5th Grade Musical “Pirates! The Musical”
1 Stowaway 1 Day 24 Pinkbeard 2 Stowaway 1 Night 25 Rainbowbeard # First Name Last Name Part Class 1 Stowaway 1 Day 24 Pinkbeard 2 Stowaway 1 Night 25 Rainbowbeard 3 Stowaway 2 Day 26 Greybeard 4 Stowaway 2 Night 27 No Beard 5 Stowaway 3 Day 28 6 Stowaway 3 Night 29 7 Stowaway 4 Day 30 8 Stowaway 4 Night 31 9 Stowaway 5 Day 32 10 Stowaway 5 Night 33 11 King of the High C’s 34 12 Bluebeard 35 13 Blackbeard 36 14 Yellowbeard 37 15 Whitebeard 38 16 Purplebeard 39 17 Redbeard 40 18 Greenbeard 41 19 Brownbeard 42 Prisoner 1 20 Buccaneer 1 43 Prisoner 2 21 Buccaneer 2 44 Prisoner 3 22 Buccaneer 3 45 Prisoner 4 23 Buccaneer 4 46 Prisoner 5 47 Prisoner 6
Cast of Characters (boys or girls) Pirates the Musical Nov. 14th 2013 Cast of Characters (boys or girls) Stowaways -: An innocent yet spunky boy. They are dressed neatly and wears traditional but boyish, pirate garb. One might were a tri-cornered hat and a toy sword. King of the High “C’s”-: Dressed in the finest foppery-a ruffled shirt, a fancy hat with feather in it, another large feather for his sword, buckled shoes, fancy knee socks and so on. Pirates: Bluebeard-. : Has a blue beard, wears lots of blue clothing and has a “blue” disposition. Blackbeard-. : Has a black beard and an eye patch. His clothes are black as well. Yellowbeard- : An upbeat, fun-loving pirate who seems a bit clueless at times, but is really quite savvy. He had a yellow beard and yellow clothes.
Whitebeard-: An elderly pirate with a white beard Whitebeard-: An elderly pirate with a white beard. He could wear either normal pirate clothes or white pirate clothing. Purplebeard-.: Has a purple beard and loves grape juice. He might have a hook for an arm and a purple hat on his head. Redbeard-: Has a wild red beard with perhaps a parrot on his arm. Red clothing too. Greenbeard-: An environmentally-friendly pirate. He wears all green and has a green beard. He might have seaweed as part of his clothing. Brownbeard-Has a brown beard and lots of hair on his chest and arms, for he is a gnarly pirate. Greybeard: This old timer is never without his cane and suspenders. He has grey hair/beard and always wears his glasses. Poor Greybeard he can barely hear or see. Rainbowbeard-This pirate is true force for peace and kindness wherever he goes. Pinkbeard-This pirate is the “rocker” of the group. He never leaves his iPod back on land. No Beards: These are pirates without any beards at all. However, they could have patches on their eyes, bandanas on their heads and other pirate paraphernalia. They make up the bulk of the pirate chorus.
Pirates! The Musical No Beards Stand Scene 1 Stowaway #1-: Name/Name-Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. Stowaway #2-Name & Name: They ransack villages. They use terrible language. Stowaway #3-Alyssa/April: They sing bawdy songs hardly ever in tune. Stowaway #4-Name/Name: Yes, indeed pirates are very bad people. (Pauses) Stowaway #5-Name/Name We really want to be one! (They exit as all of the pirates enter and sing the opening song.) No Beards Stand
Finest time ye ever have had Come along with me! SONG #1: PIRATES ALL ARE WE (CD # 9) VERSE 1: (Strike a strong pose with feet apart and fist on hips.) All ye lubbers and lads Ye and I a buccaneer be Finest time ye ever have had Come along with me! (All pirates draw their swords and hold them high) Man that sword, ye cowardly swab! Off to sail the rollicking sea Not a ship we would not rob (Return sword to scabbard) Pirates all are we! (Colored Beards move to center) 6
