Out of Zion, Praise Him Psalm 135
Another “Hallelujah” psalm Virtually all in this psalm found in other places A psalm that presents God 1) The God of Jacob; 2) God of gods; 3) God of creation; 4) God over our enemies: 5) God of love; 6) God contrasted with idols
1 Peter 2:9 – that you may proclaim the praises of His name… Hallelujah (1-14) Praise the LORD Praise the name of the LORD – see His name with honor and dignity. Reverence. Exodus 20:7 1 Peter 2:9 – that you may proclaim the praises of His name…
Hallelujah (1-14) For the LORD is good (3-4) He has chosen Jacob, Israel His special treasure Good – His word – Hebrews 6:5, His will - Romans 12:2 Romans 2:4, 2 Thessalonians 1:11, Romans 11:22
Hallelujah (1-14) A God above all gods (5) Deuteronomy 10:17, Exodus 20:3 – no other gods before Me
Hallelujah (1-14) He does as He pleases (6-7) He is sovereign! Job 42:2, Isaiah 46:10 He is over nature and all things He is NOT selfish – it pleases Him to do good Ezekiel 33:11, Isaiah 53:10, 1 Corinthians 1:21, Ephesians 1:5
Hallelujah (1-14) He has manifested His greatness (8-12) History tells of Him – In Egypt – the 10th plague Signs and wonders against Pharaoh Defeating Sihon and Og in the wilderness Giving Canaan to Israel as a heritage
Hallelujah (1-14) He name and fame endures(13) His name is remembered and established. Man has tried to destroy and discredit it but with no success His power cannot be denied
Hallelujah (1-14) He will judge His people with compassion (14) Here is the confidence of His people – He will defend us and He will judge us and all
Other gods (15-18) The works of men’s hands (15) See Psalm 115:4-8 Mankind has always sought to worship something greater than themselves When man creates idols – they are in man’s image – Romans 1:20-23, 25
Other gods (15-18) Formed but powerless (16-17) Body parts that do not work Giving them these parts will not make them work - Isaiah 40:18-20, 44:9-20 Those who make them are like them! Powerless and useless and awaiting to be destroyed
Other gods (15-18) What about idols today? Some today create idols to bow before But most idols are within us – our things, our prideful attitude, etc. Modernism, naturalism, worshipping nature, pantheism, etc. These too cannot save!
Bless the LORD (19-21) We must bless Him. Speak well of Him, reverence Him, etc. House of Israel, Aaron, Levi – the priests and the nation You who fear Him, Bless the LORD
Bless the LORD (19-21) Out of Zion – the place where He meets with His people! He dwells in Jerusalem! The place where His people are. Hallelujah!
Bless the LORD And He will bless you!