Bellwork On the next blank page in your notebook, write this heading: Tang Dynasty in China: Describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and the reasons for the cultural diffusion of Buddhism Have a formatted sheet of paper ready titled: Tang Dynasty in China classwork
What am I learning? We are learning about Chinese history and Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty.
How do I know if I learned it? I can explain why the Tang period was a golden age of Chinese history. I can summarize the spread of Buddhism during the Tang period.
Tang Dynasty in China Tang Dynasty: AD 600-900 Time of peace, prosperity, and achievement = GOLDEN AGE
Tang Dynasty in China Tang Dynasty: Good leadership! Leaders were hired using civil service exams.
Tang Dynasty in China Civil Service Exam = Difficult test. Determines if you qualify to work for the government. These exams kept rich men in power positions!
Tang Dynasty in China Tang Dynasty = Golden Age = Many achievements and inventions! Examples: Paper, gunpowder, printing, and compass
Write the questions! Why was the Tang Dynasty called a “Golden Age” of Chinese history? How did the Tang Dynasty hire good leaders? What are four examples of Chinese inventions from the Tang Dynasty?
How do I know if I learned it? I can explain why the Tang period was a golden age of Chinese history.
Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty Buddhism: Created in India; came to China around AD 150
Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty Many Chinese became Buddhists! Buddhism gave people a sense of hope and peace.
Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty Buddhist monks helped poor Chinese people– caused Buddhism to spread fast! Tang leaders tolerated Buddhism at first, but got nervous as it got more powerful.
Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty AD 845: Tang destroyed many Buddhist temples! Buddhism was already strong in China and spread to Korea and Japan.
Write the questions!!! 4. Why did many Chinese become Buddhists? 5. Describe the Tang relationship with Buddhism from beginning to end. 6. How did Buddhism spread across Southeast Asia?