What is the best way of helping our students/children revise? Aim of this evening: To help you understand what revision your child should be doing To help you understand how your child should be revising To help you understand how you can support your child with revision
Why is revision important for your children? Simply revision will IMPROVE their GCSE results The new GCSE courses contain more content which they need to remember The exams are at the end of year 11 – that means they have to remember 2 years worth of knowledge
What different ways are there to revise?
Dunlosky (2013) did a study, and these were his results:
Dunlosky (2013) did a study, and these were his results:
Dunlosky (2013) did a study, and these were his results:
‘Spaced Revision’ As a school we have therefore decided to follow a spaced revision theory This is an evidence based strategy that involves 4 stages, that repeat over a period of time Each learning topic should span two days, with the first two stages on day 1, and the 3rd and 4th stage on day 2 Review a topic Transformation task Practise Testing Exam Questions
Stage 1 – Review a topic For the first 20 minutes students should utilise any technique they are comfortable with to review the topic. This could be highlighting, making notes, creating flashcards or using post-its. Often, they might stop after this and think ‘my revision is done!’. But no, this is just the start of an effective learning technique.
Stage 2 – Transformation Task This is building on Stage 1. Here the students need to transform the notes or highlighting that they have from Stage 1 into something different. This could be a mindmap, a drawing, a song, a poem. By doing this they will have to be thinking ‘how’ am I going to show this content in a different form and ‘why’ does each piece belong.
Stage 2 – Transformation Task
Stage 2 – Transformation Task Transform a topic into a cartoon strip or storyboard; Create a song or poem etc Produce a revision guide including key points and activities Create a table of strengths and weaknesses for a topic, approach, theory etc Write a paragraph on whether you agree with something associated with your topic Create a mindmap showing links and connections Create a flow diagram showing links and connections Explain why a topic is significant or important Explain a topic using a cartoon/TV character Pick out 5 key points about a topic and explain them Verbally explain key terms to someone Write down a topic in 10 bullet points Create flashcards
Stage 3 – Practise testing With a friend, family member or one of the many websites online that have relevant quizzes – students should test themselves on the area that they have reviewed.
Stage 4 – Exam Questions Finally, students complete an exam question or questions on the area they have reviewed and mark this themselves using a mark scheme or ask their teacher to mark it
Using the internet GCSE Pod Over 3,500 audi- visual podcasts, were the content is produced for mobile devices and tablets etc. They are short 3-5 minute videos. GCSE Bitesize Subject sites such as: This is written by the Geography team. Recommended by the Technology department
Search for ‘GCSE podcast’ on iTunes will give a list of (mostly free) revision podcasts.
Search on Youtube for the topic you’re revising; short videos on most topics. View on PC, phones, ipods.
In summary… Our students/children need to: Creating a revision timetable that starts early, and not last minute Their revision involves a range of different techniques Their revision involves lots of exam questions
Health Tips for Exam Success!
The most common frustrations He/she always leaves everything to the last minute. I can’t stand the arguments and stress. It’s completely different from when I was in school. He/she always has an excuse. He/she spends too much time on the Xbox/PS4/internet/phone He/she never seems to have any homework
Make that difference Your involvement makes a difference – the difference between a grade C and D – the difference between a grade A* and A. Parental support is eight times more important in determining a child’s academic success than social class. (TES, 2003 ). It has a significant effect on children’s achievement and adjustment even after all other factors have been taken out of the equation. (Desforges and Abouchaaar, 2003)
Don’t give up! Agree the balance between work and social life and stick to that agreement. Help them to prioritise. Consider using a reward structure. Make sure children set their own targets which suit their capabilities - not their friend's. There's no point in them trying to do 10 hours of revision a day if they know they won't. They will only feel disappointed.
Exercise Mind and body Exercise - is a great way to switch off and renew energy levels. The brain may be tired but your body probably won't be. Combine with: GCSEPod Recorded notes
Take Regular Breaks – but not too many! Experts recommend every half an hour or so. Avoid distractions (Games console, TV, phone) during mid revision breaks as it may have the tendency to “over run”.
Diet - Eat Well Resist that trip to McDonald's Fast-food will only make you feel sluggish. Stock up on brain-boosting foods.
Say “yes” to water Energy drinks and carbonated drinks are high in sugar. These should be avoided due to the crash effect they will have. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep the brain working. Eat healthy foods to boost energy.
Get some sleep Don’t stay up too late revising Allow time to relax before bed This will allow for a better start to the following day. Don’t watch TV or use mobile phones/computers in bed Morning revision is more effective than late night revision
Know Your Learning Techniques Some people just work better alone. Some prefer working with a friend. Some like music on, some off. Use a variety of revision methods