Jeopardy Final Jeopardy A-I A-I Iran Iraq ?? $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 Document that Promised Palestine/Israel to Jewish people Year Balfour Declaration 1917
1 - $200 Year PLO Established 1964
1 - $300 Negotiations that Promised “Land for Peace” What Year? Oslo Accord 1993
1 - $400 Document that called for Palestine to be split into 2 countries Year? UN Mandate/Resolution 181 1947
1 - $500 Gives the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt Year? Camp David Peace Accord 1979
2 - $100 The reason and year of Rabin’s Assasination Extreme Zionist, 1995
2 - $200 Cause of First Intifada Year No civil rights 1987
2 - $300 Document that promised Palestine to the Arabs Year? Hussein McMahon letters 1915
2 - $400 Requires Israel to withdraw from West Bank and Golan Heights Year? UN Resolution 242 1967
2 - $500 Year Mohammad Abbas is elected leader of PA 2005
3 - $100 Leader who wanted to Nationalize Oil in Iran Year overthrown Mossadegh 1953
3 - $200 First Monarch of Iran Year took over Reza Khan 1921
3 - $300 Reason and year for US hostages taken Students wanted to try Shah 1979
3 - $400 Hardliner who supports nuclear power elected Who is he? What year? 2005
3 - $500 Reasons and year US initiates sanctions against Iran Sponsoring terrorism, not allowing inspections 1995
4 - $100 Reason for and year of First Gulf War 1991
4 - $200 Year of first Iraqi elections 2005
4 - $300 Iraq- Leader who led coup that got rid if Monarchy Year Qasim 1958
4 - $400 Year and reason for Kurdish gassing in Halabja To control population 1988
4 - $500 Year of Iraq’s independence 1932
5 - $100 U.S. troops pull out of Iraq 2011
5 - $200 Reason and year for US severing diplomatic ties with Iran Hostage Crisis 1980
5 - $300 Year Israel withdraws from Gaza Strip 2005
5 - $400 Year and cause of 6 day war 1967 Israel wants more land/preemptive strike
5 - $500 Person installed in Iraq by 2nd Ba’ath revolution Year Al-Bakr 1968
Final Jeopardy Who wins the most recent PA elections What year? Hamas 2006