Welcome To Another Great Science Fair Information Session


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome To Another Great 2016-17 Science Fair Information Session School Science Fair Coordinator Mr. Thebaud Sponsored By: Science Department @CMAB

School Science Fair Requirements All Honors Grade Level Students Must Participate In The 2016-2017 CMAB School Science Fair School science fair is open to anyone who would like to participate in the CMAB Science Fair Exhibit No more than one students are allowed to work on a science fair project One student to a science fair project Students must follow proper rules and regulations for setting up their science fair boards

Why Participate in a Science Fair? Opportunities to research and present a scientific idea that interests you as a student Student can showcase his/her project for the scientific community at large during either a school science fair, area science fair or city wide competition After fours years of science fair participation you are eligible for a scholarship qualification

Important Dates To Remember Our school science Fair is scheduled to take place on the first week of December projected on the week of 5th of December 4th .More Information will follow during class sessions. Area/Regional Science Fairs will be held during the second to third week of January. All participants will be informed prior to attendance based on CMAB top 5 School Fair Qualifiers. All top 5 participants will be announced 2 days after the School Fair All students should have started their project at least by early September if not earlier. Students that are going to do their project working with live subjects with the help of a University Professor should make sure that endorsements are due by October 15th. Please use CMAB Science Fair Project Timetable for keeping up and tracking important dates. Calendar is available on school web site. All science teacher can generate copies for classroom posting or student copies.

Important Dates to Remember!!! All other endorsements working with live subjects are due by November 15th, 2016. So that you know endorsements are required before the start of your project because of safety requirements that can potentially harm you or another person such as working with live subjects such as human, bacteria or any living tissues. City wide science fair is scheduled for March 17, 2017. More information will be forthcoming for any CMAB students that make it pass the Area Science Fair

How Do I know If I Need An Endorsement? Use the CPS Science Fair Endorsement Flow Chart(See Packet or Hand out in Your Folder) Basically to sum it up endorsements are all about safety for you and your test subjects For instance experimenting on people or yourself that can cause physical or emotional stress, using animals with bones, using bacteria, viruses, splicing DNA, using sample tissues, saliva, teeth, muscle as in meat, bone or urine will require the use of an endorsement.(November 15th is the deadline for request and submission). See your science Teacher for further information.

What Do I Do If I need an endorsement?(A.S.A.P. Submission!!!) First Revise the List and see if you fall under the endorsement category request Consult your science teacher or come see Mr.Thebaud for further details as to what steps you should take Request can be made in two ways: #1: project sponsor or Mr.Thebaud can submit your endorsement request at http://tiny.cc/endorsementrequest Two copies of completed request forms must be mailed to the SRC committee member. (Forms can be allocated to student for filling in by request. Please let your science teacher or Mr. Thebaud.

What Areas of Science Can I Work On For MY Science Fair Project? The followings are recommendable but not limited to : Aerospace Science Behavioral Science Biochemistry Botany Chemistry Computer Science Earth Science Electronics Engineering Environmental Science Health Science Materials Science Mathematics Microbiology Physics Zoology

Do I have to personally collect data for my project? No. Primary reason is due to the fact that not all research projects require the use of active data or results from an investigation. Data Mining is used as an existing data source such as using NASA resources or other information which had been filtered and processed. Students can derive questions and use any internet source based data resource to further their research and performing specific statistical test to validate their claims or justification of project goals.

Physical Arrangement of Science Fair Project Paper: Abstract Safety Sheet(needed for all projects whether it applies or not, has to be filled out) Endorsements (if Applicable) Title Page of Research Summary(required) Table of Contents(required_ Acknowledgments(required) Purpose and Hypothesis(required) Review of Literature(required) Materials and Methods of Procedures(required) Results(required) Conclusions(required) Reference List(proper APA format). See Librarian or Mrs. Williams)-Required) Number of Papers Required(Mr.Thebaud will inform School Fair Finalists of the required #copies for the Area Science Fair) School Science Fair usually required a total of 3 copies of student project. Other Requirements(your science Teacher will make sure other necessary use of objective requirements are in place before the first week of December)

Where Can I upload all required Science Fair forms/project requirement/etc…? Your may type in the following web site address: www.cpsscifair.org

What If I need a mentor or somebody to guide me on project start up and completion? Students can receive assistance on their science fair projects from an Advisor in any categories listed the resource handbook found on line. Application can be found on the above listed website on page 81 of the 2016 handbook. Copies can be generated as needed. Please see your science teacher or Mr.Thebaud for further details.

Need more help with your science fair? Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago State University, and the City Colleges of Chicago will all hold science fair project information sessions on various dates. Please see Flyer Information will be posted on school bulletin board a week prior to meeting. October 5th science fair project session @ Northeastern Illinois University

Good Luck !!!!!!! And Many Thanks to you all students for making it here today!!! Please remain seated for raffled prizes Please do not forget to visit the cps science fair website All information and fillable forms can be found @ the following website: www.cpsscifair.org Again thank you for coming I wish all of you the best of luck for an innovative & prosperous science fair year.