EEE 206 Electronics I Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Musić Galib Sikirić INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT of ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING EEE 206 Electronics I 2011-2012 Spring Term Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Musić Galib Sikirić
Timetable and office hours Class Schedule: Tuesday 15:00-18:00 Office Hour: Open Door Policy
Course Objectives The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge about field effect transistors (FET), their construction, characteristics, basic circuits and simple calculations. In the second part of the course, students will learn about more complex linear devices (operational amplifiers), their characteristics and application. Special attention will be given to lectures concerning circuits based on operational amplifiers, for example: different types of amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, converters and voltage and circuit regulators.
Course Objectives Schemes will be given for all circuits, their behavior explained as well as the way of calculating their basic parameters. In the end, the aim is to prepare students for designing basic circuits on their own, considering characteristics of the elements used, and to obtain necessary calculations for this purpose.
Textbooks *Robert L. Boyestand and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,” 10th Edition, Pearson.
Brief Contents Week 1: FET as discreet component: introduction, different types of FETs (JFETs, MOSFET, VMOS, CMOS, MESFETs), construction, transfer characteristics, important relations and usage. Week 2: FET Biasing: introduction, DC analysis of JFET, MOSFET and MESFET networks, fixed – bias configuration, self – bias configuration, Voltage – Divider Biasing, Common – Gate Configuration, universal JFET Bias Curve, practical application. Week 3: FET Amplifiers: introduction, JFET small – signal model, designing FET amplifier networks, cascade configuration, practical application. Week 4: BJT and JFET frequency response: logarithm and decibel scale, general frequency considerations, low – frequency analysis – Bode plot, low – frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers. Week 5: Miller effect capacitance, high – frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers. Week 6: Operational Amplifiers: introduction, differential amplifier circuit based on BiFET, BiMOS and CMOS transistors, Op – Amp basics, characteristics of Op – Amp. Week 7 : Op – Amp applications: inverting and noninverting amplifier, voltage buffer, voltage summing, integrator, differentiator.
Brief Contents Week 10: Op – Amp applications: differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, controlled sources (voltage and current sources) active filters (low – pass, high – pass, bandpass).Week 11: Active Filter Circuits Week 12: Power amplifiers: introduction, amplifier types, class A, class B, class AB, class C, differences between classes A, AB, C amplifiers, what causes amplified distortion, efficiency of various class of amplifiers and power calculation. Week 13: Analog to digital convertor, digital to analog convertor, phase – locked loops, sample – and – hold circuit. Week 14: Feedback: feedback concepts, concept of negative feedback, practical feedback circuits. Week 15: Oscillator: oscillator operation, phase – shift oscillator, Wien – bridge oscillator, tuned oscillator circuit, crystal oscillator
Grading Lab. Sessions 15% Seminar 5% Midterm Exam 20% Final Examination 40% Attendance 10% Homework 10%