S1 Fig Supplementary Image 1 |Phylogenetic analysis of fungal MAPKs. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing amino acid sequences using the neighbor-joining algorithm of MEGA 4.1. Fungal species are indicated by the first two characters as follows: Pd for Penicillium digitatum, Mg for Magnaporthe grisea, Nc for Neurospora crassa, Ma for Metarhizium acridum, Zt for Zymoseptori atritici, Hw for Hortaea werneckii, Aa for Alternaria alternata, Bc for Botrytis cinerea, An for Aspergillus nidulans, Sc for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cl for Colletotrichum lagenariand, Fo for Fusarium oxysporum. Bar, 5% sequence divergence.
S2 Fig A B Supplementary Image 2 | Differential gene expression. (A) The number of genes up (left) and down (right) regulated in the wild-type and the ΔPdMpkB strains of Penicillium digitatum. (B) Gene Ontology (GO) term annotation revealing genes encoding different cellular functions that were up- and down-regulated by PdMpkB-mediated signaling pathways.
S3 Fig Supplementary Image 3 | Analysis of differential expression genes using clusters of orthologous groups (COG).