PowerPoint Reminders Complete the following slides in order. Pick a design/color scheme/font/font size that is clean, neat, and easy to read. On May 5th, you will turn in your Logbook, binder, and flash drive with your saved project. PROOFREAD!!
Purpose Explain the purpose of your project. Why did you choose it? Complete sentences
Variables Independent – the variable you change/test in the experiment. Dependent – the variable that responds to the change; being measured or observed. Controlled/Constant – the variables that must stay the same; include ALL
Hypothesis What do you think will happen and why? Base this on your background research. Complete sentences
Materials List all supplies needed to conduct this experiment.
Procedures Numerical detailed steps on how to conduct the experiment. When you tell us about your procedure, summarize it – do not read step by step from the slide on what you did.
Pictures Pictures are the proof of your experiment. A minimum of 10 with captions/descriptions. This can take up more than 1 slide.
Data Tables Tables to show the data collected from the experiment – qualitative and/or quantitative.
Graphs Graphs to show the data in picture form – quantitative data. Label all parts. Title Label Label
Results List the results in written form, but do not interpret the data.
Conclusion In the end, what happened and why? Restate your results (averages/main findings). Interpret your findings. Support your conclusion with data and background research. Restate your hypothesis and accept or reject it? Complete sentences
Rationale & Application Explain the importance of conducting this investigation and how the results help mankind. Who could this help specifically and why? Complete sentences
Abstract A summary of your project in 250 words or less. Includes 3 paragraphs: 1st paragraph – introduction with purpose and hypothesis 2nd paragraph – procedure summary 3rd paragraph – results and conclusion Complete sentences You do not have to present this slide
Acknowledgements Give thanks to those that helped your project become a success.
Recommendations If you could do your project again differently, what would you do and why?