e-mail: abenito@ainia.es MicroQLab (Training in innovation through the Quality System in Food Microbiological Laboratories) Amparo de Benito 1, Chiara Albanello 2 , Francesca Pompei 2, Dorothee Kregel 3, Raquel Almeida 4, Laura Ripol 1, Carmen Serrano 1. 1 Ainia Centro Tecnológico, Paterna, Valencia (Spain), 2 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale", Teramo (Italy). 3 Lebensmittelinstitut KIN e.V. Neümuster (Germany). 4 Institute for Technology and Quality, Porto Salvo (Portugal). e-mail: abenito@ainia.es 1- Background of the Project The main objective of the project is the development of an innovative e-learning programme on Quality Systems for food microbiological laboratories, contributing to ensure food safety harmonization of European legislation on safety and health. www.microqlab.eu The course will aim to: Improve the quality of the performance of microbiological analysis by taking into account all the factors that influence the result. Improve the efficiency of training in the implementation of quality systems by an interactive and attractive e-learning solution that will reduce learning efforts. Contribute to modernize higher education and quality in VET, in order to keep up with the globalization and the technological developments all over Europe by the inclusion of new ITC tools. Improve skills and qualifications, facilitate personal development and employability for trainees that need to acquire practical competence to access the labour market in the analytical field and food testing Improve the competitiveness of the food sector by strengthening the abilities of employees on food control, quality assurance, growth and internationalization. MicroQLab, is an European Commission funded project, developed in collaboration with 4 European partners attending to the need of professional de-velopment for staff in line with industry and organi-zation needs and objectives. Consortium Collaboration of 4 European partners, ainia (Spain), ISQ (Portugal), IZSAM (Italy), KIN (Germany). 2- Project development The aim of this task lead will be to gather information from laboratory workers (managers, researchers, students and technicians) to access what the situation is in terms of general knowledge on quality system into the laboratories. 130 people from different group ages, professional background and the four geographical areas of the countries in the consortium have participated in a online questionnaire. The training program will be designed with the involvement of a team of people from the partners that are experts in food microbiological methods and standardization. From the results of the phase 1. 4 versions of the course will be developed corresponding with the 4 languages of the members of the consortium. The course will contain 3 modules. MODULE 1 Key aspects for the successful implementation of a Quality System in a microbiological laboratory and internal qualification of laboratory workers. -Management under ISO 17025. -Specific application for different testing laboratories. -General requisites for the performance of tests. -Official Qualifications required -Specific training. Testing proficiency and evaluation. -Record Keeping -Continuous learning. MODULE 2 Quality aspects associated to the analytical results. -Types of quality control for analytical assays: first, second and third level. -Validation of microbiological assays: Conventional methods versus Alternative methods. -Documentation associated to analytical results: Raw data, procedure and certificates. -Control of the environmental conditions. MODULE 3 Quality aspects associated to the equipment and materials in the laboratory. In this phase 4 pilot studies will be performed in each of the partners region with a selected group of trainees from each country. This activity will include the following parts 1. Selection of the pilot trainees and development of the training. The pilot will be carried out by a minimum of 20 trainees from each country of the consortium and the countries were Activity of Needs analysis has been done. The trainees will be enrolled in the on-line learning programme developed in phase 2 and follow up the course following the normal schedule. 2. Evaluation of result Trainees taking part in the pilot will be given an evaluation questionnaire and feedback from trainees will be implemented in the course. The data will be collected via Moodle. Benefits Data analysis from the information gathered is currently being analysed to identify the main issues and problems encountered by professionals when implementing a quality system in the laboratory as well as the gaps of knowledge in recently qualified students regarding this subject. The implementation of the project will allow obtaining a product of high quality and innovative course in microbiological food testing that has been developed attending to trainees’ demands and needs and using ICT-based methodologies, making more efficient and attractive the learning process. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein