The Scientific Method
What is the Scientific Method? The scientific method is a series of steps to follow when answering a question or solving a problem
Why is it important? It is important to know the scientific method so that you will be able to design your own science fair project.
The most important thing to do with regard to the steps of the scientific method is to follow directions!!
Steps of the Scientific Method Purpose/Question Research Hypothesize Experiment (Procedure and Materials) Observe and Record Analyze Conclusion/Share Results
Question/Purpose/Problem Observe and wonder about a science topic Ask “What do I want to learn more about?” or “I wonder what would happen if?”
Research What is already known about the topic? Research to make an educated guess to answer your question.
Hypothesis(Educated Guess) A prediction about the outcome of an experiment.
Right or Wrong A hypothesis can be right or wrong. Always explain whether it was right or wrong in your conclusion.
Experiment Follow steps to test your hypothesis. Your experiment will require 1. Materials – things you need to do the experiment. 2. Procedure – organized steps to follow to perform the experiment
Variables Experimental variable is the variable that is changed during the experiment. Sometimes called a independent variable. The control of the experiment or the controlling variables are the variables where no changes are made. All variables are the same.
Responding Variable/Dependent Variable What you measure or observe to obtain your results.
Observation and Record Make careful observations and write down what happens.
Types of Data Data is information collected during a science experiment Always record what you see happening. Quantitative Data – uses numbers, for example measurements. Tables and graphs (bar, line, or pie graphs) are used to present your quantitative data Qualitative Data – something you notice using your five senses
Trials Trial is another word for test. A scientist may perform several trials of an experiment to determine results.
Analyze Organize and use your information (data) to communicate the results of your experiment and to draw conclusions. Was your hypothesis correct?
Conclusion/Share Results Statement that sums up what you learn. The conclusion answers your question and summarizes your experiment and results. It must state whether your hypothesis was right or wrong.