Introduction Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. Along with Baptism and Eucharist, it is necessary for initiation Confirmation completes baptismal grace In confirmation, we receive the Holy Spirit in a special way, helping our faith grow, and making us stronger witnesses to Jesus
History Confirmation continues to make present in the Church for all time the gift of the Holy Spirit given to the apostles at Pentecost In the early Church, the apostles laid hands on those who were baptized, and they received the Holy Spirit This is the origin of the sacrament of confirmation
From a very early time, anointing with the sacred chrism (consecrated perfume oil) was added to the rite This anointing and laying on of hands symbolize the gift of the Holy Spirit The name “Christian” means “anointed”
Confirmation Today Every baptized person not yet confirmed can and should receive the sacrament of confirmation The aim of preparation for Confirmation is to lead the candidate to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church, so that the responsibilities of life as a disciple and witness can be fulfilled
Like all of the sacraments, Confirmation is God’s gift It is not earned The fruits of the sacrament, however, depend on the disposition of the one who receives it
The Bishop is the usual minister of Confirmation This practice emphasizes the unity of the Christian with the bishop, and therefore with the apostolic origins and mission of the whole church
Even in those cases when a priest confirms, the connection with the bishop is maintained, because the oil used in the sacrament has been consecrated by the bishop
A priest may confirm: When adults and older children are baptized or received into the Church When special permission is given In the Easter Catholic Churches When a Christian is in danger of death
Celebration of Confirmation In confirmation, the bishop extends his hands over those to be confirmed and prays that the Holy Spirit will descend on them He lays his hands on each candidate’s head, anointing the candidate with the sacred chrism as he says “be sealed with the gift of the holy Spirit”
The sign of peace that concludes the rite of Confirmation expresses unit with the bishop and all the faithful When Confirmation is celebrated separately from Baptism, it takes place in the context of the Eucharistic liturgy and begins with a renewal of baptismal promises, thus underlining the unity of the Sacraments of initiation
Effects of Confirmation Confirmation brings about a full outpouring of the Holy Spirit It increases and deepens baptismal grace Like Baptism, it imprints on the soul a permanent character or sign It imparts a power to profess faith in Christ publicly
Living the Sacrament of Confirmation As Jesus’ witnesses in the world today, we work to further God’s kingdom, a kingdom marked by unity, justice, charity and peace Accordingly, we work with others in our society to change evil social structures and ensure that they are replaced by structures which respect the dignity of each person
When we open ourselves to receive the completion of baptismal grace in Confirmation, the Spirit works in us so that people see manifested in our lives the life of God within us
These gifts sustain our moral life They are Confirmation increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Baptism These gifts sustain our moral life They are Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord
The outward signs of the Spirit at work in us are Modesty Self-Control Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Generosity Gentleness Faithfulness Modesty Self-Control Chastity Saint Paul calls these the Fruits of the Spirit