Two Categorical Variables: The Chi-Square Test


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Presentation transcript:

Two Categorical Variables: The Chi-Square Test Quiz Salkind Chapter 17 © 2006 W.H. Freeman and Company

1. What type of data are these? Measurement Categorical Quantitative A & B

1. What type of data are these? Measurement Categorical Quantitative A & B

2. What type of data are these? Measurement Categorical Qualitative B & C

2. What type of data are these? Measurement Categorical Qualitative B & C

3. There are two types of chi square test described in the chapter: goodness of fit and: Test of independence Analysis of variance Multiple regression T-test All of the above.

3. There are two types of chi square test described in the chapter: goodness of fit and: Test of independence Analysis of variance Multiple regression T-test All of the above.

4. With a Chis Square test of independence we reject the null hypothesis when: It exceeds the mean The variance is analyzed When p < .05 We feel like it All of the above.

4. With a Chis Square test of independence we reject the null hypothesis when: It exceeds the mean The variance is analyzed When p < .05 We feel like it All of the above.

5. The null hypothesis for Chi Square is: One variable causes the other One variable moves with the other The variables are independent. All of the above.

5. The null hypothesis for Chi Square is: One variable causes the other One variable moves with the other The variables are independent. All of the above.

6. The chi square test of independence involves comparing the observed values to: Chance The standard error of the mean Expected values P-value All of the above

6. The chi square test of independence involves comparing the observed values to: Chance The standard error of the mean Expected values P-value All of the above

7. Which of the following is an example of a non-parametric test? Chi Square test of independence Mann-Whitney Fisher’s Exact Chi Square Goodness of Fit All of the above

7. Which of the following is an example of a non-parametric test? Chi Square test of independence Mann-Whitney Fisher’s Exact Chi Square Goodness of Fit All of the above

8. The Chi Square Goodness of Fit test uses: One sample Two samples

8. The Chi Square Goodness of Fit test uses: One sample Two samples

9. The Chi Square test of independence uses: One sample Two samples

9. The Chi Square test of independence uses: One sample Two samples

10. The t-test such as you used in your paper is an example of: Parametric statistics Non-parametric statistics Two categorical variables One categorical variable All of the above

10. The t-test such as you used in your paper is an example of: Parametric statistics Non-parametric statistics Two categorical variables One categorical variable All of the above

Bonus: Hypothesis testing looks at the ________of the effect Bonus: Hypothesis testing looks at the ________of the effect. Effect size looks at the size of the effect. Meaningfulness causation statistical significance Importance All of the above

Bonus: Hypothesis testing looks at the ________of the effect Bonus: Hypothesis testing looks at the ________of the effect. Effect size looks at the size of the effect. Meaningfulness causation statistical significance Importance All of the above

Bonus: Hypothesis testing looks at the statistical significance of the effect. Effect size looks at the. Meaningfulness size of the effect Reason for the effect Likelihood of chance A & B

The End