BRIDGE: Come and sail the sea, under skull and bones Fist on hips Lean L Lean R Lean L Lean R BRIDGE: Come and sail the sea, under skull and bones L R (Stop Leaning and point R hand overhead) Or I guarantee, you’ll sink to Davy Jones! ARRRR!!! (14 Pirates/Stowaways in two lines of seven process from the back-middle part of stage and bow to the audience one at a time on underlined words.- Be ready at the start of the bridge) VERSE 2: Gangway, me hearty men! (3 Lines of 6) Grab your cutlass, guzzle your nog! Shipshape, ahoy and avast! Sail, ye scurvy dog! Blow, ye winds, and anchors aweigh! A salty crew of mateys (Buccaneers) are we Come along (soloists) and sail today Pirates all (Stowaways) are we! 7
BRIDGE: No Beards Seated Come and sail the sea, under skull and bones L R L R Come and sail the sea, under skull and bones L R (Point R hand high, Point high to low, cresc.) Or I guarantee, you’ll sink to Davy Jones! VERSE 3: (Strike a strong pose with feet apart and fist on hips.) All ye lubbers and lads Ye and I a buccaneer be Finest time ye ever have had Come along with me (All pirates draw their swords and hold them high) Man that sword, ye cowardly swab! Off to sail the rollicking sea Not a ship we would not rob Pirates all are we (Point sword to the ground) (Lift sword from low to high , Pirates all, Pirates all, Pirates all ___________ are we!________ Put sword away) Fold arms over chest, make a tough face to the audience! (spoken) Pirates all are we! ARRRR!!! No Beards Seated 8
Stowaways: (Continues) Pirates all are we! Pirates all are we! Groups make ½ circles Scene 2 Stowaways: Pirates all are we! (Singing and dancing like the pirates were) Bluebeard: Avast! Stowaways: (Continues) Pirates all are we! Pirates all are we! Bluebeard: Avast! (Very irritated!) Stowaways: Pirates aaaallll are… Bluebeard: Avast! Avast! Avast! That means “stop it” (The stowaways notices that nobody else is singing and all of the pirates are looking at him with disbelief. He stops, a bit embarrassed.) Bluebeard: When I say “Avast,” you stop! Stop! Stop! (A slight pause) Don’t you speak pirate? Stowaway 1: No, sir. Not yet. But I plan to, for I , too, want to be a pirate just like you! (All the pirates laugh) Redbeard: You? A pirate? (There is a pause-then all the pirates laugh) Redbeard: You can’t be a pirate! You’re too small! Whitebeard: Arr! You’re all too young! Greybeard: Why you’re all just young whipper snappers! Greenbeard: You’re all too clean! Rainbowbeard: Yeah dude, you would really bum us out! Pinkbeard: You’re all too gnarly man! Stowaway 2: But being a pirate is all I’ve ever wanted to be. It’s what I’ve dreamed about ever since I was a child. (He attempts to show them what a quick learner he is) Watch! Watch this!. (He lifts his very small toy cutlass.) Avast! Avast! Avast, I say! (All the pirates laugh.)
All Pirates: (react, rubbing hands together excitedly) Ooooo! Yellowbeard: Have you ever robbed an honest man? Stowaway 3: Why, no? Greenbeard: Have you ever ransacked a village? Stowaway 4 : No. Brownbeard: Have you ever been six months at sea without a bath or a shave or a shower? Stowaway 5 :No. But once, I went a week without brushing my teeth! All Pirates: Ew! That’s disgusting! Bluebeard: Listen up, me bucko. We’re on our way to the big pirate gathering in the big pirate sea and you ain’t going with us and that’s me final word. Stowaway 1: But…. But…. Bluebeard: Arr! Be off with you now before we… Redbeard: Season you up and feed ya to the fish! All Pirates: (react, rubbing hands together excitedly) Ooooo! Yellowbeard: Belay that talk! It’s time we sail. Throw him from the ship! Greenbeard: Aye! Throw him from the ship! All Pirates: Arrr! Throw him from the ship! (Some of the pirates grab the Stowaways and escort them from the stage. They are heard pleading with them on the way.) Stowaway 2 : Wait! Give us a chance! I know we can do it! (The rest of the pirates begin moving around…busying themselves with preparing to set sail.) Purplebeard: Move smartly, men! Weigh anchor now and away we sail! Yellowbeard: All hands on deck! Redbeard: Hoist the Jolly Roger!
