. Graphs are used in a variety of ways, and almost every industry, such as engineering, search engine optimization, mathematics, and education.
LINE GRAPHS A line graph (also known as line chart) is a graphical presentation of data that changes over time. The X and Y axis (horizontal and vertical lines) are used to denote the changes in the data. While the title of the line graph shows the general overview of the data,
LINE GRAPHS the X-axis presents the occurrences and categories being compared and finally the Y-axis shows the scale, which is a set of number that presents. The scale/number in Y-axis is organised in an equal interval to present the data more visually.
. The line graph shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai for 12 months in 2002 in millions of Dirhams. Write a report describing the information in the graph below.
Sample Answer: The given line graph shows data on Gold sales in Dubai from January to December of the year 2002. As is presented in the illustration, the highest amounts of sales were done in March and lowest sales were in July and September. As is presented in the line graph, initially in January 2002, two hundred millions of Dirham Gold was sold in January and this amount kept increasing for the next two months and in March it reached to 350 million which is the largest amount throughout the whole year. After that, the sales volume kept declining steadily and reached to 110 million in July. With some fluctuations, the sale amount reached to 200 million in August and finally in December it totalled about 200 million. In summary, March was the best month for Dubai Gold sales in the year 2002 and throughout the year the sale volume fluctuated keeping an approximate average of 180 million of Dirham per month.
Vocabulary to describe change
BAR GRAPHS A bar chart or bar graph is a chart that uses either horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons among categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other axis represents a discrete value.
Look at the following bar chart. Read the introduction to a text about it, then complete the paragraph with the phrases given below. twice as much as the highest lowest more successful than the lowest similar more pass grades than higher than less than as high as
Introduction This bar chart shows the numbers of students with pass grades in different subject exams in Wales in 2003. The chart groups the students according to subject and divides these subject groups into boys and girls.
Firstly, (1) similar numbers of girls achieved pass grades in all the subjects. The number of girls with pass grades ranged from (2) the highest number of just over 60 thousand to (3) the lowest number of just over 30,000 a difference of around 30,000. Secondly, the number of boys who achieved pass grades in Maths is considerably (4) higher than the number of girls. However, the number of boys with pass grades in English appears to be (5) less than the number of girls with pass grades in the same subject. As to the exam pass rates in Science, one can evidently see that boys achieved high scores (6) twice as much as girls. On the contrary, the male students pass rates in both History and Geography are clearly not (7) as high as the girls’. Similarly, in the subject of art, the girls can be seen as (8) more successful than the boys. Finally, girls did best in English, Maths and Art while their (9) lowest pass rate was in Science. In conclusion, girls achieved (10) more pass grades than boys in four subjects: English, Geography, History and Art.
PIE CHARTS A pie chart displays data, information, and statistics in an easy-to-read 'pie-slice' format with varying slice sizes telling you how much of one data element exists.
Complete the text about these pie charts using the words given below.
Use the following words:
.ç The pie charts show the different reasons why (1) men and women buy films. In general most people buy films because of the (2)story and the actors. The (3)cost is the least important reason for people when they buy films. We can see from the pie chart that almost (4)a quarter of men choose films because of the special effects. Another important reason for men is the music at (5)about / approximately 20 per cent. The reasons for women are different. (6) Two thirds of women buy films for the story and actors; the other reasons are much less important. Special effects is the least important reason for women at only about (7)five per cent. The (8)percentage of men and women who choose films based on the cost is (9)about/ approximately the same at about ten (10) per cent.