Live online presentations helping you create a culture of a fully funded ministry.
Moderator Introduction Aaron J. Babyar – SRS Managing Director
We want to flood the nations with Spiritually healthy, Vision-driven, Introduction SRS Vision We want to flood the nations with Spiritually healthy, Vision-driven, Fully funded, Great Commission workers
Introduction Our Goal SRS provides solutions to help your staff overcome obstacles, maintain a God-centered perspective, and apply proven strategies to personal support raising. We want to help you create a culture of a fully funded ministry for: Recruits New Staff Veteran Staff Support raising trainers and coaches
Ongoing Benefits of the SRS Network Introduction Ongoing Benefits of the SRS Network Monthly Webinars Opportunity to utilize SRS Bootcamp curriculum Audit Survey Catapult Series Training for you as facilitators Support Raising Leaders Conference
Last Tuesday of each month 1 p.m. CST Stop and Mark Your Calendar! Last Tuesday of each month 1 p.m. CST Please create a recurring event in your calendar
Spring Facilitator Training Dates Set! April 17-19 in Rogers, AR
Questions During the presentation, please submit your questions for the upcoming Q&A time
Moderator Introduction Steve Shadrach– Executive Director of the Center for Mission Mobilization & Founder of Support Raising Solutions
The Top Ten Questions to Determine the Support Raising Health of Your Staff
Overview Strategically coaching your staff to 100% can be a huge challenge when you’re unsure what your organization’s strengths and weaknesses are. Here are ten different questions that you can ask that will help determine the support raising health of your staff
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Quiz Time! Grab a sheet of paper and a pen Grade yourself on a scale from 0-10 on each of the following questions 10 being the highest and best
Jim Collins - Good to Great Pull Your Team Together Don’t be a Lone Ranger: put away arrogance and pride – “River of Denial” Gather opinions and assessments Confront the Brutal Facts Admit the facts – no need to hide the truth Listen to one another and avoid pride and defensiveness
Patrick Lencioni- The Advantage Some leaders are in denial or believe they’re above embracing organizational health – “too sophisticated, too busy or too analytical to bother with it” “Integrity – whole, consistent, and complete when all the management, operations, strategy, and culture (of an organization) fit together and make sense” “We as leaders must establish a few critical, non-bureaucratic systems to reinforce clarity in every process, policy and program” as to remind staff what is truly important
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Quiz Time! Grab a sheet of paper and a pen Grade yourself on a scale from 0-10 on each of the following questions 10 being the highest and best
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #1 Do your leaders raise their own personal support and are they fully funded?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #2 Do you have a set of strong, agreed upon, support raising policies that are strictly enforced from the top to the bottom of the organization?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #3 Have your leaders and staff spent extensive time studying the biblical basis for living and ministering off of personal support, and could they explain the theology behind it to someone else?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #4 Do all the staff receive full paychecks every month, all of their ministry expenses reimbursed, with a healthy buffer leftover each month?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #5 Are your staff marriages and families feeling a financial freedom from being at full support, or rather stress over the lack of finances?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #6 Do the staff have a healthy, vision driven attitude about support, money, and spending or is there “poor talk” of what they don’t have or can’t do—because of lack of funds?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #7 Are there enough designated personnel in your organization a who exclusively focus on the championing, modeling, training and coaching of your staff in the area of support raising?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #8 Are there enough designated personnel in your organization who exclusively focus on the receipting/accounting/reporting of donations?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #9 Do you provide periodic support “check-ups”, “booster shots” or clinics to keep the proper perspective and practice strong and healthy?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Question #10 Have you partnered with other support raising “specialists” to help you stay sharp, updated, and connected to the latest and greatest resources and best practices?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Additional Questions? What questions would you add to these 10?
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff 5 point bonus questions! Rate your organization from 0 to 5 with 5 being the highest and best 4 statements X 5 points each = extra 20 points possible
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff BONUS Points All your staff initially spent at least 40 hours of preparation and training before launching out to raise support
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff BONUS Points All your staff have between 50 and 150 monthly donors
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff BONUS Points All your staff are free from any kind of ongoing credit card balance
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff BONUS Points All your staff connect in some way to their donors at least bi-monthly
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff Grading Your Quiz If your total is: 80-100—There’s always room for improvement, but you are in the top tier. In fact, I want to talk to you about leading a workshop at our upcoming support raising leaders conference! 60-80—Don’t be discouraged. It will take time and effort, but making some basic changes and renewed commitments, you can significantly improve and grow your staff’s support raising health. 40-60—It might look hopeless, but it’s not. The time is now to create (or re-create!) the support raising DNA of your staff team. You will need to take some radical steps, but it will be well worth it.
Determining Support Raising Health of Your Staff What you can do right now: Pray and ask God for wisdom, courage, favor, and perseverance Educate yourself and your leaders (Resources we provide: SRS Blog, The God Ask, ViewPoints or BlindSpots) Evaluate your own support health Take your organization through the SRS Audit Join in with others in the process—join the SRS Network Bring a carload of key leaders and staff to Feb 2018 Support Raising Leaders Conference in Orlando.
Q & A Guest John Patton – COO of the Center for Mission Mobilization and co-founder of SRS and the CMM
Managing Yourself During Support Raising Q&A As Leaders and Support Trainers – What to Secure and Establish Checking on Team Support levels Staff reporting on support maintenance time Allocating time for SMD Share staff experiences
Closing Join us next month: Feb. 28 at 1 p.m. CST