Particle Accelerators in Asia Asian Accelerator Network Asian Committee for Future Accelerators ACFA is officially established in the First Plenary ACFA meeting held in 1996 at POSTECH, Korea ACFA covers Asia and Oseania ACFA is composed by 14 countries/regions and 1 international organization (JINR, Russia) Purpose ACFA Members Total population of ACFA- member countries/regions = 3.42 billion (53.8% of the world population) 1 2 4 3 6 7 9 10 8 13 12 14 11 5 ◆ JINR The primary purpose of ACFA shall be to strengthen regional collaboration in accelerator-based sciences. In particular, ACFA seeks cooperative ways: To facilitate efficient utilization of existing human and material resources. To bring up accelerator scientists of the next generation. To encourage future accelerator projects in Asia and to make recommendations for them to governments. Australia Bangladesh China India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Philippines Business ACFA will carry out its business according to the following guiding principles: ACFA is open to any active region in Asia which is willing to contribute to the advancement of accelerator-based science. ACFA is not intended to displace or supersede any existing organization. ACFA will closely cooperate with ICFA (International Committee for Future Accelerators). Activities ACFA can engage in the following activities: regular meetings of the Plenary ACFA schools, symposia, workshops, and conferences sponsored or organized by ACFA, or jointly with other organizations study groups for special issues, set up by ACFA, or jointly with other organizations Particle Accelerators in Asia KEK-B Japan J-PARC Japan BEPC II China APAC04, PAL, Korea APAC98, KEK, Japan HIRFL-CSR China Spring8 Japan SESAME Jordan PAL Korea INDUS II India PEFP Korea APAC01, IHEP, China APAC07, RRCAT, India VECC India SSRF China SSLS Singapore TPS Taiwan AS Australia IUAC India NSRC Thailand CSNS China Working Group Network Working Group Electronic Publication Working Group HPPA Group Working Group LC Physics/Detector Working Group Advanced Accelerator Working Group Asia Linear Collider Steering Committee Asian Accelerator Network Phase to establish the Asian accelerator science community to promote exchange of accelerator scientists/students to coordinate cooperative research programs to coordinate strategic planning based on common interests to plan/support symposia, workshops, and schools in Asia the Network is not limited to HEP programs, but extends to accelerator science in general science using light sources or neutron sources, medical/industrial application, innovative technologies (accelerator/detector) www.kek. jp/ACFA/ Asia-Europe Physics Summit Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan, March 24 ~ 26, 2010