JMA GPRC Report GDWG/GRWG Joint Meeting at Daejeon in March 2011


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Presentation transcript:

JMA GPRC Report GDWG/GRWG Joint Meeting at Daejeon in March 2011 09 February 2018 JMA GPRC Report GDWG/GRWG Joint Meeting at Daejeon in March 2011 Hiromi Owada Japan Meteorological Agency/Meteorological Satellite Center

Progress since the last Joint meeting (1) 09 February 2018 Progress since the last Joint meeting (1) Switchover to MTSAT-2 July 2010: MTSAT-2 infrared inter-calibration system and its monitoring web page were implemented simultaneously with the switchover to MTSAT-2 from MTSAT-1R September 2010: MTSAT-2 visible calibration system and its monitoring web page were implemented Prototype of a unified web page (GSICS Bias Monitoring) May 2010: Action EP 8.2 (JMA, in consultation with GCC, to develop a prototype of a unified web page….) was adopted February 2011: The prototype was presented at the Web meeting as a review for GDWG/GRWG

JMA MTSAT calibration monitoring page Renewed in July 2010 Click logo IR monitoring MTSAT-2 since July 2010 VIS monitoring MTSAT-2 since September 2010 Jump to GSICS Portal (WMO)

MTSAT-2 infrared inter-calibration guide Explanation of GSICS Correction

Prototype of a unified web page 09 February 2018 Prototype of a unified web page

Where to be modified by each GPRC 09 February 2018 Where to be modified by each GPRC To be modified by each GPRC

Progress since the last Joint meeting (2) 09 February 2018 Progress since the last Joint meeting (2) GSICS Correction for MTSAT infrared channels July 2010: GSICS Correction for MTSAT infrared channels entered the Demonstration Phase of the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA) as other GPRCs Since September 2010: GSICS Correction data have been uploaded operationally on the EUMETSAT GSICS server Since September 2010: Trial study toward the application of the GSICS Correction has been performed for Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) product September 2010: CSR product corrected by GSICS Correction was experimentally generated (refer to CGMS38 JMA-WP-04) January 2011: The OSE was performed for a very short period

WV channel’s bias from NWP monitor 09 February 2018 WV channel’s bias from NWP monitor OBS-FG means Observation – First guess “OBS-FG” shows the continuous bias of MTSAT-2’s WV channel ( about -0.5K )

O-B(OBS-FG) of MTSAT-2’s WV channel 09 February 2018 O-B(OBS-FG) of MTSAT-2’s WV channel Used number of MTSAT-2’s CSR WV channel Start of the assimilation End of the assimilation O-B of MTSAT-2’s CSR WV channel Impact of GSICS Correction 6hourly, 10days

Progress since the last Joint meeting (3) 09 February 2018 Progress since the last Joint meeting (3) Synthetic satellite imagery Since April 2010: The development for simulating satellite imagery from NWP models has been performed January 2011: Global composite image based on the simulations were generated January 2011: Simulations for our next generation satellite named “Himawari-8” was performed NWP Forecast (JMA routine) Simulator Including RTTOV and CRTM as Radiative Transfer Models Satellite Information Synthetic Satellite Imagery

Simulated image for 10.8mm channel 09 February 2018 Simulated image for 10.8mm channel MTSAT-2 MTSAT-2 10.8mm channel’s simulation from JMA Global model by CRTM2.02

Simulated Image for 6.8mm channel 09 February 2018 Simulated Image for 6.8mm channel MTSAT-2 MTSAT-2 WV (6.8mm) channel’s simulation from JMA Global model by CRTM2.02

Composite simulated image for 10.8mm channel 09 February 2018 Composite simulated image for 10.8mm channel Meteosat-9 Meteosat-7 MTSAT-2 GOES-11 GOES-13 Composite 10.8mm channel’s simulation from JMA Global model by CRTM2.02

Composite simulated image for 10.8mm channel 09 February 2018 Composite simulated image for 10.8mm channel Constellation in the year 2002 Meteosat-7 Meteosat-5 GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Composite 10.8mm channel’s simulation from JMA Global model by CRTM2.02

Composite simulated image for 6.8mm channel 09 February 2018 Composite simulated image for 6.8mm channel Meteosat-9 Meteosat-7 MTSAT-2 GOES-11 GOES-13 Composite WV (6.8mm) channel’s simulation from JMA Global model by CRTM2.02

Composite simulated image for 6.8mm channel 09 February 2018 Composite simulated image for 6.8mm channel Constellation in the year 2002 Meteosat-7 Meteosat-5 GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Composite WV (6.8mm) channel’s simulation from JMA Global model by CRTM2.02

Simulation for next “Himawari” MTSAT OBS. Himawari-8 (AHI) RTM: CRTM2.02 Visible channel: MODIS simulation Infrared channels: GOES-R simulation