People, Places, & Major Events 1950s to 1970s People, Places, & Major Events
Cesar Chavez Labor leader & civil rights activist 1962 – United Farm Workers union
Ralph Nader Consumer protection advocate Wrote “Unsafe at Any Speed”, exposing corporate fraud
Environmental Movement Rachel Carson – “Silent Spring” (1962) DDT (pesticides) “Earth Rise” (1968)
“Black Power” & The Black Panthers Stokely Carmichael (1966) Emphasis on “Black” pride, culture, etc. Not just southern, & not always non-violent Black Panthers were a political organization
Malcolm X Was public face of Nation of Islam (black rights org.) for many years Rejected the mainstream Civil Rights movement & called for more radical “black pan-nationalism” Eventually became disillusioned with this org. & was later assassinated by 3 members
Landmark Legislation #1, #2 Miranda v. Arizona #3 Escobedo v. Illinois #4 Gideon v. Wainwright Mapp v. Ohio No warrant = can’t be used in court
The Anti-war Movement Hippies “Make love not war” “Flower Power” Woodstock
J. Edgar Hoover “From the Roaring 20s to Watergate” Director of FBI 1924-1977 Compiled “FBI Files” on everyone & used them to stay in power Strong anti-Communist Possibly closeted homosexual
JFK Administration (non-Cold War stuff!) “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” Peace Corps (1960) “New Frontier” policies Focus on education, medical care, rural poverty, & government intervention to stop recession Cold War stuff: Berlin Wall, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Space Race, & continues role in Vietnam
LBJ Administration (non-Cold War stuff) “Great Society” legislation Civil Rights laws, Medicare, Medicaid, environmental protections, & “War on Poverty” Civil Rights Acts of 1964 & 1965, Voting Rights 1965 Thurgood Marshall to Supreme Court (1st A-A) Cold War stuff – Space Race, Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin) etc.
Richard Nixon Administration “New Federalism” Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Clean Air & Clean Water Acts “Détente” & Opening up China Watergate & Resignation Ford = pardoned Nixon
End of Vietnam Kent State shooting 1973 Paris Peace Accords Nixon “Peace with Honor”
The Energy Crisis US support of Israel leads to oil embargo by OPEC causing price hikes and fuel shortages “Stagflation” – US economy stagnant & inflation high
Environmental Movement Grows Nixon Administration EPA & legislation Three Mile Island Incident
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Roe v Wade
Jimmy Carter Administration Soviets invade Afghanistan (1979) Olympics boycott (1980) “malaise” speech (Crisis of Confidence) Camp David Accords
That 70s Stuff Pentagon Papers Bicentennial Celebration 26th Amendment Domestic Terror
2nd Wave Feminism 1960s-1980s Equal access to education, family, employment, stop domestic violence, control over bodies Betty Freidan (The Feminine Mystique) NOW (National Organization of Women) Planned Parenthood
ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) Title IX and women in college sports (Ed. Amend. 1972) “Women’s Liberation” Gloria Steinem & Ms. Magazine
Jimmy Carter loses in 1980