MECHANISMS FOR RESEARCH COOPERATION JUNE 2011 Dr Gayle Morris Director, Research Services
Research Support Endeavour Awards: Australian or International Applicants Close 30 June; Australia - China Council NHMRC Early Career Fellowship – Australia-China Exchange Fellowships Closing date 3 May 2011; Flinders University funding: Collaborative Research Projects: Seed Funding NEW
Endeavour Awards: Australian Applicants Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Awards Award Study Level Award Duration Total Award Value $AUD Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Outgoing Postgraduate Award Postgraduate study/research for a Masters degree or PhD Up to 2 years Up to $63,500 Endeavour Research Fellowships (Including Endeavour Australian Cheung Kong Research Fellowships) Research towards a Masters degree or PhD in home country; or postdoctoral research 4 - 6 months Up to $23,500 Endeavour Research Fellowships for Indigenous Australians Undergraduate Awards Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Outgoing Undergraduate Award Bachelor Degree or Honours Up to $53,500 Executive Awards Endeavour Executive Awards Professional Development 1 - 4 months Up to $18,500
Endeavour Awards: International Applicants Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Awards Award Study Level Award Duration Total Award Value $AUD Endeavour Postgraduate Awards Postgraduate study/research for an Australian Masters degree or PhD Up to 2 years for a Masters Up to 4 years for a PhD Up to $228,500 (PhD) and $118,500 (Masters) Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Incoming Postgraduate Award Postgraduate research for an Australian PhD Up to 4 years + up to 1 year optional internship Up to $263,500 Endeavour Research Fellowships (Including Endeavour Australian Cheung Kong Research Fellowships) Research towards a Masters degree or PhD in home country; or postdoctoral research 4 - 6 months Up to $23,500 Executive Awards Endeavour Executive Awards Professional Development 1 - 4 months Up to $18,500
Australia – China Council Australia-China Council grants: EOIs 28 Feb – 30 March Australian Studies in China Program Enhance the range, volume, quality and value of research on Australia, and promote the dissemination of research outcomes in China through publishing, conferences and other means. Promote greater Australian content in teaching at all levels of the Chinese educational system. Competitive Projects - tba Output Awards - tba Book Prizes - tba
Collaborative Research Projects: Seed Funding Purpose: enable academic staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Flinders University to establish collaborative research projects with academic staff at Central South University (CSU) that will result in joint publications and joint applications for grant funds. Projects which include a Central South University supported research student or postdoctoral researcher are encouraged. Funding: $4,000 - $12,000. Contributions (cash and in-kind) CSU are encouraged. Total of $100,000 available supported by School, Faculty, International Division, Research Division. Duration: 6-12 months. Commence no later than 1 January 2012.
Collaborative Research Projects: Seed Funding (cont.) Selection Criteria: extent and significance of the research collaboration project; dissemination and promotion of research outcomes; likelihood of success in gaining future external funding; extent of Central South University’s support; track record of Chief Investigators.