All Pirates: (menacingly to Yellowbeard) Arrrr! (Blackbeard raises the flag) Greenbeard: Up, up and away! Rainbowbeard: This is sooo groovy and far out Daddy O! Pinkbeard: Rock On my compadres! Brownbeard: That’s not pirate talk! Greenbeard (apologetically) Oh, You’re right. So sorry. (He tries again.) Aye, aye and away! Brownbeard: That’s better. All: Aye, aye and away! “Stowaways Hide” Music (Music stops) Bluebeard: (speaking slowly and menacingly) Fee! Fie! Foe! Fay! I smell the blood of some Stowaways! (All the pirates start sniffing.) All Pirates: Arrrr! Yellowbeard: (quickly and idiotically) I don’t know! I don’t smell anything at all! Well, maybe some of you, but I’m sort of used to that. All Pirates: (menacingly to Yellowbeard) Arrrr! Yellowbeard: On second thought, maybe it’s my allergies. Something does seem a little strange around here. Purplebeard: Shiver me timbers! There’s stowaways on board! Whitebeard: Aye! We have to find them! Greenbeard: Aye! Some stowaways! All Pirates: A stowaway! Brownbeard: Find them, ye sea dogs! Find them! (stowaways go to audience and come back during Verse 2) All Pirates: Arrr! Start CD Song 2: Stowaway Stop CD
SONG #2: STOWAWAYS (#11) VERSE 1: (Most of the Beard Pirates are looking for the Stowaway as music starts) (The rest of the cast shrugs) (Fist to hips) What should we do WITH the stowaways? (Shrug) (Punch R hand into L fist) What shall we do to make them pay today? (Present L hand out) (Present R hand out) Toss them up and overboard, feed them to the sharks (Bring hands slowly together; Beard Pirates draw swords) (Poke both index fingers/swords forward) Heave them down the gangplank, poke them till he barks! (All look stage L to R) (All look stage R to L) Stowaways! Stowaway Buccaneer 1) (Buccaneer 2) (Buccaneer 3) Catch them!... Don’t let them get away! Send their bones to Davy Jones!
What should we do TO the stowaways? VERSE 2: (Shrug) (Fists to hips) What should we do TO the stowaways? (Shrug) (Punch R fist into L hand) What shall we do to make them pay today? (Pinch the air) (Cup hand by ear) Pinch them till they cry out, listen to them whine (Point to the mast) (Rub hands together) Tie them to the mast or dunk them in the brine! (Look from L to R) (Look from R to L as the Stowaways is brought to Center Stage) Buccaneers: 1. Make them be your servant!... 2 Be gone, mateys!… 3. Make them walk the plank! Stowaways! Stowaways! 13
BRIDGE (Solo by Stowaway; answer by Everyone): (All stop and look at the Stowaway who is held by Brownbeard and Blackbeard) STOWAWAY 1 & 2: But wait, you noble sirs, thy good and handsome crew We want to be a pirate, We want to be like you! STOWAWAY 3,4& 5: Oh noble buccaneers, please let us come along We’ve waited all these years to sing a pirate song (Brownbeard and Blackbeard have a tug of war with the Stowaways as the “rope”) EVERYONE: Stowaways! Stowaways! 14
VERSE 3: What should we do TO the stowaways? (All pull L) (All pull R) What should we do TO the stowaways? (Pull L) (Pull R) What shall we do to make them pay today? (Pull L) (Pull R) Maroon them on an isle or strap them to the keel (Pull L) (Pull R) Make them walk the plank or hang them by their heels! (The Stowaway breaks lose and runs around a bit. They are finally caught center stage by Redbeard and Purplebeard) (Buccaneers: 1 “Feed them to the sharks!”… 2. “Hang them by their little toes!”… 3 “Make them walk the plank!” 4. “Send their bones to Davy Jones!” Stowaways! Stowaways! Stowaways! Stowaways! (spoken) Gotcha! No Beards Seated
Redbeard” Aye! Make ‘him walk the plank! Scene 3 Brownbeard: Arrr! We caught you now, ye scurvy dog! Now ye be shark bait for sure! Redbeard” Aye! Make ‘him walk the plank! Purplebeard: Toss him overboard! Greenbeard: Arrr! Feed him to the fish, the bubble-blowing blaggards! All Pirates: (offended) Hey! Watch your language! Greenbeard: Oh, sorry. Got carried away, I guess. Greybeard: You said you’re getting married today? Rainbowbeard: Wow man, that is so grooovy! Pinkbeard: That is totally tubular! Yellowbeard: Belay, me addled hearties! We can’t be makin’ this decision all by ourselves. (rapid dialog)
Blackbeard: Aye. You’re right, Yellowbeard Blackbeard: Aye! You’re right, Yellowbeard. This is a decision for you-know-who? All Pirates: Whom? Blackbeard: You know who. All Pirates: What? Bluebeard: Where? Blackbeard: This is a decision for the King of the High “C”s that’s whom! All Pirates: Ahh! The Stowaways: The King of the High “C”s , Who’s that? All Pirates: What! Whitebeard: You don’t know who the King of the High “Cs” is? The Stowaways: Um, ‘fraid not. Whitebeard: Feed them to the sharks. Brownbeard: The King of the High “C”s is the craftiest crooner of the Caribbean Coast. Greenbeard: Aye! The swellest singer of the Swashbuklin’ Sea! Redbeard: Arr! The tastiest tenor from Tobago to Tahiti Stowaway 1: The King of the High “C”s is a singer? All Pirates: Precisely!
