Outreach/Convention of public and private partners to explore projects Support Medicaid MCOs as MLTSS contracts are developed Medicaid Expansion Advocacy SJ47 also has a housing workgroup with SMI population
Questions Jodi Manz, MSW Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources (804) 663 – 7447 Jodi.Manz@governor.virginia.gov