Task 3 results and Conclusions 15/10/2014 Organization and implementation of a trial on energy and environmental performance of E20 capable cars Task 3 results and Conclusions 15/10/2014 IFPEN : Maira Alves Fortunato, Laurie Starck, Nicolas Jeuland SNPAA : Nicolas Kurtsoglou Tereos : Paul Jacquelin ePURE : Emmanuel Desplechin
Agenda Objectives Fuel Matrix formulation Fuels physical-chemical characterization Emissions evaluation: Vehicles Driving cycles : NEDC and WLTC Regulated pollutants Non-regulated pollutants Conclusions
Objective In the context of the Task 3 of the ePURE/ CEN call for tender Measurement of the pollutant emissions (regulated and non regulated) and fuel consumption on dedicated vehicles when running with different ethanolated fuels (towards E10+ blends)
Agenda Fuel Matrix formulation Objectives Fuels physical-chemical characterization Emissions evaluation: Vehicles Driving cycles : NEDC and WLTC Regulated pollutants Non-regulated pollutants Conclusions
Fuel matrix: proposal real (1/3) 4 fuels studied Reference fuel : EN228 E10 gasoline with a targeted vapor pressure of 60 kPa and a targeted RON of 95 Fuel for standard test E20sb : E10 (Fuel 1) + 10% volume of ethanol formulated by splash blending E25sb : E10 (Fuel 1) + 15% volume of ethanol formulated by splash blending E20-95 : 20% volume of ethanol with a targeted RON of 95 Target RON RON obtained
Fuel matrix (2/3) Same gasoline base (E10) for E20sb and E25sb MTBE and ETBE=0,000%mass * Summer grade for French case
Key point about the fuel matrix formulation (3/3) With a simple arithmetic rule, the addition of 20% vol of ethanol in a E0-RON91 base gives a RON of around 95 for the final blend But real measurement on CFR engine gives 98.9 for E0-RON91 + 20% vol of ethanol Boost effect on RON of the addition of ethanol Not a linear rule Dependent on the chemistry of the gasoline base
Agenda Fuels physical-chemical characterization Emissions evaluation: Objectives Fuel Matrix formulation Fuels physical-chemical characterization Emissions evaluation: Vehicles Driving cycles : NEDC and WLTC Regulated pollutants Non-regulated pollutants Conclusions
Fuel matrix – distillation (1/9) No significant difference is observed for <40% and >80%vol distillated Step in the distillation curve due to the addition of ethanol as expected since boiling point of ethanol is 78°C: E25sb>E20sb=E20RON95 >E10 All fuels respect the EN228 limits summer grade for French case
Fuel matrix – E70 (2/9) Not the same gasoline base All the blends are into EN228 limits summer grade for French case
Fuel matrix – Vapor Pressure (3/9) Slight decrease of vapor pressure from E5 (58.2 kPa) to E25 (54.9 kPa) Classical evolution All fuels respect the EN228 limits summer grade for French case
Fuel matrix – RON and MON vs ethanol (4/9) E20RON95 All RON values are 1 point higher than the desired target RON values increase linearly by increasing ethanol quantity RON is 2,5 points higher for E20 than for E10 RON increases from 98 up to 99 from E20 to E25 MON values are quite constant from E10 to E25 All fuels respect EN228 limit summer grade for French case
Fuel matrix – Energy content in volume variation (5/9) Energy content volume variation is about 5,1% taking E10 as reference The decrease of energy content is linear when increasing ethanol content
Fuel matrix – Energy content in mass variation (6/9) -6,45% -5,98% Energy content volume variation is about 6,45% taking E10 as reference and 5,98% taking E5 as reference The variation is higher comparing to NHV in volume The decrease of energy content is linear when increasing ethanol content
Fuel matrix – Density (7/9) Slightly Linear increase from E10 to E25 as expected since ethanol density is higher than pure gasoline All fuels respect EN228 limits summer grade for French case
Chemical Composition (8/9) By increasing ethanol content, the quantity of olefins, aromatics and saturates decrease due to the dilution factor
Benzene (9/9) The amount of benzene decreases slightly by increasing ethanol quantity, probably due to the dilution factor
Fuels formulation : conclusion Fuels E10, E20sb and E25sb have the same gasoline base E10 and E20RON95 have the same RON Fuel E20RON95 was formulated to have a RON of 95, it does not present a significant difference in terms of vapor pressure, density and energy content than the E20sb Fuel E20RON95 presents lower aromatics and higher saturate content than E20sb There is an interesting difference between RON values of E20sb and E20RON95, it can have an impact on vehicles tests results All fuels formulated in this study (E10 E25 by sb) are in the limit of EN228 specification summer grade for French case
Agenda Emissions evaluation: Conclusions Objectives Fuel Matrix formulation Fuels physical-chemical characterization Emissions evaluation: Vehicles Driving cycles : NEDC and WLTC Regulated pollutants Non-regulated pollutants Conclusions
1.4 TSI 140 ACT BlueMotion Technology Port injector (indirect) Brand Peugeot Volkswagen Category 208 Golf 7 Serie 1.2 VTi 82ch BVM5 1.4 TSI 140 ACT BlueMotion Technology Empty weight (kg) 1050 1296 ENGINE Max power kW (ch) 60 (82) 103 (140) Ratio power to weight W/kg 57 79 Engine size (cm3) 1199 1395 Cylinder 3 4 Max torque Nm (m.kg) 118 250 Injection type Port injector (indirect) GDI Supercharger - yes Polluting level Euro 5 CO2 emissions 80/1268/CE CO2 (g/km) 104 109 Urban (en l/100 km) 5.5 5.8 Extra Urban (en l/100 km) 3.9 4.2 Combined (en l/100 km) 4.5 4.7 POLLUTANTS EMISSIONS CO (mg/km) 691 646 HC (mg/km) 66 41 NOx (mg/km) 27 32 Vehicle E20 COMPATIBLE VEHICLE Peugeot 208 1.2 VTi 82ch BVM5 Volkswagen Golf Nouvelle 1.4 TSI 140 ACT BlueMotion Technology References - www.vcacarfueldata.org.uk - www.peugeot.fr - www.volkswagen.fr
Driving cycles NEDC cycle: current official European cycle WLTC cycle: future official "world" cycle (version 5) Vehicle preparation for the tests according to current legislation Measurement of regulated and unregulated pollutant emissions: CO, HC, NOx, particulate (mass and number), fuel consumption, benzene, CO2 Repeatability calculated on 2 cycles (CO2 base). If the deviation was too large (>1%), a 3rd cycle was done.