Song 3: King of the High “Cs” Purplebeard: Ye see, me squiffy, at the big pirate gathering in the big pirate sea, there is always a singing contest Stowaway 1: (shocked) A singing contest!? Purplebeard: You four don’t know anything about pirates, do you? Whitebeard: Aye! A singing contest! And all of the pirate ships put forward their best singers in hopes of winning first prize. Whitebeard: Yo ho ho! It’s a bottle of … Stowaways: What’s that? Yellowbeard: (cutting him off) Sarsaparilla! Stowaway 2: Blimey! Blackbeard: Blimey…spoken like a true pirate! Stowaway 3: (hopefully) Really? All Pirates: Not! (They all laugh.) Stowaway 4: Can we meet him? Stowaway 5:Can we really meet the King of the High “Cs”? Bluebeard: Meet him you will, ye scallywags! He’ll be the one deciding the fate of all of you. And let me warn you he doesn’t take kindly to stowaways. Brownbeard: Aye! Especially if ye can’t carry a tune! Greenbeard: Here he comes now. It’s the King of the High “Cs” and the chorus of No Beards! (King of the High “Cs” and the Chorus of No Beards enter.) No Beards Stand Song 3: King of the High “Cs”
No Beard Soloist 1- : (And sounds great in a shower stall!) SONG #3: KING OF THE HIGH C’S (CD #12) (The King enters with a flare. He might carry a feather quill that he uses to conduct. The rest of the pirates get into choir position) (The king conducts, the others clasp opera-style hands and sing very formally.) VERSE 1: He is the finest of us all Handsome, brave and very tall He can fill a concert hall (all soloists break from pose to deliver the line.) No Beard Soloist 1- : (And sounds great in a shower stall!) Sits up in the high crow’s nest Never taking vocal rest Singing, he’s the very best! No Beard Soloist 2 : Some might say he is possessed!) All lean L R He’s the King of the High, King of the High, L R Look at the King and reach right arm to him King of the High, High C’s! (KING: Ah………, Ah………..) (All applaud silently for the king) 19
VERSE 2: His voice is like a golden bird (Return to clasped opera hands and formal choir pose) VERSE 2: His voice is like a golden bird He sings most ev’ry single word Greatest voice you’ve ever heard (No Beard Soloist 3- : I think it’s all a bit absurd!) Wears the finest finery Some superb designery Sings major or in minory (All wave hand in front of nose as if there is a bad smell) But smells like a refinery (Opera hands & Lean L) R He’s the King of the High, King of the High, L R Reach with right arm King of the High, High C’s! (KING: Ah………, Ah………..) (Give 2 thumbs ups)
VERSE 3: He is the finest of us all (KING: Ah………) (Opera hands Lean L) R VERSE 3: He is the finest of us all (KING: Ah………) L R Handsome, brave and very tall L R He can fill a concert hall (KING: Ah………) L R (No Beard Soloist 4- : And sounds great in a shower stall) L R Sits up in the high crow’s nest (KING: Ah………) L R Never taking vocal rest (Singing-Sign) (2 Thumbs Up) Singing, he’s the very best! (KING: Ah………) (All Beard Soloists: Some might say he is possessed!) He’s the King of the High, King of the High, King of the High, High C’s! (KING: Ah………) ( All scoop outside left hand low to high) (The King strikes a grand pose as all reach to him and kneel on one knee when King says Ah.) No Beards Seated
Scene 4 King: (very pleased with himself and with a conceited attitude) Thank you! Thank you all. I am good, am I not? No Beards: Aye! Your majesty, the very best! King: Of course, I am! Bluebeard: Aye your majesty! But we have a bit of a problem here. King: What is it, Bluebeard? Bluebeard: Well sir, it seems we have some stowaways aboard. King: Some stowaways? Shiver me timbers, this is not a problem. Send their bones to Davy Jones! Blackbeard: Aye sir, but they say they want to be a pirate, sir. King: Oh really? Whitebeard: Blimey, sir. They say they want to be just like you! King: Well, sink me! Who wouldn’t?
