Surgical Preps Refresher Paige Klem
Chlorhexidine Prep
Chlorhexidine Points Dry time is minimum 3 minutes Longer if hair is present Moist sites require longer prep time i.e. groin or axilla Chloraprep 27 mL wand will only provide enough solution for 8.4”2 It will most likely take multiple chloraprep wands
Betadine Prep
Betadine Points 2 part process Scrub 5 minutes Paint
General Prep Tips Don’t allow solution to pool i.e. in the belly button (it must be able to dry) Place absorbent pad below patient to prevent pooling Remove debris or dirt prior to start of prep Move proximally then distally for extremity prep Long sleeves should be worn during preps
Sterile Technique Awareness Keep your front towards the sterile field when passing Do not reach over the field Pour solutions at the closest end of the field Breaks in sterile technique affect wound classifications Without constant monitoring the field isn’t considered sterile Scrub and Nurse provide double check for each other
References: Preparing a patient for abdominal surgery, OR.(2015). Lippincott Procedures. Retrieved from: