Welcome PGCE Secondary Developing outstanding teachers in an outstanding partnership March 2017
Working in Partnership How do we work in partnership with Teaching School Alliances? Leadership of programme (school and university)
Director: Postgraduate Initial Teacher Education – Keither Parker Course Lead Secondary – Emma McVittie Subject tutors: PGCE English Jenny Calvert PGCE Mathematics Diane Lewis and John Dyson PGCE Biology/PGCE Physics/PGCE Chemistry John Dyson PGCE Computer Science Christine O’Dea a PGCE MFL Alison Organ and Alison Hayes PGCE History Gary Craggs PGCE Geography TBC PGCE Drama Bev Veasey PGCE Music Catherine Birch PGCE RE Emma McVittie PGCE PE Marie Stansmore
Every child in Middlesbrough has the opportunity to go to a great school and be taught by great teachers. MSTA Because great teaching changes lives. ETSA Providing a stimulating & supportive environment in which trainees become enthusiastic, reflective and knowledgeable teachers WRA Values, Care & Achievement lived into being to establish educational excellence PTSA Developing outstanding teachers with a strong subject and wider professional identity YSJU KP Vision statements from all partners – ask student teachers what these 4 statements have in common
Developing outstanding teachers in an outstanding partnership Shared vision Developing outstanding teachers in an outstanding partnership KP Activity on unpicking this statement – what does this mean in reality??
A focus on practice in schools Initial Teacher Education at York St John University strives to produce outstanding, committed, creative teacher enquirers who are self-reflective and autonomous, able to articulate their personal philosophy for teaching and fulfilling Hodge et al’s (2008) definition of “student as scholar”. Three key principles underpin the PGCE programme: A focus on practice in schools A focus on individual student teachers and their needs A range of approaches to learning including active learning and enquiry based learning. KP 6
transformative and creative professionals; More specifically the PGCE Secondary programme is a community of learning with partnership at the heart of the programme. University based staff work together with schools, mentors, subject communities, local and national subject communities and other education professionals to develop outstanding student teachers who are: transformative and creative professionals; highly motivated and committed; autonomous and independent; enquiry-based practitioners; self-reflective practitioners. KP 7
To allow you to develop into 1. Excellent teachers who: Set high standards for all pupils Make good relationships with pupils and colleagues Have presence and control in the classroom Plan for the needs of all pupils Demonstrate good understanding of wider professional and whole school issues Reflect on practice to support continuing improvements in teaching and learning. KP 8
To allow you to develop into 2. Subject teachers who: Demonstrate a passion for their subject Demonstrate competent background knowledge and understanding of their subject Demonstrate the ability to make their subject relevant, interesting and challenging to all pupils Have the ability to handle challenges about the subject from pupils, parents, colleagues and the community competently and sensitively. KP
Meet the professional Teachers Standards Maintain a sense of humour To ....... Meet the professional Teachers Standards Maintain a sense of humour Secure a teaching post for next year Enjoy the journey!! KP 10
As a small group or in pairs discuss your ideas Task for September: As individuals: Consider what your own personal values are – try and write down up to 6 of your values Next, consider how these personal values might influence your professional values As a small group or in pairs discuss your ideas Task for September: Consider your values in relation to the Part Two of the Teachers’ Standards (Personal and Professional conduct) Prepare a statement of 500 words on your personal values to bring with you in September KP 11
Professional Studies and Subject Studies Phases of training: Introduction/Development/Consolidation/ Enrichment and Transition University/school work includes academic modules (2 Professional modules and 2 subject modules) Tutor contact time, Supported Open Learning, independent study and reading School Experience and enrichment opportunities Two end points to the course: Graduate Diploma and PGCE (all heading for PGCE!) KP
Calendar for the year S:\Education and Theology\Education Office\Programme Calendars\2017-2018\PG Sec RE\PGCE Secondary RE calendar 2017- 2018 .doc S:\Education and Theology\Education Office\Programme Calendars\2017-2018\PG Sec SD\PGCE SD - calendar 2017-2018 draft.doc
Part two: Personal and Professional conduct Preamble Part one: Teaching Part two: Personal and Professional conduct JC 14
Preamble: Teachers make the education of their pupils their first concern, and are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct. Teachers act with honesty and integrity; have strong subject knowledge, keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up-to-date and are self-critical; forge positive professional relationships; and work with parents in the best interests of their pupils. 15
1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils A teacher must: 1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils 2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils 3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge 4. Plan and teach well structured lessons 5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils 6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment 7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment 8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities JC 16
A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by: - treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position; -having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions; - showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others; - not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; - ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. JC 17
Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality. Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities. 18
Secondary school experience x 2 settings Primary placement Secondary school experience x 2 settings Diversity SE and 6th form experience Involves structured observations and an increasing responsibility for lessons Two mentors in school - Professional and Subject Training is integrated through academic input and school experience The student teacher has professional responsibility KP
Two mentors in school – subject and professional Training is integrated throughout the programme Regular mentor meetings. Student teacher profile to complete Subject and Professional Studies school checklists Quality Assurance Appraisal visits with link tutors University support and facilities Emc + MN on role of Professional Mentor
Legal requirement to complete 180 days Attendance Record – full attendance expected Importance of communication KP 21
Activities and expectations Guidance Where and when? What does this involve? Activities and expectations Guidance KP 22
What is it? Where is it? What does it involve? What do you need to do? 23
Preparing for key area - SEND http://oln.nasen.org.uk/ Individual training programme – how can you use this?
What are your expectations of the course? What are your apprehensions about the course? What are the implications of what has just been discussed for your preparations for the course? JC or MN 25
Organise your primary placement ASAP – get it agreed! Ensure you have done everything you need to do in order to meet your conditions and inform our admissions department Organise your primary placement ASAP – get it agreed! Undertake all tasks related to your primary placement Complete the subject knowledge audit prior to starting the course in September. These audits will be discussed at your first tutorial meeting. Undertake pre-course reading – reading lists will be on Moodle + websites for current educational issues Remember to check the induction area of Moodle for PGCE secondary trainees starting in September – all information will be placed on here You can follow us on Twitter @YSJSecondary – see this on our website : https://www.yorksj.ac.uk/schools/education/initial-teacher- education/pgce-secondary-programme/ KP 26
The good news….. Excellent record of employment for those completing the programme
What key questions have you got for us? 28