Yellowbeard: We tried to explain that they couldn’t Yellowbeard: We tried to explain that they couldn’t. We tried to tell them that the world could only stand one of you but…. King: (cutting him off) Avast! Where are these so-called stowaways?” Purplebeard: Here they are, sir. Right here. (Two pirates lead the stowaways forward, holding his arms.) King: (incredulously) This? These are the ones who want to be a pirate just like me? Stowaway 1: Aye! More than anything, Your Highness! More than anything! King: Ahoy! Ye got to be kidding! Make them walk the plank! Stowaway 2: But sir! We swear each of us could be a smashing pirate, if only you’d give us a chance! King: Oh really? Let me hear you say “Aye!” Stowaway 3: Aye, aye Sir! King: Let me hear you say, “Blimey!” Stowaway 4: (with gusto) “Blimey!” King: Not bad
Can you coil a line? Can you lift a ton? SONG #4: (CD # 13) YOU WANNA BE A PIRATE VERSE 1 (Solo by the King of the High C’s): (The bearded Pirates are in a half circle formation with the King and the Stowaway in the middle of it) ( Acting like Elvis –Spiral Up with R index finger) (R Arm Lift) Can you coil a line? Can you lift a ton? Can you live with worms and have a lot of fun? Can you fool a mate and never feel his pain? (Body Swirl) Can you laugh at a hurricane?
CHORUS 1 (Sung by everyone): (Bearded Pirates rocks in and out toward the Stowaway, two per measure) So you wanna be a pirate? Yeah, you wanna be a pirate? Oo, Oo, Oo! (Stop Rocking , bend & point down) Can you crawl down through a hatch (Point to eye patch) Do you look good in a patch? ’Cause Nod 2X’s that’s a pirate! (Do the twist) So you wanna be a pirate? A hooky, spooky, kooky pirate? Oo, Oo, Oo! (Point Up) (Smell armpit, pretend to faint) Can you stay up in a tow’r? Go a month without a show’r? That’s a pirate!
Can you swab a deck? Can you swing a sword? VERSE 2 (Sung by everyone): (push broom) (X in the air) Can you swab a deck? Can you swing a sword? (Cup Hands) Can you give a speech with a single word? (KING: Arrr!) EVERYONE: Hoist a sail? Can you dig a trench? And can you stand the stench?
CHORUS 2 (Sung by everyone) (Bearded Pirates rocks in and out toward the Stowaway, two per measure) So you wanna be a pirate? Yeah, you wanna be a pirate? (raise the roof) Oo, Oo, Oo! (Stop Rocking & point down) Can you crawl down through a hatch (Point to eye patch) Do you look good in a patch? ’Cause Nod 2X’s (Do the twist) So you wanna be a pirate? A hooky, spooky, kooky pirate? (Point Up) (Smell armpit, pretend to faint) Can you stay up in a tow’r? Go a month without a show’r? That’s a pirate!
VERSE 3 (Sung by everyone): Can you do a dance on the quarterdeck? Buccaneer 1 “Avast!” you Scalawag!” Buccaneer 2 “ARRR!” “Blimey, Blimey, Blimey!” Buccaneer 3 Hoist the Jolly Roger!”) VERSE 3 (Sung by everyone): (Do the Butterfly) Can you do a dance on the quarterdeck? (R Hand over eyes and search from left to right) (wipe safe) Can you sail in rocks and never wreck? (Pretend to Row) Can you pull an oar with the very best? ($ sign with hands) Can you find a buried treasure chest?
CHORUS 3 (Bearded Pirates rocks in and out toward the Stowaway, two per measure) So you wanna be a pirate? Yeah, you wanna be a pirate? Oo, Oo, Oo! (Stop rocking , bend & point down) Can you crawl down through a hatch (Point to eye patch) Do you look good in a patch? ’Cause Nod 2X’s that’s a pirate! (Do the twist) So you wanna be a pirate? A hooky, spooky, kooky pirate? Oo, Oo, Oo! (Point Up) (Smell armpit, pretend to faint) Can you stay up in a tow’r? Go a month without a show’r? That’s a pirate!
