Introduction to Rifle Marksmanship Equipment Mark Mebes SFC (Ret)
Equipment The Rifle Daisy 888 and 887 sporter class air rifle 2.5 lb trigger pull Wooden stock Single shot .177 caliber lead pellet CO2 cylinder Rear and front “peep” aperture sight
Equipment Spotting Scope Scope body Focus ring Scope stand Don’t “stretch” your neck to check your shots
Equipment Shooting Sling Used for prone and kneeling position only Attaches to non- firing upper arm above biceps Attach sling to arm first, then attach to rifle
Equipment Glove Heavyweight shooting glove for non-firing hand Leather or nylon- rubber
Equipment Prone Mat Used to make the prone position more comfortable Non-skid rubber layering Lefthanded/right handed Wear long sleeves when you shoot prone
Equipment Kneeling Roll Supports the firing ankle while shooting from the kneeling position Canvas construction, filled with foam beads, rice etc…
Equipment Clear Barrel Indicator (CBI) Used to show that the action is open, and there is no pellet in the action or the barrel Plastic Cord inserted from the action until it sticks out the end of the barrel
Equipment Offhand Stand Used to rest the rifle on between shots when shooting offhand Adjust to shoulder height Equipped with pellet holder
Equipment Rifle Case Used for traveling Protects the rifle from damage or getting sights knocked off
Equipment Electronic Megalink target system 10 bull-paper targets
Equipment Earplugs Not mandatory, and air rifle isn’t loud enough to warrant them, BUT some shooters use them to concentrate