Creating and Changing Curriculum 30.07.2010 Creating and Changing Curriculum Akari Curriculum Management System 14.11.2016
Log-in & Basic Navigation 30.07.2010 Log-in & Basic Navigation Log in using your staff number and OASIS password Use the Akari Banner (shown above) to create new, navigate to your study packages, search for study packages Help text is available in system to provide further guidance, along with links to user guides Return to your dashboard by clicking “Home” or the Akari Logo
Dashboard The screen after log-in has links to all of your study 30.07.2010 Dashboard The screen after log-in has links to all of your study packages, broken down by approval status A study package will be included in your assigned entities if You are listed as the coordinator or other staff, OR You are listed as a reviewer or approver of the change Study packages in draft can be edited and submitted for approval by the coordinator. Only one draft can be in system at any one time You will only have the right to change study packages assigned to you as the coordinator or other staff Draft study packages are visible only to Akari users listed as the coordinator or other staff, or those who are Akari administrators (Curtin Learning and Teaching, Student Services) Study packages that have been approved can be changed, or deactivated
Searching and Reports 30.07.2010 Search for units by selecting “All Units” (same for courses & components) Course and Units can be searched by multiple fields, component search is more basic View/Download individual course, component and unit reports in the search/assigned entities screens Left click on the study package you are interested in to view or download a course or unit report at any approval status Additional Reports available in Reporting Screen Reports that are available in system are provided in the Reporting screen. Useful reports: Course Book of Units, Course Book of Units with Unit Updates,
Creating or changing curriculum 30.07.2010 Creating or changing curriculum To create a completely new study package, use the “Create new” functionality from the Akari banner This will create a new study package without any information pre-populated To create an administratively new study package, or a new equivalent study package, use the “Copy” functionality from the action menu pop-up (click on the relevant study package to bring up this menu) This will create a new study package with some information pre-populated from the existing. All locked fields are unlocked for editing. To create a new version of an existing study package, use the “Change or Modify” functionality from the action menu pop-up This will create a new version After the draft is created, navigate through to the edit screens using the action menu pop-up
Editing Screen Types of data entry fields found in the editing screens 30.07.2010 Editing Screen Types of data entry fields found in the editing screens Multi-select Use the arrows to select from the relevant options Look-up Type at least 3 characters to narrow down options Flag / Checkbox Simple Yes/No fields Radio button Choice of options Free Text Enter text Drop-downs Select from the relevant option
Drafting and collaborating 30.07.2010 Drafting and collaborating Drafts can be edited by all staff listed in the “Other Staff”, as well as the Unit Coordinator. Internal collaboration / review is supported by adding all contributors to “Other staff” External review / benchmarking is supported offline using the unit/course report Contributors should leave discussion notes for other contributors in the “Extra Information” sections in the final tab of the editing screens This information appears in the report as “Discussion Notes” and provides additional information for committees about the discussions, considerations and collaborations that occurred during drafting Once the changes have been fully drafted, contact Courses Management for final administrative check prior to submission
System Validation Assessments Learning Outcomes User Defined Codes 30.07.2010 System Validation Assessments All assessments must add up to 100%, and the assessment breakdown must match the detailed assessment tasks Each assessment must address at least one unit learning outcome Learning Outcomes Each learning outcome must be assessed at least once User Defined Codes The user defined code must match the system validation applied in Student One. Refer to the study package coding and naming conventions Mandatory & Locked Fields Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk Some fields (eg FOE, UDC) are locked for editing from version 2 onwards Centrally approved fields cannot be changed when a faculty workflow is selected System validation will prevent submission, and an error will be displayed
Submitting & revising drafts 30.07.2010 Submitting & revising drafts Enter the rationale for the change in the pop-up that appears on submission This rationale will be used for Faculty and Central courses committees. Include relevant information about what has changed and the reason for this change. Include any additional information about stakeholder engagement and collaboration that is not already included in the extra information The change will be submitted for approval through the Central or Faculty workflow Refer to the following slide for more information If further review is required, the study package will be reverted to draft Refer to the status log for the reasons why a change has been reverted to draft Make the required changes in the draft, and resubmit. Include in your rationale how the feedback was addressed
30.07.2010 Workflow Faculty approval end Central approval end Head of School or nominee 2 cc Faculty CC / Dean L&T or nominee 3 cc (Central) University CC 4 (Central) DVCA / AB / Council 5 Teaching & Support Staff 1 Step 1 (Draft): Academics & support staff create/edit a draft and submit for approval Step 2 (Submitted): Head of School or nominee reviews & recommends Step 3 (Endorsed – Central; Recommended – Faculty): Faculty CC / Dean L&T or nominee reviews & recommends (if central) or approves (if faculty) Step 4 (Reviewed): University CC reviews & recommends Step 5 (Recommended): DVCA / AB / Council reviews & approves
30.07.2010 Where to from here? Contact Courses Management for advice/assistance with Getting listed as “other staff” One-on-one support Checking drafts prior to submission Visit User Guides Training Materials Latest news FAQs