Warm Up The Roman Empire


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up The Roman Empire 1) Three 2) Communication is difficult over such a large area, as well as collecting taxes, recognizing different customs, etc. On how many continents did the Roman Empire extend to? 2. What difficulties might arise with such a large empire? lukerosa@gmail.com

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Historians have blamed the collapse on hundreds of different factors. In the late fourth century, the Western Roman Empire crumbled after a nearly 500-year run as the world’s greatest superpower. Historians have blamed the collapse on hundreds of different factors. Still others argue that the Roman Empire didn’t really fall in 476 A.D., since its eastern half continued for another thousand years in the form of the Byzantine Empire. While just how—and when—the Empire fell remains a subject of ongoing debate, certain theories have emerged as the most popular explanations for Western Rome’s decline and disintegration.


The Roman Empire at its Height The Roman Empire became huge It covered most of Europe, North Africa, and some of Asia The Empire reached its height under Emperor Diocletian (284-305 CE)

The Decline begins 180 CE Marcus Aurelius died His son, Commodus, took control of Rome Commodus was a poor leader, killed by his bodyguard Time of disarray follows Commodus from the movie Gladiator

Decline in Morals and Values Crimes of violence made streets unsafe Prostitution Wasted money on lavish parties Gladiatorial combats

Political Problems: Weak Roman Government Poor leaders weakened the government Frequent fights for power Many officials took bribes Talented people chose not to serve due to dangers of government life Troubles in the empire made citizens lose patriotism for Rome Being a political official was no longer thought to be an honor Few people wanted to serve in the government Out of 26 generals who became emperors, 25 met violent deaths.

Social Problems Taxes were too great, many rich people stopped paying People stopped attending school Large number of people enslaved Plague (disease) spread throughout Rome, killing 1 in 10 Famine: There was not enough food to feed people

Economic Troubles Farmers lost land, unable to grow and sell crops, out of work (and famine) People bought fewer goods, shops closed Inflation occurred: Rapidly rising prices. Money lost value because fewer taxes paid. Coins lost value: Less gold put in, people found out (caused inflation) Bartering grew: sell goods without using money No taxes, no money

Military Troubles Military only in it for money (mercenaries) were recruited – foreign soldiers who fought for money. No money to pay military = weak military were recruited Constant threat of invaders on empire’s borders Weak military, unable to stop border invasions Germanic tribes were invading Rome Soldiers no longer had discipline or loyalty to Rome. Soldiers had loyalty only to their commanders, who fought not for Rome, but to try to become the emperor.

Temporary Help: Diocletian Diocletian in A.D. 284 became a strong leader He doubled the Roman armies and hired German mercenaries Persecuted Christians He divided the Roman empire into 2 sides East: Greek speaking West: Latin speaking He took over the East, but Civil war broke out after his death

Dividing the Empire Diocletian felt that the only way to save the empire was to divide it in half Created two empires: Western and Eastern Western Empire: Europe/ North Africa and city of Rome Eastern Empire: Turkey/ Asia and city of Byzantium

Dividing the Empire The empire was more easily governable in the short term, but over time the two halves drifted apart. East and West failed to adequately work together to combat outside threats, and the two often squabbled over resources and military aid. As the gulf widened, the largely Greek-speaking Eastern Empire grew in wealth while the Latin speaking West descended into economic crisis.

Christianity Began in the 1st century A.D. as a breakaway Jewish sect Focused around the spiritual leader Jesus of Nazareth. Followers of Jesus spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. Persecuted first by the Jewish People. Nero had Christianity made a crime punishable by death.

Constantine Diocletian retired and Constantine took his place as emperor Constantine (312 CE) united the empire again under one ruler First Christian emperor Stopped the persecution of Christians Attempted reforms Main reform: sons had to follow fathers’ trade Took over the West part of the empire in A.D. 312 Moved the capital to a strategic location in Greece in the East in Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople He accepted Christianity

Constantinople Rome continued to decline Constantine moved the capital from Rome to city of Byzantium City name changed to Constantinople (today is Istanbul)

Theodosius Constantine died in 337 CE, replaced by Theodosius Theodosius could not rule the empire, divided in two again Western Roman Empire with capital in Rome Eastern Rome Empire with capital in Constantinople

Rome is invaded Western Empire unable to hold off German tribes on its borders Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Saxons German tribes wanted warmer area, Roman riches, and to flee the Huns

Visigoths Rome agreed to allow the Visigoths to live inside of Roman boundaries Romans treated Visigoths badly Visigoths rebelled and defeated the Romans Visigoth leader, Alaric, captured Rome in 410 CE

Vandals Vandals followed Visigoths and spent 12 days stripping Rome of valuables (vandalism) Many more German invaders followed Finally, a German general named Odoacer defeated the western emperor Romulus Augustulus.

The West Falls Augustulus was defeated in 476 CE For this reason, this date is given as the fall of the Western Roman Empire Western Empire was divided into many kingdoms that adopted many of the customs of Rome

Eastern Roman Empire Although the Western Empire fell in 476 CE, the Eastern Roman Empire continued to prosper for 1,000 more years Became known as the Byzantine Empire It preserve Greek and Roman heritage