CVD, CAD, PAD, and HTN CVD… CAD… PAD… Plaque… Atherosclerosis… Short term risk = blood clots Long term risk = arteriosclerosis
Atherosclerosis = ↑ risk of heart attack & stroke Video - CAD produces heart attack . 10 min
1) Eat Less Quantity is as important as quality Prevention of CVD 1) Eat Less Quantity is as important as quality 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
1) Eat Less Pay attention to serving sizes Prevention of CVD 1) Eat Less Pay attention to serving sizes 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
Prevention of CVD 1) Eat Less Quantity is as important as quality Pay attention to serving sizes 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
Prevention of CVD 2) Eat less red meat & more fruits & veggies antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals saturated fats total Calories 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
3) Select whole grains over refined vitamins and minerals fiber Prevention of CVD 3) Select whole grains over refined vitamins and minerals fiber 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
4) Limit intake of unhealthy fats Saturated Trans Prevention of CVD 4) Limit intake of unhealthy fats Saturated Trans 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
5) Choose low fat proteins Lean meats Low fat dairy Eggs Prevention of CVD 5) Choose low fat proteins Lean meats Low fat dairy Eggs 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
6) Be physically active LDL HDL Prevention of CVD 6) Be physically active LDL HDL 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
HTN = Hypertension 120/80 no longer ideal Goal is now <120/80 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
Uncontrolled HTN damages the heart 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
…and many other complications Goes hand in hand with CVD/atherosclerosis Classic “chicken vs egg…” 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD
Foods that help and hurt your Hypertension Presented by: Priscilla Velasquez
What types of food should I eat if I have Hypertension (HTN)? DASH- Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension HIGH in key nutrients targeted to lower HTN such as K, Mg, Ca, Protein & Fiber.
Examples of good food choices:
What types of food should I avoid? Foods high in Sodium such as: Canned Foods Lunch Meats Processed Foods Fast Foods
Is Sea Salt healthier than Regular Table Salt? Sea Salt and Table Salt contain the same basic nutritional value!
Nutritional Food Label Tips: •Select foods that have 5% or less of the “Daily Value” of sodium. •Avoid foods that have 20% or more “Daily Value” of sodium
Two studies were conducted in the UK over a four week period: Both clearly showed that the lower amount of sodium consumed the lower blood pressure reading!
It’s never too early to teach a child how to read a Nutrition Label!
References: MacGregor GA et al. Double-blind study of three sodium intakes and long-term effects of sodium restriction in essential hypertension. Lancet. 1989; 334,1244-1247, 1989,-See more at: Sacks FM et al. Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group. New England Journal of Medicine. 2001; 344, 3-10 - See more at: Web MD
Controlling HTN Follow DASH diet (low sodium) Maintain healthy body weight Increase physical activity Take meds faithfully 2nd edit BTT2 3/06 AD