U.S. History Agenda 2/27/17 Quiz #1 WWII CSA test on Thursday 3/2/17 *Copy agenda down on your notebook. (Phones and earphones should be put away & backpacks should be behind you or on the floor). Quiz #1 WWII CSA test on Thursday 3/2/17
U.S. History Agenda 2/21/17 Warm up #6 Lesson #5 Japanese Internment *Copy agenda down on your notebook. (Phones and earphones should be put away & backpacks should be behind you or on the floor). Warm up #6 Lesson #5 Japanese Internment Primary source analysis 4) Exit Slip #8
Warm Up #6 What does an American look like? Sentence Starter: In my opinion, an American looks like_______
Japanese Americans were interned during World War II because ______. Exit Slip # 8 Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II? American minority groups make special contributions to the war efforts in WWII? Sentence starters: Japanese Americans were interned during World War II because ______.
Lecture #6 Japanese Internment FLT: I will be able to investigate the internment of Japanese Americans in the U.S. during WWII.
Japanese Americans relocated Executive Order 9066 = President FDR passed this law for Japanese relocation after Pearl Harbor 2/3 of those interned were nisei, or Japanese Americans who were native-born American citizens Why do you believe that Japanese Americans were targeted and not the other two? Why were Germans and Italians not treated the same way?
Korematsu v. United States Fred Korematsu refused to be imprisoned Supreme Court ruled national security and “military necessity” was more important than any individual’s rights Later overturned; In 1990, President Ronald Reagan issued $20,000 to every internment prisoner in reparations
Essential question: Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II?
Japanese Internment investigation Read and annotate your primary sources on the internment of Japanese Americans Fill the Japanese internment graphic organizer
Japanese internment during WWII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= p8ZvhUcHrQU Take notes on the things that stand out to you from the video. Fil in the graphic organizer under Round one
Document A – Government Newsreel U.S. Government explanation, 1942 This film was made by the gov. to explain the for interning Japanese Americans. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=5_rk3RP5KQs
Document A – Government Newsreel Share out Hypothesis 1- Discussion Questions: 1. What were some of the reasons for internment offered in the newsreel? 2. How does the newsreel portray internment? Is it positive or negative? 3. Who do you think the audience was for this newsreel?
Document B – The Munson Report Document C – The Crisis Article Share out Hypothesis 2- Discussion Questions: Has your hypothesis changed? Why or why not? Do you find these documents more or less trustworthy than the government newsreel? Why or why not? Why is the date of the Munson report important?
Document D – Korematsu v. U.S.A. Document E – Personal Justice Denied Share out final Hypothesis -- Discussion Questions: 1. Which of these documents do you think has a better explanation of Japanese internment? Why? 2. Why were Japanese Americans interned during WWII? Use evidence.
U.S. History Agenda 2/23/17 Warm up #7 *Copy agenda down on your notebook. (Phones and earphones should be put away & backpacks should be behind you or on the floor). Warm up #7 Finish Lesson #6 Japanese Internment Japanese experience video Muslim “Interment” today 5) Exit Slip #8
Japanese Americans were interned during World War II because ______. Exit Slip # 8 Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II? American minority groups make special contributions to the war efforts in WWII? Sentence starters: Japanese Americans were interned during World War II because ______.
Warm Up #7 Why were Japanese Americans interned during WWII? Sentence Starter: In my opinion, Japanese Americans were interned during WWII because______
After Pearl Harbor, Japan takes more land in the Pacific Philippines-(Dec-Apr ‘42) US colony, US holds out for 5 months, US vows to return. *Bataan Death March- 85 mi. US, Eng., & Aus. POWs (prisoners of war), 140,000 soldiers died, forced march to prison camp . Bushido- code of honor (Japanese believe in death before surrender, surrender is cowardly and reflects on family forever, those who do surrender are cowards and deserve to die. *March 1942- Japan controls much of Asia and Pacific.
Summary Lecture #2: Summary : *attack on Pearl Harbor united America’s commitment to winning war (took 4 years) *enemies shocked at speed US produced ships, planes, arms, and supplies for war (mobilization of industry) *minorities begin to demand equal rights *war ends the depression (Gov. spending triples and jobs are created to make war supplies) Japan takes over the pacific
Muslim “internment” today Read and annotate the document on Muslim Americans today. Answer the following guiding questions.