Refresher to Pre & Post Exam Board Processes EOS Training 2016 Refresher to Pre & Post Exam Board Processes Welcome to the Pre & Post Exam Board Refresher End of Session briefing delivered by Taught Student Administration The purpose of this session is to provide a reminder for experienced School administrators of pre and post Exam Board processing procedures. Sessions: Friday 15th April, 2.00 – 3.30pm – Aston Webb WG12 Trainers: Matt (sections 1 & 3) Marcelle (sections 2 & 4) Cover: Vicki Monday 18th April, 10 – 11.30am – Aston Webb G33 Sarah (sections 2 & 4) Cover: Marcelle
What will we cover at the session? EOS Training 2016 1 What will we cover at the session? Where to find resources that will support you and your teams during Exam Board processing Reminder as to why we go through this exercise Considerations for your Exam Board processing preparation Discuss the use of the End of Session Checklist What happens once results have been released from BIRMS Section 1 Theory-based session Not hands-on
Resources to help you TSA End of Session web-site: 2 TSA End of Session web-site: End of Session Training 2015/6 Presentations from training sessions ARTs and Module Recommendation Brochures Error Message Guides BIRMS User Articles How to Enter Marks in BIRMS in Panopto Examination Information for staff 2016 Guidance document Timetable Sample of Exam Board paperwork Not Withstanding Regulations Pro-forma Links to Regulations & CoP on Assessment of Taught programmes and modules Detailed break-down of ARTs and Module Recommendations Using BOXI for End of Session How to run reports Useful BOXI reports for End of Session Section 1 Substantial resources available online Demo web-site Make it your first port-of-call for any queries/issues/errors if can’t help then go contact TSA End of Session Training 2015/6 materials may not be ready yet – COMING SOON! Demo the options on the left-hand-side and click on Training Materials Demo one of the ARTs Brochures – mention that will be available via 2015/6 Training link – Training Materials>Marks, ARTS and Errors>UG Which ARTs Brochure Mention that Entering marks in BIRMS video will be available shortly so can train/refresh from own work-station Click on Examination Info 2016 Should have received the link from TSA Lot of info, mostly for reference Suggest reading the Guidance Document so aware of any changes for 2016 demo one of the ARTS documents – detailed explanation to supplement brochures Refer to handouts that can be collected from front Be-spoke guidance for NSP’s – if you look after NSP’s please contact TSA for consultation on best way to manage data in BIRMS End of Session Jargon Buster Weighted marks reckoner PGR End of Session guidance Be-spoke guidance available for Non-standard Programmes
Short (honest!) Quiz Question 1 3 How many ARTs were released for UG & GT students from the 2014/5 Exam Boards across the University? a) 9, 999 b) 16, 165 c) 32, 987 d) 40, 352 Section 1 Look for popularity of each answer by asking people to put up-hands.
Short (honest!) Quiz Question 2 4 How many students graduated at the congregations in July and December 2015? a) 2, 150 b) 6, 700 c) 4, 500 d) 7, 800 Section 1
Short (honest!) Quiz Question 3 5 How many different ARTs are there available in BIRMS combined for UG & GT programmes a) 19 b) 14 c) 28 d) 10 Section 1
Short (honest!) Quiz Question 4 6 How many Successfully Completed ART – B’s were processed in 2014/5? a) 8,654 b) 12, 179 c) 10,101 d) 7, 987 Section 1
Why we do it 7 Purpose of Exam Boards: to make decisions on all module marks, progression and final award Section 2 The ‘inspirational’ slide !! Need some uplifting music to make us feel good: Click for each picture: So students can receive the results of their hard work throughout the year Students who need to re-sit can be entered for these assessments Students who have further studies can re-register and continue with their course Students can complete their programme and graduate with a University of Birmingham award
congregation preparation What is involved? 8 marking collating marks setting exam papers checking HUGE undertaking EC panels moderating Exam Boards recording Section 2 Huge undertaking – the stats prove this: [click to bring up graphic] Ask audience what they think – brain storming! Write in whiteboard/flip chart if there is one Click to bring up some examples BIRMS processing student feedback congregation preparation
Collaborative effort Team Work How it works well 9 Collaborative effort Team Work Everyone knows their role Understanding the wider picture Staff are well trained Meeting deadlines Section 2 In our experience it does work well: students graduate, re-register, sit re-sit exams Amazing achievement each year from assessments to graduation How can such an undertaking work-well? [Click to bring up graphic] One primary reason is through collaboration Team Work within: Programme Teams, School Teams, working as University-wide team – colleagues from other Schools, Academic Services working with teams – Exams, TSA, etc. And the characteristics of a good team: [Click to bring up graphic] Everyone knows their role Well trained Meeting deadlines Understands the wider picture
Transcripts & Certificates The Big Picture! 10 Online Student Marks Student Experience Ability to graduate Student Satisfaction Section 2 So what is the wider-picture? To give it a bit of context … This is how your End of Session processing will impact on your students and their experience [Click to bring up each picture] In summary it is vitally important to ensure: Accurate recording of marks and ARTs Checking data before Board and Releasing Releasing on time Transcripts & Certificates
Early Preparation Considerations: 11 Are there any more Are you clear on your role during Exam Board processing Are you well trained with BIRMS End of Session processing Attend Beginners or Refresher Training sessions if required Set up Exam Board arrangements (dates, venue, invites, etc.) Do you know which BOXI report to run for your Exam Board Do you need to schedule the running of BOXI audit reports? Are there any changes to regulations that will affect your programmes? What are the arrangements on release day for providing students with their results Set up Degree congregation arrangements Section 2 Our tips that we think may help planning this activity [Click to bring up each] After the first 3 questions - could ask If there are Team Leaders ask these questions about our team What report for Exam Board – if not sure the BOXI Report Finder can help Scheduling BOXI reports – if not sure, the Step By Step will help [At end of list Click to get graphic] Ask the group if they can think of any other consideration they would lik e to share Are there any more
End of Session Checklist 2016 12 1) Enter/Import component marks to BIRMS 2) Calculate Module Marks and Recommendation 3) Audit Module Marks data 6) Run final version of Exam Board report 5) Check Exam Board data 4) Calculate/Enter ARTs in BIRMS End of Session Section 3 Hand out checklist Introduce slide - Will show the chronology of activities Large undertaking as we mentioned an aid to prompt and re-assure that do not miss out some part of the process Talk through the End of Session Checklist and click to bring up the relevant graphic: Pre-Board: Module Marks 1), 2) and 3) covered in first 3 items on the list Pre-Board: ARTs 4) Covered in first 3 items of ARTs 5) Covered in 4th & 5th items 6) Covered in 6th item Post-Board: Amendments following Board 8) Covers all items Post-Board: Releasing Marks & ARTs 9) Covers all items Mention not to release NWR EXAM BOARD 8) Post-Board Exam Board changes in BIRMS 9) Release marks from BIRMS
