Quick and easy informal surveys Man on the street Quick and easy informal surveys
What are “man on the street” interviews? Compilation of short interviews Gathers a range of opinions on a topic Can add humor to tell a story
Some examples “Jimmy Kimmel’s Pedestrian Question” “Texas Tech Politically Challenged” “Kids Can’t Answer Basic Questions” “Jay Leno’s Science Quiz”
Setting it up You can do this by yourself or with ONE partner Write your question Create a question broad enough to not get the same answer from everyone but not so broad you can get a whole bunch of different answers “Do you like football?” will get YES or NO “What do you like about fashion?” is too broad “What country did we fight in the Revolutionary War?” is better because it narrows down the answers Write down your question in Word, title it “[last name] MOS question” and submit it Mrs. J via Google Drive or OneDrive by midnight on Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Doing the interviews Ask the same question of everyone It will simplify editing Don’t ask follow up questions: this is meant to be quick Be sure to write down their name and grade (or have them say it, then edit it out) Talk to a lot of people The more footage you have, the better your final You must interview at least FIVE people, only TWO of which may be in this class If you intend to put their slates on rule of thirds, be sure to shoot it rule of thirds. If your slates will be lower thirds, then shoot it that way. BE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR SHOTS! Write and record your intro Add some value, like Austin in the “Kids Can’t Answer Basic Questions” video (don’t just say “I interviewed students on their knowledge of the Revolutionary War”) Only include the question on the first interview. The audience doesn’t need to hear the question multiple times since it’s identical
Editing and saving Edit it together Your intro Student interviews Use slates for names and grades – don’t waste time by including “My name is Stevie and I’m a freshman” Close Again, add some value. Humor is great! Save it as an MOV file; the whole thing should be no more than 90 seconds or so Submit the final MOS interview segment to Mrs. J via Google Drive by midnight on Wednesday, February 22, 2017. We will watch and critique on Thursday and Friday
MOS assignment grading rubric Criteria Weight Contains interviews with at least five people (only two in this class) 15 Video quality Audio quality Editing according to instructions Tells a solid story that flows and engages the audience Is saved as a .mov file 5 Overall effort 20 Total 100
You have a lot of time to complete this assignment You have a lot of time to complete this assignment. If you are not utilizing your time wisely, by excessive talking, horseplay or getting off task (YouTube, Twitter, etc.), you will lose five points on the final video grade for each infraction. On the second infraction, you will lose five more. This is a MAJOR grade so STAY ON TASK!