Early questionnaire responses Students
Definition of ict This has been a thought provoking question and one to which I cannot yet find a definitive answer. Up to 1994 the term IT was used in UK schools meaning Information Technology. The term ICT appears to have been first applied by Lord Stevenson and is mentioned in the Dearing report at that time. The concept of including the 'C' for communications was at the time that internet and email was being intorduced into schools. However if the term is taken literally and split up it could imply more than that which many would interpret as ICT. What do you mean when you talk about information, communications, and technology? What is implied in current technological development and what would it have meant in the past?
Activity: How would you define ICT in the context of teaching and learning? Included in definition of ICT as related to teaching and learning Not included in definition of ICT laptop, interactive whiteboard word processor, email, spreadsheet, chat rooms, video-camera, brailler, mouse, camera, Internet maths games, telephone, printer, projector, basic calculator, cassette player, mini disc player, notepad, posters, blackboard, pencil, speakers Satnav, digital pad, DVD/video player, mobile phone, television, microphone, X-box, i-pod
Another group Included in definition of ICT as related to teaching and learning Not included in definition of ICT laptop, interactive whiteboard word processor, email, spreadsheet, chat rooms, video-camera, brailler, mouse, camera, Internet maths games, telephone, printer, projector, basic calculator, cassette player, mini disc player, notepad, posters, blackboard, pencil, speakers Satnav, digital pad, DVD/video player, mobile phone, television, microphone, X-box, i-pod,
Included in definition of ICT as related to teaching and learning Not included in definition of ICT mobile phone, laptop, pencil, DVD/video player, printer, blackboard, television, interactive whiteboard, digital pad, posters, Satnav, X-box, i-pod, video-camera, email, internet speakers, camera, notepad, microphone, mouse, projector, earphones, word processor, mini disc player, notice-board, cassette player, basic calculator, CD player, tape recorder, scientific calculator, graphics calculator, maths games, chat rooms, computer, brailler, telephone, spreadsheet
Included in definition of ICT as related to teaching and learning Not included in definition of ICT interactive whiteboard, Spreadsheet, laptop, speakers, word processor, projector, Internet, computer, i-pod, blackboard, chat rooms, mobile phone, pencil, Satnav, notepad, X-box, posters, mouse Not listed: pencil, DVD/video player, printer, digital pad, television, video-camera, email, camera, microphone, earphones, mini disc player, notice-board, cassette player, basic calculator, CD player, tape recorder, basic calculator, scientific calculator, graphics calculator, maths games, brailler, telephone
Some comments about defining ICT ICT would include technology e.g. computers and new invented technology. Communicate information to others Interactive systems that use computer logic base A tool using modern technology that can be used for teaching In terms of learning IT has to be technology that enhances learning Any form of digital item (including software) that helps a student learn. Technology used within a lesson, e.g. laptops, projectors and IWB Some electrical appliance that can be utilised for communication ideas/concepts. A teacher at my first placement talked about the “bare foot maths teacher”; able to teach with a stick in sand on a beach – hence able to teach anywhere in the world. In that context the stick is ICT.
Briefly describe how you are thinking of using it equipment MyMaths – homework setting, booster packs for KS4 students, whole class – gradients, groups Myself, individual pupils, peer groups Interactive programmes like GeoGebra to demonstrate shape and possibly mechanics, PowerPoint to give clear examples of notes expected to be taken down. Most likely to use basic PowerPoint/projector to present lesson plans, starters, questions, plenaries. Pupils will, I hop, do maths on computers from time to times (e.g. using Autograph to understand algebra, graphs) Would like to use in ‘whole class’ lesson plan, but not sure if the resources will be available.
About training Self-taught I’d like to get more familiar with maths-based software such as Autograph, GeoGebra, Tarsia etc. Initial instruction in Excel was useful – starting from scratch. Well thought out demonstrations which included application of new skills. Hands on training, video clips Getting involved at a PC, not just watching Clear concise instructions to follow Hands on in front of own computer so able to practice at the same time as being instructed. Being able to see instructions screen projected onto interactive screen at front of class. Also CBT if well designed is effective. Slow demonstrations with teacher/lecturer demonstrating on a screen and then allowed time to practice and ask questions.
How much do you think that you will be encouraged by your mentor in your school placement to use ICT? Yes, my mentor and the school will encourage the use of ICT I’m sure it will be encouraged but I have yet to experience a situation in school where ICT opportunities have been fully exploited. Unknown, demands on school resources and school policy. Unlikely to be encouraged to do any more than she already does. Unclear to what extent school uses ICT. Unknown at this point. Lots! Placement has only got SMART whiteboards Encouraged as my mentor was not really familiar and wanted to learn from me. I don’t know at this stage. I guess I will definitely use it for presenting etc, but not sure how much kids will use. Have no idea. Last placement it was to be able to use it but not depend on it.
Advantages Brings concepts to life Teaches pupils how to self-learn Better understanding of visual topics such as in Geometry/shapes/3D/algebra + graphing/mechanics Shape, able to demonstrate geometry rules for multiple examples quickly. Autograph and GeoGebra link between graphs and formula. ICT literacy through practicing different things. Ability to do complex calculations (e.g. statistical simulation). Huge benefit in reducing marking load, administration. More engagement for students. Pupils engaged by technology Fresh approach to teaching Different ways of building understanding Appealing to younger audience Can differentiate Auto feedback Auto marking
disadvantages Not everyone learns visually Slow to upload Not always reliable to connect to internet Always have to have a plan B Possible abuse but feel risks here are overstated Class behaviour is more challenging in ICT suite. Internet connection. Problem with sites like MyMaths, some detailed pages, some not very useful. Avoid becoming gimmick, e.g. PowerPoint for the sake of using ICT Computer crashing, (virus L did actually happen during my placement) Death by PowerPoint Technology failure Pupil dependence on calculating aids. Setting up time e.g. booking computer room etc. Students easily distracted by other functions of laptops and computers.