Quiz THIS WEDNESDAY Do the reading of the week Focus on the Sub-Sections QUIZ QUESTION WILL BE ON ONE OF THEM DEADLINE FOR ASSIGNMENT 1 THIS WEDNESDAY (For those who have not submitted due to add/drop period)
How to read an article/book chapter? Read the title What does the title promise for the book/chapter/article? 2. Read from the outside in Quickly read the introduction or the first two paragraphs and the conclusion or the last two paragraphs. You should have a good idea of the major themes and arguments 3. You are now finally ready to read in earnest This is not light reading. Identify and highlight topic sentences and the most important paragraphs. 4. Take notes You may want to produce a brief outline of the chapter/article based on the questions the author is trying to address.
REVIEW TRANSFORMATION FROM A FRONTIER PRINCIPALITY INTO AN EMPIRE What were the major political powers in Anatolia and the Balkans in the thirteenth century? Where were some of the major challenges and opportunities for the Ottoman principality?
What were some of the factors that contributed to the success of the Ottoman beylik in the fourteenth century? A successful “international” alliance through marriage 1344 Orhan Bey marries Kantakozenos’ daughter Building an inclusive polity and society Example: under Orhan Bey `subaşı` of Bursa was Koskos; and that the `subaşı` of Biga was Mavrozoumis. P.53 Chance factor 1354 Gelibolu Castle falls to the Ottomans after an earthquake Successful consilidation of power Formation of a central army through pençik during Murad I’s reign (1362-89) (to increase the power of the sultan vis-à-vis the gazis)
TODAYS LECTURE OTTOMAN SOCIETY Building an empire and its ruling elite Empire and the subjects
Map of Ottoman Expansion, 1300-1700
Imperial Project of Mehmed II Territorial Expansion - Komnenis in Trabzon - Karamanids in Konya - Akkoyunlus in eastern Anatolia and Iran Balkans -Serbian and Bosnian kingdoms -Albanian lords -Wallachia Black Sea -Kaffa and Azov from the Genoese -Khans of Crimea became Ottoman vassals Aegean -Genoese holdings -the Duchy of Athens -Venetians
Medal of Mehmet II, Bertoldo Di Giovanni, 1480s Inscribed (obverse): Mavmet Asie ac Trapesunzis Magne que Gretie Imperat. (Mehmed, emperor of Asia and Trebizond and Great Greece) Inscribed (reverse) Gretie/Trapesunty/Asie (Greece, Treibizond, Asia)
THE RULERS AND THE RULED Ruling elite (askeri) Sultan and his household Army central army (janissaries, kapıkulu sipahi etc) timar-holding cavalry Bureocrats Religio-administrative cadre (ulema, sing. alim) Privileges including tax exemption The subjects (reaya) Peasants, town and city dwellers, and nomads. Both Muslim and non-Muslim.
Topkapı Palace, view from the Bosphorus
Recruitment of Children from Arifi, Süleymanname, (Book of Süleyman), dating ca. 1558
Janissary recruits playing musical instruments, from Johannes Lewenklaw’s history,, dating from 1586
I.Central army stationed in the capital *Janissaries (infantry) Ottoman Army I.Central army stationed in the capital *Janissaries (infantry) *Cavalry of the Porte II. Provincial Cavalry Timarlı sipahi timar: exchange of rights over territory in return for military service Sultan Süleyman at the Battle of Mohacs (Hungary) Osman, Hünername, (Book of Skills), dating from second half of the 16th cent.
A public council meeting at the second court Lokman, Hünername, (Book of Skills), dating from ca. 1587-88.
Seated Scribe, Gentile Bellini, 1479–81
Gazanfer Ağa medresesi. Divân-i Nâdirî.
Cafer Aga Medresesi, late sixteenth century, view of the courtyard
Illuminated title page from the Sultan Süleyman’s Divan-ı Muhibbi, transcribed by Mehmed Serif, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, R. 738, dating from 1565/66.
Muslims and non-muslims `zimmi `status
Venetian and Genoese trade routes
What is this building?
Vezir Hanı, Aleppo, 1683
Vezir Hanı, Aleppo, 1683
Vezir Hanı, Aleppo, 1683
TODAYS LECTURE OTTOMAN SOCIETY Building an empire and its ruling elite Empire and the subjects