Exam Board Paperwork Checklist 13 Remember to send to TSA: Exam Board Minutes (anonymised) Marksheets used at the Board Cases Not Withstanding Regulations to be considered by the Progress and Award Board Summary of Extenuating Circumstances cases that resulted in a change of award Signed Chair of Board of Examiners Statement Pass lists of successful students Section 4 Board paperwork section of checklist Standard practice should now be that Exam Board minutes are anonymised in accordance with 3.1.7 of the CoP of Taught Prog and Mod Assessment Marksheets used at the Board should be anonymised – use hide columns in Excel when printing off the sheets for the Board Cases NWR – make clear in the minutes. Send pro-forma to Vicki as soon as you can Pass lists – include names. We use to check congregation booklets, making sure we account for all awards. The list should be checked before sending over to ensure is a true reflection of the awards made at the Board Information about documentation in Section 4 of the Examination Guidance document Examination Information has Appendices for: Chair of Board statement NWR pro-forma Changes due to EC’s pro-forma Sample minutes/agenda/ToR’s [Click to bring up deadline graphic] How to send: Electronically if possible By Noon Monday 20th June 2016
What happens when marks are released?? Publication of marks on my.bham Section 4 Ability to also display component marks Once released, will automatically show on the portal Agree when will release – advise students Will need to view marks in order to find information about appeals
What happens when marks are released? TSA will start auditing the data and may need to come back to you with queries Students who have failed have the right to appeal. They have 10 working days from the date of release to submit their appeal If there is a change of mark after release, amend the mark in BIRMS using the Correction Approved functionality in Marks Entry. If this will change the progress or award decision, notify TSA in order for the ART to be amended Notify the other School if the student is not owned by your School Returning students will be able to register for 2016/7 from 11th July 2016 Re-sit marks can start to be entered into the Supplementary Assessment period in BIRMS Section 4 Appeals – Info on online results for ART’s F, G, K and students can appeal against degree classification If mark changes – send TSA a copy of Chairs Action Re-sits – Supplementary Assessment Listing to check and return for 8-July
What happens when marks are released? Degree Congregation Checking Queries TSA will notify you of any student who is no longer Excluded and ask for Chairs Action to be taken TSA will be checking Degree Congregation booklet proofs against pass lists to ensure the correct awards are being conferred at the congregation. There may be queries that we will need your help with. TSA will check any student who had confirmed were to attend the congregation where there is no award decision. There may be queries that we will need your help with. Section 4 Final section of Checklist Flurry of debts being cleared. Students may have gone to Board but BIRMS had prevented release – these can now be released. If didn’t go to the Board then Chairs Action will need to be arranged. Prioritise final years in case there is a chance they could graduate at congregation TSA booklet checking – help if could deal with any of queries as soon as you can P/SO and A/SO checking – student had indicated in February wanted to attend, we check to see why did not come through as awarded. Look at paperwork and data and will check with Schools. Want to account for everyone so we do not spoil the graduan‘s day . Would appreciate if could reply as soon as you can
BIRMS deadlines: Main Main Assessment Period: 17 Main Assessment Period: Inputting of all Marks & Recommendations Wednesday 8 June 2016 Release of Marks & ARTs Monday 20 June 2016 Section 4 The deadline for the release of marks and ARTs, especially for UG students, is not flexible – we are all severely constrained by the short period of processing time between these deadlines and the degree congregations the students hope graduate at If can’t make entering marks deadline in 8 June then will need to let Schools know if your modules are taken as MOMD , Minors, Joint Honours, etc. Some deadlines will differ for non-standard programmes, although the final release of marks and ARTs for a student wishing to graduate at particular degree congregations must adhere to the same deadline
BIRMS deadlines: Supplementary 18 Supplementary Assessment Period: Inputting of all Marks & Recommendations Tuesday 6 September 2016 Release of Marks & ARTs Monday 12 September 2016 Section 4
BIRMS deadlines: PGT Diss 19 PGT Dissertation Assessment Period: Release of Marks & ARTs Friday 28 October 2016 Section 4 DON’T PANIC BUTTON!!
Check out the EoS website 20 Section 4 Reminder to check our web-site If have query, try here first. If can’t resolve then contact TSA
Separate sessions for new and established staff would be better You said We did 21 You Said We Did Separate sessions for new and established staff would be better We have introduced separate introductory and refresher sessions for our 2016 training More hands on approach would be preferred Hands on elements of the training have been increased where appropriate Quizzes are great, but would prefer them after the session content is delivered, not at the start of the session We have continued to include quizzes but moved them to later on in the training sessions Vary timing of sessions to enable part time staff to attend We have scheduled sessions that run more than once during AM and PM slots where possible Like the cakes and chocolate! Don’t worry! These are still provided Section 4
Thank you for attending … 22 … and good luck with End of Session! Section 4 We would really appreciate your feedback