Technological Tips and Tricks September 6th, 2016 Orientation Dalhousie School of Information Management
YOUR DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION Banner ID: B00###### Sometimes called a boo number or your Dalhousie ID Use it for identifying yourself on assignments, exams, or university documents Use it to access your Net ID NetID: Aa123456 Your original email address This is used to log in to most of the portals you will be using
NETID AND PASSWORD Your NetID and password provides access to: Dal Online MyDAL Brightspace Computer labs Campus Wi-Fi … and more Activate your NetID and password at
DAL ONLINE Access it with: NetID and password Use it to: Register for classes Check your schedule View and pay fees Check your final grades Get you official tuition receipt at tax time Get your pay stub if you are employed by Dalhousie
MyDAL Access it with: Net ID and password Use it for: DAL email Outlook Calendar 1TB of OneDrive personal cloud storage Dalhousie News Classifieds - buy, sell, carpool! MyCareer – resource for job postings on campus and elsewhere Sign up for emergency text messaging (e.g., school closures) Dal resource for setting up your email on your Desktop or Mobile device.
PERSONALIZED EMAIL ADDRESS You can create a custom Dalhousie e-mail alias (e.g., rather than Go to MyDal. Select “Find a Service” Select “Personalized email” from the “Popular services” tab. (Not Pictured) Create your own alias (e.g. More information:
EMAIL FORWARDING Note: You must use your Dal email address when emailing anyone on Dalhousie business, i.e. SIM needs all of your email correspondence to be via How to forward your email from a personal account to your Dal email: Login to your email provider (such as Gmail or Outlook) Click “Settings” (Gmail) or “Options” (Outlook) Click “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” (Gmail) or “Forwarding” (Outlook) Type in your Dalhousie email
OFFICE 365 PRO PLUS Don’t have Office yet? Need Word and PowerPoint for classes? Dal has you covered. Login to MyDal Click the gear in the top right-hand corner and choose “Office 365 Settings” Click “Install Status” in the left-hand menu Click “Install Desktop Applications” Click “Install” to begin the download If prompted: Choose Office 365 Account (should be option B). Enter your and password.
BRIGHTSPACE Access it with: Net ID and password Use it for: Interacting with your professor and classmates, organized by course Online discussion (forum style) and email for classes Submitting work online Links to assigned readings Downloading the syllabus, guidelines etc. Go to
BRIGHTSPACE NOTIFICATIONS You can set up Brightspace to send you email or text notifications for the following: Content created/updated Discussions Dropbox: due date or end date is 2 days away ePortfolio: feedback for your submissions Grades News Quizzes: end date is 2 days away To setup notifications, click your name on the top right-hand side of the screen, click “Notifications,” click the tick boxes for email or SMS (or select both!), and click “Save.”
ONEDRIVE All students have access to storage space through Office 365 OneDrive This free cloud storage is useful for assignments and readings You can access your OneDrive, on or off campus, through the MyDAL portal Login to MyDal with your Net ID and password Click the icon in the top-left corner Select OneDrive OneDrive allows you to share documents with classmates or colleagues You can also follow documents and get notifications whenever it is updated
GOOGLE DRIVE AND DROP BOX Useful for storing and sharing documents Allows for real-time group editing Great for collaborating on projects Not great at formatting Useful for storing assignments and readings Share files and documents with others Drag and drop from any device Group editing not available
GOOGLE CALENDAR Keep track of your course schedule, assignment deadlines, and group meetings Sync to all your mobile devices Get reminders on your phone Colour-code for maximum organization! SIM maintains an official calendar, which you can access on their site. Additionally, the SIMSA calendar is available in iCal and HTML, both of which are found on the SIMSA website.
APA CITATION STYLE Lindsay McNiff created a LibGuide for SIM students. To see the APA citation style guide and more, visit
WIRELESS AT DAL – Connect to DAL-WPA2 using your NetID and password. If it isn’t working correctly, try forgetting the network and re-authenticating.
COMPUTER LABS / PRINTING How to print? Printing costs are taken from your DalCard. To load money on your card, visit If you want to use debit or cash, you can add money to your card at Subway or Second cup in the Killam Library, or at the Dalcard office. Can use NetID/Pass instead of swiping Killam Library Learning Commons: tons of computer stations – both Mac and PC. The HELP desk is right there, and photocopiers are available. Can also print in Rowe 4001.