Driving cycles Source: Delphi booklet 2013-2014 Emissions Unit Euro 5 legislation Euro 6 legislation HC mg/km 68 NOx 60 CO 1000 PM 4,5 PN# nb/km - 6,0E+11* *IDE vehicles are authorized until 6E+12 particles number/km
CO emissions Addition of ethanol does not present a significant effect over low CO emissions (Peugeot and Golf NEDC cycles and Golf WLTC) For high CO emission, Peugeot WLTC cycle, the impact of ethanol addition is important (~20%of CO emission reduction from E5 to E20sb) Peugeot at WLTC cycles have higher CO emissions than EURO 5 and EURO6 limits for E5 and E10sb fuels All fuels and cars at NEDC cycle and Golf WLTC respect EURO 5 and EURO 6 standards
HC emissions Impact of cycles over HC emissions: WLTC > NEDC Not significant impact of engine technology Impact of ethanol content is observed only for Golf both cycles All fuels, vehicles and cycles respect EURO 5 and EURO 6 standards (0.068g/km)
NOx emissions No significant difference for both cars and cycles NOx emissions increases from E5 to E25 for all cycles and both cars All fuels, vehicles and cycles respect EURO 5 and EURO 6 standards (0.06g/km)
Particles number and mass The tendency for NEDC and WLTC is the same Particle number /Km is considerably reduced for Golf during both cycles from E5 to E25 Particle number and mass decreases from E5 to E25 for both vehicles and cycles All fuels, vehicles and cycles respect EURO5 and EURO 6 standards (0.0045g/km and 6E+11nb/km*) *IDE vehicles are authorized until 6E+12 particles number/km
CO2 emissions For Golf, CO2 emissions is constant during both cycles For Peugeot, CO2 emissions decreases, especially for NEDC cycle Except for E25, CO2 emissions decreases around 3%-5% for both cars and cycles
Fuel Consumption Increase of Fuel consumption when adding ethanol for both Peugeot and Golf cars and both cycles
Benzene at exhaust gases Positive impact of ethanol on benzene with reduction of emissions from E5 to E25sb for both vehicles and cycles
Agenda Conclusions Objectives Fuel Matrix formulation Fuels physical-chemical characterization Emissions evaluation: Vehicles Driving cycles : NEDC and WLTC Regulated pollutants Non-regulated pollutants Conclusions
Conclusion : Fuels formulation All fuels formulated in this study (E10 E25 by sb) are in the limit of EN228 specification summer grade for French case
Conclusion: Euro 5 and Euro 6 limits
Conclusion : Emissions CO, HC, NOx and particles Test conditions: 4 fuels tested: E10 E25 2 cycles WLTC and NEDC 2 vehicles : 2 technologies Direct or Indirect injection NEDC cycle: vehicles and fuels are in the limit of Euro 5 & Euro 6 WLTC cycle : both cars respect Euro 5 and Euro 6 for fuels >E20 CO : positive impact of ethanol for high CO emissions HC : impact of cycle NEDC > WLTC, no significant impact of ethanol NOx : slightly increase of emissions with ethanol content increase Particle number and mass: positive impact of ethanol for both vehicles and cycles; Particle mass: all cycles and vehicles respect Euro 6 standards
Conclusion : CO2 and Fuel consumption Test conditions: 4 fuels tested: E10 E25 2 cycles WLTC and NEDC 2 vehicles : 2 technologies Direct or Indirect injection CO2 : positive impact specially for Peugeot (up to 7 gCO2/km); for Golf7, positive impact from E5 to E10 (3 gCO2/km) impact of engine technology: Golf presents higher CO2 emission for both cycles Fuel consumption: Impact of ethanol with linear increase of consumption for both cycles and vehicles
Conclusion: Benzene Test conditions: 4 fuels tested: E10 E25 2 cycles WLTC and NEDC 2 vehicles : 2 technologies Direct or Indirect injection Impact of ethanol content with decrease of benzene concentration into exhaust gases
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Experimental set-up Roller bench technical characteristics
Experimental set-up
Benzene Impact of benzene content (left) and aromatics content (right) of fuels over benzene exhaust emissions