EVERYONE: But you wanna be a pirate? (DIALOG by individual pirates and the Stowaway) Buccaneer 1: Can you swing a pirate-y cutlass?” Stowaway: NO Buccaneer 2: Do you know the stem from the stern? Stowaway: NO Buccaneer 3: Can you plunder with a patch on your eye?” Stowaway: Afraid Not All Buccaneers: Can you grow a scraggily beard? Stowaway: NO All :Buccaneers: Oh well, neither can we! CHORUS 4 (All pirates walk four slow steps stage L) EVERYONE: But you wanna be a pirate? (STOWAWAYS: Yeah, I wanna be a pirate!) (All pirates walk four steps stage R) EVERYONE: Sure you wanna be a pirate? (STOWAWAYS: Yo, I wanna be a pirate!) (raise the roof) EVERYONE: Oo, Oo, Oo! (The pirates put an eye patch on the stowaway) Can you crawl down through a hatch? Do you look good in a patch? ’Cause that’s a pirate! (All do the twist) EVERYONE: So you wanna be a pirate? EVERYONE: A hooky, spooky, kooky pirate? (STOWAWAYS: A hooky, spooky, kooky pirate!) 30
EVERYONE: Go a month without a show’r? (STOWAWAYS: Uh huh!) (Point up) EVERYONE: Can you stay up in a tow’r? (STOWAWAYS: Oh yeah!) EVERYONE: Go a month without a show’r? (Smell arm) (STOWAWAYS: Uh huh!) (Happily smells arm) (Pirates move slowly toward the Stowaway) EVERYONE: Can you sleep without a bed? (STOWAWAYS: You bet!) EVERYONE: Or clean the deck instead? (STOWAWAYS: I’m there!) (Pirates close and are menacing to him) EVERYONE: Are you scared of Davy Jones? (STOWAWAYS: Not me!) (All look scared at the audience) EVERYONE: If you are, you’re not alone! That’s a pirate!__________ STOWAWAYS: I’m a pirate!___________ (All make a menacing face to the audience) EVERYONE (spoken): Avast, ye scallywag! ARRR! (Hold 5 beats) No Beards Seated
Stowaway 1: Ahhhhrrr! (His “Arr” dwindles pathetically.) Scene 5 Stowaway 4 : (trying to say “Arrr!” but sounding pretty non-threatening) Arrg! Arrg! King: No “G”! No “G”! Stowaway 5: Arrrr! Arrrr! King: More AH! Less RRR! Stowaway 1: Ahhhhrrr! (His “Arr” dwindles pathetically.) King: (He’s had enough of this.) Avast! I’ve heard enough! Mark them with a black spot and throw them in the brig with the rest of the prisoners! Stowaway 2: But! But! Redbeard: To the brig! All Pirates: To the brig! Start CD “To the Brig” (slow instrumental march) (Rainbow/Pink place a black mark on their foreheads or give him a badge that says “Black Spot” and take the Stowaway to the brig where he is tossed in amongst a group of prisoners, all dirty and dressed in rags.) Stop CD
Blimey! Looks like a stowaway. Scene 6 (In the prison) Prisoner 1: (in a sneering voice) My, My! What have we here? Blimey! Looks like a stowaway. Prisoner 2: Aye, Jack! Looks good enough to eat! Stowaway 3: Leave me alone! Prisoner 3: (teasingly) Leave me alone! (Prisoners all laugh.) Prisoner 4: What are ye in for, mate? (They see the black spot.) Prisoner 5 & 6: (horrified) The black spot! All Prisoners: (in hushed awe) The black spot! Stowaway 4: What? What does it mean-the black spot? Prisoner 7 & 8: It means you’re marked-marked for death. Stowaway 5: No! All Prisoners: Yes! Stowaway 1: No! All Prisoners: Yes! All Prisoners: No! All Prisoners: What?
Prisoner 5:(slowly) Ye walk the plank. Prisoner 4: The black spot means when the sun comes up and choir rehearsal is over, there’s no doubt about it… Prisoner 5:(slowly) Ye walk the plank. Stowaway 1: But how can this be? All I wanted was to be a pirate…a pirate just like them! Prisoner 6:Ye should have stayed at home with ye mother, mate. Ye ain’t no buccaneer! Prisoner 7: Now your hours are numbered for sure, me hearty. And it won’t be long ‘til you’ll all be in Davy Jones’ Locker. Stowaway 2: Davy Jones’ Locker? Prisoner 1: And remember… All Prisoners: (quietly and scarily) Dead men tell no tales. Stowaway 3: Here I am at sea-where I always wanted to be. Stowaway 4: And yet, I’ve never felt so lost and alone in all my life. No Beards Stay Seated Start CD Song 5: Lost at Sea
VERSE 1 (Duet by Stowaways 1 & 2): SONG #5: LOST AT SEA (CD # 15) VERSE 1 (Duet by Stowaways 1 & 2): Shining star up in the night, can you tell me why? I can’t see what you can see, up there in the sky CHORUS 1 (Sung by Stowaways only, no echos): Lost at sea, lost at sea—tell me where I’m meant to be Hear my plea, set me free, ’cause I’m lost, I’m lost at sea VERSE 2 (Trio by Stowaway 3,4,5): I’m alone and I’m afraid, rolling with the tide Don’t you know, sure as I grow, what I feel inside 35
(Prisoners go to the risers) CHORUS 2 (Group 1 = Stowaways Group 2 = Everyone G 1: Lost at sea, G 2:lost at sea Both: Tell me where I’m meant to be G 1: Hear my plea, G2 Echo G1Set me free,G2 Echo Both: ’Cause I’m lost, I’m lost at sea G1 Lost at sea, G2 Echo G 1 Lost at sea, G2 Echo BothTell me where I’m meant to be G1: Hear my plea, G2 Echo G2:Set me free, G2 Echo Both ’Cause I’m lost, I’m lost at sea G1:What will become of me? (Prisoners go to the risers)
Stop CD Scene 7 (The pirates on deck are rehearsing for the pirate-singing contest.) King: Now remember, mates! It’s all about breath support! Breathe from your scurvied diaphragms! Bluebeard: Aye! And don’t forget round tones, me hearties. Round tones! Blackbeard: Arr! We can’t lose this year. Not as long as we’ve got the King of the High “Cs” on our side. All: (singing an arpeggio, spraying his throat, etc.) Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! (Then singing a glissando from low to high C.) Ahh---hh! All: (truly impressed) Beautiful. King: Thank you. Thank you very much. Hit it! No Beards Stand Start CD Song 6: Singin’ a Pirate Song
(All the pirates dance in a circle around themselves) SONG #6: SINGIN’ A PIRATE SONG (CD #16) VERSE 1: (Grapevine L) R L R Sing out, ye hearties and show them no fear L R L R Sing out and bray like a bold buccaneer! (grapevine L) (grapevine R) Our chantey is rough as the rollicking sea (Point to audience) (point at self) If ye be a pirate, repeat after me! CHORUS 1: (Pirates hook elbows, lean L) (Lean R) L R Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Come on and sing along! L R L R Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Singin’ a pirate song! (All the pirates dance in a circle around themselves)
King: All right, ye crusty chorus… let me hear now! VERSE 2: (Traveling arms L) R N S Ye can’t be a pirate with no pirate song (With opera hands, stand on tip toes & take 6 baby steps L then R) We vocalize daily as we sail along (Traveling arms with 4 count grapevine L then R) Shiver me timbers and sail from the shore L R L R (shout) Sing out and let the whole world hear your roar! ARRR! CHORUS 2 (Hook elbows and lean L) R L R Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Come on and sing along! Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Singin’ a pirate song (The pirates circle themselves with a silly dance) King: All right, ye crusty chorus… let me hear now!
BRIDGE: KING: La la la la la___________ (All make opera hands) KING: La la la la la___________ EVERYONE: La la la la la___________ KING: Mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee_______ EVERYONE: Mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee mee_______ EVERYONE: Do___ re___ mi___ fa___ so___ la___ ti________
Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Come on and sing along! L R L R CHORUS 3 (Hook elbows lean L) R L R Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Come on and sing along! L R L R Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! Singin’ a pirate song! (Tango, Hula, Grapevine, The twist) Yo, ho ho! Yo, ho ho! (B): Singin’ a pirate_________ (G): Singin’ a pirate________ (B&G): Singin’ a pirate_______ All scoop both hands low to high (R fist from shoulder up) EVERYONE: …song!______________ (spoken) Yo ho! NO Beards Seated
Yellowbeard: If ya don’t mind me sayin’ so, Stop CD Scene 8 Yellowbeard: If ya don’t mind me sayin’ so, Redbeard, I think you were singin’ a little flat! Redbeard: Arrr! Who you callin’ flat, ye good for nothin’ scallywag! (All the pirates start arguing, telling each other they were out of tune, their diction was deplorable, “You sing too loud!” “Your choreography was sloppy!” etc. King: (as before, sings his arpeggio) Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! (Then his glissando from low to high C) Ahh-hhh! (But when he gets to the high note, his voice makes a terrible sound.) Brownbeard: Blimey! What’s the matter, King? Don’t be messin’ around with us! Bluebeard: Aye, King! Don’t be jokin’. Tomorrow is the big day. You can’t be losin’ your voice now. You’re our ticket to first prize.
