SVD Introduction Wetzlar SVD-PXD Meeting, 4 February 2013 Markus Friedl (HEPHY Vienna)
Q: What do we have in common with Bob Dylan, David Copperfield, Montserrat Caballé, Deep Purple and Joe Cocker? M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
A: They all gave performances in this building – so we are in good company M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Introduction Front-End Electronics Performance Summary M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Introduction Front-End Electronics Performance Summary M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
About 60km northeast of Tokyo KEKB and Belle @ KEK (1999-2010) ~1 km in diameter KEKB Belle Linac About 60km northeast of Tokyo Asymmetric machine: 8 GeV e- on 3.5 GeV e+ Linac Belle KEKB Center of mass energy: Y(4S) (10.58 GeV) High intensity beams (1.6 A & 1.3 A) Integrated luminosity of 1 ab-1 recorded in total Belle mentioned explicitly in 2008 Physics Nobel Prize announcement to Kobayashi and Masukawa M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
SuperKEKB/Belle II Upgrade: 2010–2015 Aim: super-high luminosity ~81035 cm-2s-1 11010 BB / year LoI published in 2004; TDR published in 2010 Refurbishment of accelerator and detector required nano-beams with cross-sections of ~10 µm x 60 nm 10 mm radius beam pipe at interaction region M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Belle II Vertexing Subdetectors Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) 4 layers of DSSDs Pixel Detector (PXD) 2 layers of DEPFET pixels M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Belle II Vertexing Environment Low energy machine (10.58 GeV) – multiple scattering Needs very low mass detector PXD DEPFET sensors are thinned to 75 µm SVD uses “Origami chip-on-sensor” concept High luminosity – occupancy/pile-up Need small sensitive area and/or fast readout PXD has small cell size (50 x 50 µm2) SVD has fast shaping (50 ns) and hit time reconstruction (~3 ns) Radiation – O(few Mrad) Magnetic field – 1.8 T M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Silicon Vertex Detector Concept Use largest possible (6”) double-sided sensors (DSSDs) Minimize relative amount of structural material Fast shaping readout Minimize occupancy Fast readout implies higher noise Noise is mainly determined by input capacitance Place readout chips as close as possible to sensor strips Minimize capacitive load by avoiding long fanouts Use efficient CO2 cooling Allows thin cooling pipes M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Belle II Vertex Detector Pixel Detector 2 DEPFET layers at r = 14, 22 mm Excellent and unambiguous spatial resolution (~15 µm) Coarse time resolution (20 µs) Silicon Vertex Detector 4 DSSD layers at r = 38, 80, 104, 135 mm Good spatial resolution (~25 µm) but ambiguities due to ghosting Excellent time resolution (~3 ns) Combining both parts yields a very powerful device! M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Introduction Front-End Electronics Performance Summary M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Front-End Geometry 4 layers arranged in ladders Outer 3 layers have slanted forward part Limited acceptance angle (17°…150°) allows to place services outside (cyan cones) while minimizing material within M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Double-Sided Silicon Sensors 3 different types required Large rectangular sensors – 123 x 58 mm2 (HPK) Small rectangular sensors – 123 x 38 mm2 (HPK) Trapezoidal sensors – 123 x 58…38 mm2 (Micron) Production is in progress Presently ~60% delivered M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Origami Chip-on-Sensor Concept Low-mass double-sided readout Flex fanout pieces wrapped to opposite side All chips aligned on one side single cooling pipe (D = 1.6 mm) Side View (below) M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Origami Prototype Modules Single Origami module Double Origami module M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Sensor underneath flex circuit APV25 chips Cooling pipe Origami ladder Sensor underneath flex circuit Pitch adapter bent around sensor edge End ring (support) M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Introduction Front-End Electronics Performance Summary M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
General SVD Readout Scheme Based on existing prototype system (2007) verified in lab and beam tests DATCON ONSEN 1748 APV25 chips Front-end hybrids Rad-hard DC/DC converters Analog level translation, data sparsification and hit time reconstruction Unified Belle II DAQ system ~2m copper cable Junction box ~10m copper cable FADC Unified optical data link (>20m) Finesse Transmitter Board (FTB) COPPER M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
APV25 Front-End Chip Developed for CMS by IC London and RAL 70,000 chips running in the CMS Tracker since 2008 40 MHz clock; 128 channels; 192 cells deep analog pipeline 50 ns (adjustable) shaping time 0.25 µm CMOS process (>100 MRad tolerant) Low noise: 250 e + 36 e/pF Multi-peak mode (read out several samples along shaping curve) M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Junction Box CERN-made DC/DC converters for front-end powering Comparative measurement: no noise penalty M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna):SVD Readout Status 21 January 2013
FADC Block Diagram Analog & digital level translation between bias and GND Digitization, signal conditioning (FIR filter), data processing Central FPGA is an Altera Stratix IV GX M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna):SVD Readout Status 21 January 2013
FADC: Overall Concept 9U VME module (needs much space for level translation circuits) Circuit is designed, now PCB layout is made M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
FTB: Link to DAQ and PXD Firmware development ongoing Optical link tests at 2.54 and 3.175 Gb/s successful Second iteration of PCB for minor corrections underway SVD data are also streamed to PXD for online data reduction M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Introduction Front-End Electronics Performance Summary M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Hit Time Reconstruction Benefits Belle I SVD Belle II SVD Sufficient to cope with a 40-fold increase in luminosity M.Friedl: Belle II SVD 18 October 2012
Achieved Hit Time Resolution Results achieved in beam tests with several different types of Belle II prototype modules (covering a broad range of SNR) 2...3 ns RMS accuracy at typical cluster SNR (14...24) Will be done in FPGA (using lookup tables) – simulation successful Close to theoretical limit (G. De Geronimo, in “Medical Imaging” by K. Iniewski) M.Friedl: Belle II SVD 18 October 2012
Z Vertex Resolution Belle II (PXD & SVD) will be a factor 2 better than Belle (SVD only) M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Introduction Front-End Electronics Performance Summary M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013
Summary Belle II Vertex Detector consists of Silicon Vertex Detector Pixel Detector (PXD): unambiguous spatial resolution Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD): precise timing Silicon Vertex Detector 4 layers of 6” double-sided silicon sensors APV25 front-end chip with 50 ns shaping time Origami chip-on-sensor readout concept for low mass Highly efficient CO2 cooling R&D completed, construction has started Now building final prototypes M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Introduction 4 February 2013