King: (still in a hoarse voice) Laryngitis! King: (holding his throat, barely able to croak out a sound) Laryngitis! Blackbeard: What? King: (still in a hoarse voice) Laryngitis! Greybeard: I think he said Larry will unite us? No Beards: What? King: (in a loud clear voice) I’ve got laryngitis, ye blaggards! How many times do I have to … (then hoarse again)…tell you? All: Laryngitis? (in awed shock) Blimey! Purplebeard: What are we gonna do? Redbeard: Aye! What are we gonna do? Greenbeard: Arr! There goes first prize. Brownbeard: Yo ho ho, there goes our bottle of… All Pirates: Sarsaparilla! (Then from the brig, they all hear a very sweet voice sing.)
Bluebeard: What was that? Stowaways: (singing in the distance) Lost at sea, lost at sea, Tell me where I’m meant to be. Bluebeard: What was that? Stowaways: (still singing) Hear my plea, set me free, ‘Cause I’m lost, I’m lost at sea. Whitebeard: Why, that’s the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. Purplebeard: Aye! And it’s coming from the brig. Redbeard: The brig? Find out who it is? This might be the break we need. (Brownbeard and Bluebeard come in holding the Stowaways by his arms.) Bluebeard: Aha and Ahoy! It’s the Stowaways! Tell me Stowaways, was it you that we heard singing so melodiously? (they sing) Lost at sea! Lost at sea!
Stowaway 1: (FORLORNLY) Aye! Sir! It was us! Stowaway 2: I guess we weren’t very pirate-but I meant no disrespect! Blackbeard: Disrespect? That’s the best singing we’ve ever heard on this ship! Yellowbeard: Aye, mate! Like Blackbeard said, that’s the best singing we’ve ever heard on this ship!(The King crosses his arms in disgust.) Whitebeard: Aye! Now you must go with us to the pirate-singing contest. With your help, I know we can win. Stowaway 3: Do you really think so? Stowaway 4: Do you really think we can help you win? Purplebeard: Well, there’s one way to find out. Gentlemen… Start CD “Warm-up”. “Do, Re, Mi Fa, So, La, Ti, Do” Stowaways: Echo: Stop CD
All Pirates: Pertinent? All: Perfect! King: (hoarsely) Perfect. Stowaway 1: (excitedly) Wow! Does that mean I get to be a full-blown pirate? Stowaway 2: We could be just like all of you? Redbeard: Well now, I don’t know about that. Stowaway 3: (crossing his arms stubbornly) No pirate! No sing! Greenbeard: Aye, mateys! Join me in a pirate huddle. (All the pirates get in a huddle. There is much gesticulating and talking. Finally, they all say…) Pirates: One! Two! Three! Break! Greenbeard: After much discussion, we have decided to ask you a few pertinent questions. All Pirates: Pertinent? Greenbeard: That’s advanced pirate talk, ye scurvy dogs, for “important!” Stowaway 4: Ask away! Song 7: Reprise-Pirates All Are We
Brownbeard: Do ye promise to never be lily-livered or ever say “wow” again? Stowaway 1: Wow! I mean, Aye! I sure do! Bluebeard: Do you swear by your mother’s honor that you’ll honor the pirate flag? Stowaway 2: Aye, Aye Captain! Stowaway 3: Til’ me dying days! Blackbeard: Do ye swear to be the heartiest, swashbuckling buccaneers ever to sail the sea! Stowaway 4: Aye! Aye! Aye! Whitebeard: Then by the powers vested in me, I proudly pronounce you all full-on, blow-me-down, shiver-me-timbers pirates of the briny sea! Yellowbeard: Hip! Hip! All: Hooray! All Stand Start CD
SONG #1: PIRATES ALL ARE WE (CD #9) VERSE 1: (Strike a strong pose with feet apart and fist on hips.) All ye lubbers and lads Ye and I a buccaneer be Finest time ye ever have had Come along with me! (All pirates draw their swords and hold them high) Man that sword, ye cowardly swab! Off to sail the rollicking sea Not a ship we would not rob (Return sword to scabbard) Pirates all are we! 49